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Posts posted by Johnthplumb

  1. On 4/12/2020 at 9:37 AM, yuyiinthesky said:

    Thanks, it is important to understand that there are more diseases around than this virus, diseases which are killing more people than this virus, and that every single day.

    I wish there would be only half the effort put into fighting tuberculosis, malaria, influenza than into fighting this virus.

    I'm sorry for every single one having to die, but that includes the huge number of unnecessary deaths from diseases other than Covid-19.

    Correct, in a earlier post, most deaths with the virus had another serious underlying medical condition, without that condition they may have survived, so deaths purely by the virus is unknown.

    As Yuyiinthesky said there are more diseases around than this virus that have killed more.

    The figures as follows:- normal winter flue deaths so far this year world wide 126,450, compared with 107,450 from Covid-19

    since the outbreak started in December 2019,roughly 449,600 have died from TB.  216,370 from HIV/AIDS and 122,235 from Malaria, also it is very noticeable that more men than women die of the virus, in the UK up to April 11th, cumulative cases total 78,991, ( if any one is thinking of returning to good old UK ) % of the population infected in the UK is 2.7% .

    Uploaded a photo, I think it is not to bad in Thailand.

    Have a safe day.




  2. On 12/21/2019 at 12:30 AM, ubonjoe said:

    There are several ongoing topics about a original OA visa entry requirement insurance when you apply for an extension of stay.

    On is here where it has been discussed. https://forum.thaivisa.com/topic/1138196-o_a-extensions-75-based-on-retirement-only/

    There are some office far from Bangkok that may be not require it but you would not be apply there without formally changing your address to where it is located.

    Info about the companies offering the insurance is here. https://longstay.tgia.org/home/companiesoa

    Many people are opting to do away with their original OA visa entry by going out of the country to get a non-o visa entry and then applying for a new extension due to the insurance not be required for them.

    When does your current extension end?


    For people applying for the 0-A Visa at the Thai London Embassy, they can use there own medical insurance to obtain the Visa for  entry to Thailand, as long as the required amounts of insurance are adequate.

    To get the required form, go to:- http://longstay.tgia.org. Go to non-immigrant Visa O-A "MORE"

    You can there down load the Overseas Insurance certificate. You can then use your own health insurance as long as it complies with the amount required.

    The London Embassy, if filled in correctly, accept this as proof of insurance.  Hope this helps for applicants in the UK, Attached is a copy of the required form to fill

    Screen Shot 2020-01-10 at 20.06.03.png

  3. 10 hours ago, fredob43 said:

    Don't think this will be of any help but here goes.


    I went back to the UK earlier this year and a friend of mine tried to get me onto their car insurance. As I was now regarded as an expat they wouldn't insure me. Even though I have both UK & 5 year Thai driving licences. Not a problem if I wanted to hire one though. There might be some that will do it but her one wouldn't. Flatly refused.


    On 12/31/2018 at 5:54 AM, stevenl said:

    No. Committing an offense does not automatically invalidate the license.

    It is also very well possible to have a legal address in UK as resident, and be in possession of UK and Thai license.

    And we remain very far away from your claim, still not backed up, that it is compulsory to use the UK license if in possession of one.


    I was visiting home on the Isle Of Wight early this year, when I got stopped for speeding between Newport and Ryde, I must admit I was well over the limit ( accidentally), I was asked for my licence, I had both the uk and the Thai one with me, I gave them my Thai one, not intentionally, he took one look at it and said to me please purchase the English high way code book and please observe the speeding requirements. He then returned the licence and asked me to proceed and observe the speed limits, He was happy that I owned the car and the address was correct, that saved me three points and a £100.00 fine. So up to you what you do, me I will show the Thai licence every time.

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  4. On 11/12/2019 at 7:59 AM, Puchaiyank said:

    I curiously watch the Thai police in act ion on a daily basis...Thai TV news follows them around.


    What impresses me is their seemingly calm demeanor and patience with the bad actors they have to subdue and apprehend...


    In my home country the police are quick to draw weapons and discharge them without serious provocation...


    Even after an arrest by Thai police...they can be seen sitting calmly out in the open for all to see...talking more like a father would to a son that was having a bad day...


    I know we polk fun at them about their road stops and tea money...but overall, they do a very good job...IMHO.


    Mind you...I am not including immigration police in my praise!!!


    Thank you for your last line quote “Mind you...I am not including immigration police in my praise!!!” I thought for one moment you had lost it.

    • Haha 1
  5. 14 hours ago, BananaBandit said:

    the inheritance that i get


    i'm not even thinking about a will at this point. i probably have another 5 decades left on this planet. 


    i'm talkin' about  divorce.     would my thai wife get half of any inheritance i receive after we get legally married ?


    i'm a US national, in case that makes a difference. 


    i heard that thai pre-nups aren't exactly iron-clad documents.  do people feel differently ?

    probably have another 5 decades left on thisplanet. 


    You did say you were married to a Thai lady ?

    • Haha 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

    Are you a troll?. Research global banking. Thailand  banks are one of the most secure banks outside of the USA.  The guys who say otherwise simply are misinformed, biased or ignorant.  Why do you think the baht is so strong?  You think world investors are stupid? Budget deficit in western countries are outrageous but not in Thailand. Get a clue man get a <deleted>$$$$ clue. 15,000 usa dollars is chump change in the world economy.  

    I do not think15,000 USA dollars is even petty cash to most Thai banks, Personally I trust them with what I have in Bangkok Bank

  7. 9 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    Had I just read the topic headline 'Why Bother With The 800k Baht Method?' and plowed straight in with my answer, it would go like this:


    Yes indeed why bother with this method thus allowing the Imm Pol to dictate to me what I can and cannot do with my own money?


    I appreciate that some folks may not have a choice in this, due lack of sufficient monthly income. For my own part though, I am now in a position to make that choice. And, although the 800K is the easiest option, I will continue with the marriage method.


    Thus I can decide what to do with my money. 



    Of course, with your wife’s agreement.

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Johnthplumb said:

    I am not sure if this is posted in the correct Forum, but I have seen mentioned here what the Thai government says that visitors to Thailand are costing there health service, not paying there hospital bills. 


    This was in the Daily Mail this Tuesday morning.


    Overseas patients have left the NHS with more than £150million in unpaid bills for treatment, a Daily Mail investigation reveals. The cash could pay for 6,000 nurses, 22,000 heart bypasses or nearly 5,500 junior doctors. Two hospitals in London are owed £28million each, including almost £500,000 from one patient alone. Priscilla (left) who was 43 at the time, went into labour shortly after landing at Heathrow airport. She had intended to fly to Chicago to have her babies, but was turned away by US officials who claimed she would be unable to afford the healthcare costs. Priscilla was returning to Nigeria via London when she started to have contractions three months before her due date. She was taken to Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital in west London, part of Imperial College Hospital (inset), where she delivered the four babies. Tory MP Philip Davies (right) said: 'It is the National Health Service, not an international health service and it is essential these charges are made for overseas visitors.'

    I notice that the USofA would not let her enter as she could not afford the health care.

    Earlier the BMA  said all people in this country that need medical care should be treated free, as it is unjust and racist not to treat them also because of cost.

    So could that be our insurance, if diagnosed with say Cancer or need a transplant, all we need do now is get on a plane to the UK, and then collapse in arrivals, ?


    I am sorry I left the headline off. I will try to do better if I post again.


  9. I am not sure if this is posted in the correct Forum, but I have seen mentioned here what the Thai government says that visitors to Thailand are costing there health service, not paying there hospital bills. 


    This was in the Daily Mail this Tuesday morning.


    Overseas patients have left the NHS with more than £150million in unpaid bills for treatment, a Daily Mail investigation reveals. The cash could pay for 6,000 nurses, 22,000 heart bypasses or nearly 5,500 junior doctors. Two hospitals in London are owed £28million each, including almost £500,000 from one patient alone. Priscilla (left) who was 43 at the time, went into labour shortly after landing at Heathrow airport. She had intended to fly to Chicago to have her babies, but was turned away by US officials who claimed she would be unable to afford the healthcare costs. Priscilla was returning to Nigeria via London when she started to have contractions three months before her due date. She was taken to Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital in west London, part of Imperial College Hospital (inset), where she delivered the four babies. Tory MP Philip Davies (right) said: 'It is the National Health Service, not an international health service and it is essential these charges are made for overseas visitors.'

    I notice that the USofA would not let her enter as she could not afford the health care.

    Earlier the BMA  said all people in this country that need medical care should be treated free, as it is unjust and racist not to treat them also because of cost.

    So could that be our insurance, if diagnosed with say Cancer or need a transplant, all we need do now is get on a plane to the UK, and then collapse in arrivals, ?


  10. 6 hours ago, elviajero said:

    You can, but that doesn't help the OP's problem now.

    Yes you can, many of them, but your arrival TM6 card has a  arrival immigration number on it, this  must match your number on your departure TM6. Otherwise you are still in Thailand, that might cause you problems layer on your return to Thailand, not sure about that, but !!!

  11. I had this problem once, ( lost departure card ). As i was staying in Buriram I went to the Buriram immigration office in the late afternoon, to ask what should i do.

    The immigration officer was surprisingly help full, ( yes unusual ) he asked me for my passport, he put my passport number in the computer, checked the details of my passport and then gave me my number from the computer, he even wrote out the number on a slip of paper for me, he then asked me with a smile, yes with a smile to kindly look after the next one better, he then stood up bid me farewell, all done in approximately 15 minutes.

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