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Posts posted by Johnthplumb

  1. 8 hours ago, koratkarlos said:

    I go back to the USA today.  Waiting for the COVID tests results are nerve racking.  I will miss Thailand.  I would like to thank all forum members for the useful advice, interesting reading and humor.  I am coming back for a full retirement sometime over the next two years.

    I think you may be back quicker than you think, but enjoy your break, let us know your thoughts when you are back in the states. Have a safe journey.

  2. 7 hours ago, ozfarang said:

    The question is why, is the USD50.000 compulsory insurance coverage required to enter Thailand.

    Seems like a money grab by the insurance companies in collaboration with the Thai government. Just another way to fleece the unsuspecting tourist, who would have thought.......?

    Shame on you Ozfarang, how could you have such thoughts.

    • Haha 2
  3. I would stay in London, treatment is free, also you have the chance of a new kidney, again, free. 

    You will not get that here in Thailand, If you do come, make sure you have excellent medical insurance for your condition, bankruptcy can come fast here, if hospitalised, also repatriation cover might also be a good thing.   

    • Like 2
  4. 5 minutes ago, Golden Oldie said:

    What rarely seems to get mentioned is the destructive effect of the $100,000 Covid insurance, plus the extra health insurance requirement simply to enter the country, on top of the extortionate amounts for quarantine hotels. For someone in the 61-65 year-old group it would be approximately 60,000 baht for covid insurance, 30,000 for health insurance, 36,000 quarantine hotel, total 126,000. (£3,062/$4,191). At my age, 72, it would total 209,000 baht (£5,097/$6,973) - just to enter the country. And these costs are jus to visit, it doesn't matter how long your visa is for. Thailand simply isn't worth it anymore. It's way past it's sell-by date, and visitors will simply go elsewhere if and when travel restrictions are finally lifted. If this government and elite weren't so determined to trouser enormous amounts of bent money, the country might have some tourist future, but as anyone who has lived here for longer than a fortnight knows, that will never, ever happen.

    Plus the return flight costs, sounds like more than £6000.00 fo you.


  5. Nice and quiet in Lam Plai Mat, I am all for keeping it that way, I like the figures for Thailand and do not want them to change, by allowing mass tourism yet.


    As Brucec64 said, I quote:- "Nobody is "stuck" outside. There is a clear path for anyone who wants to work through the process and the quarantine and associated costs. I know of many who have done it. It's a choice to stay outside."


    For a single person this is not hard to do, if he or she has a family or a loved one here and wants to return, also not very expensive. But I think the 14 days quarantine should be mandatory even for returning Thais.

    Screen Shot 2020-11-30 at 14.08.25.png

  6. On 11/12/2020 at 2:36 AM, webfact said:

    Now TripAdvisor, the review website everyone loves to hate, is warning potential travellers to a particular Thai hotel that they could face severe consequences for sharing negative opinions about their experience.



    Surely, Trip Advisor should also make clear that this applies to all hotels in Thailand, not just this hotel, should any one make a negative comment about the hotel they stay in they could face the same consequences 


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Theicemaiden said:

    I'm not sure why you decided to take a swipe at people who provided a clear and succint answer to the OP's question, and accurate links to assist.


    I note that your link is out of date and misleading, have you nothing better to do? 

    Theicemaiden, welcome to the forum, love your reply, also I think I now know how you got your name.

  8. 4 hours ago, Jimbo53 said:

    As long as there ìs a quarantine requirement at a hotel upon entry,i wont be returning,i presume there will be many people of the same opinion.

    If i could quarantine at my house or condo,then that wouĺd be a different scenario.

    Out of curiosity, does any one know the cost ( say daily rate ), will be to stay in one of the government approved isolation hotels ? Also as they are all doing the same thing, will it be a same fixed rate at all the hotels.

  9. 12 minutes ago, Oldie said:

    The Thai government is not responsible for the health care of foreigners. And honestly why should they care. Foreigners are either able to finance their stay here or not. If not they have to leave. If you know a country where it is not like this please let me know it so that I can move there in the worst case. We older Farangs are here based on a tourist visa. Nothing else. It is not a Green Card that gives you some rights. 

    Probably the UK not much chance of being charged for anything.

  10. On 9/4/2020 at 10:47 AM, ubonjoe said:

    They will issue a MasterCard if you ask for it. I have both of them.

    I also have two Accounts in Bangkok Bank, ( I would recommend them ) my first account opened in about 45 minutes with my Lady to translate if needed, in Buriram and several weeks later one in Pattaya, Buriram was my first account it  gave me a Union Pay card witch I agree is pretty useless,


    When in Pattaya I could hardly use it, so I went in to the Bangkok Bank to voice my concern about it, They there and then ( with my passport ) opened a second account and issued me with a Visa card for the account.

    S0 Buriram has the 800,000 plus a bit, and the Pattaya one I use on a daily basis, also I can use it in the UK no problem shop and withdraw cash if needed, ( yes I know a bad exchange rate ) but at least If needed I can get my money out.

    So only on my personal dealings I am very satisfied with B/bank. 

  11. 19 hours ago, Yankeesvsredsox said:

    I keep the 400k and another 100k for emergencies here . The rest is in the states 4 days away, in bank transfer requirements

    One of the more sensible answers, keep the 400k in a separate account and forget about it, as I do, very prudent, the rest is in the UK. In a emergency, Transfer Wise has been able to get the money in my Thai Bank Account is one day, from the UK.

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