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King Dong

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Posts posted by King Dong

  1. right enough, every shop was open apart from the one I wanted, busitek :o Must been you and yer bird lookin thru the window alex? :D

  2. 40 years my junior.

    I called up a couple of my ilk this morning to discuss what dark path we were going to take tonight. It was a toss up between MBK or watch Cricket re runs.

    Your a 60+ white guy right, and u reckon u can walk into MBK with 500 baht have your pick from 100's and leave with a 20 something uni girl for sex...

    I've heard some sh1t in my time, u kinda given the game away there old man :o

  3. give me a break.. 50% of students @ some unis are wh0res, 50% of waitresses are wh0res, most of the girls @ MBK moblie phone section are avail if you walk upto them & say 500 baht :D

    You guys coming out with this crap are obviously dating/married to wh0res, and in denial trying to make yerselves feel better..

    Im not saying no workers in the afformentioned areas are avail for sex @ a price at the drop of a hat, but the figures given in this thread are a complete joke.. I think "compensated dating" is the term for what some of these girls will be doing, and they are VERY selective of who they will "date" most of the time, if you date a women anywhere in the world, how longs it gonna be before shes wanting a "present"?...

    Rather than the bar girl full bore wh0ring "handsome man, me smoke u good" category, who will go with cripples, 150kg slobs, and paraletic alchys as many times as possible in any single day :D

    Anyways, I have some sand to go stick my head in :o

  4. If shes was a Tsunami volunteer working in the area she shoulda known how dangerous the Phuket beaches are @ this time of year. Ive only ever been to Phuket 1 time for less that 48hrs but have known for years how many people drown there during this season.

    You can blame it all on this "person in charge of their group", but if he'd told her to jump in front of a bus etc. :o


  5. Theres no such thing as a pedestrian crossing in this country, they should be treated like any other peice of road with a section marked where a lot of people cross.

    If you treat them like crossings as you would elsewhere, you'll end up dead. A lot of drivers actually speed up, to indicate to the pedestrians that their not stopping. I doubt this is mentioned in the lonley planet tho, hence the problems :o

    The only motor vehicles which give way to pedestrians are taxis when they have no fare.

  6. Internet gambling can never be completely banned, you can easily do in a GBP10k Platinum card in one evening online without so much as handing over a note or swiping the card.

    People who may develop a problem with gambling are much more easily monitored/helped in a casino environment :o

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