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Posts posted by PMK

  1. Good advice from sbk. I would just add if has only been happening for a short period of time, don't panic - it could be a temporary problem at Amazon's end.

    If all else fails, you could alway sign up again with Amazon using another login name.


    :o I have been able to order books from amazon in the last two months while living here in Bangkok...today I tried to order, forgot my password, went to the re set passward site and received the same message over and over again..."your token has expired'..no idea what this means and of course foolishly did not write my password down anywhere, now cannot access my account and there seems to be no way of making contact with amazon.com...the help buttons of no use...anyone able to enlighten me as to what the hel_l is going on...for many of us amazon is an important resource and now I feel as though I can no longer avail myself of it.... :D Dukkha
  2. Jasmine 256/128 Ji-net - (shared with 5 users). Eastern Pattaya.

    est Time: 2006-07-08 17:24:12

    Your current bandwidth reading is:


    which means you can download at 25.59 KB/sec. from our servers.

  3. Some of the language schools advertize constantly for teachers.

    I take it you understand your employer will have to get you a work permit - something that ties up a lot of money and they will not do casually.

    The way you phrased your message "keep me occupied" and "don't need a lot of money".. there are lots of expat volunteer organizations here, particularly working with children (personally I'd like to see more helping with the old folks). If that is something that interests you, post back and I'm sure other board members can supply details.


    I'm American. I need a job in Pattaya. Any suggestions? I don't need to make a lot of money. I just need something that will keep me occupied for about 30 hours per week.


  4. Insync works great - faster too! http://www.dillobits.com/products.html. I can never download from that site though, - try tucows (time limited demo, not freeware).


    Does anyone know how, when copying a large number of files, to keep the system from stopping when it encounters an error ? This is a huge nuisance as one has to determine how much it did and what remaining files need to be copied.

    I can do this okay in a DOS window with Xcopy using the /c switch which instructs to keep copying on an error. But I'd ike to do it in Windows File Mgr.

    There must be an environment switch to set somewhere.

    Anyone know or have another solution to this problem ?


  5. There is an important disparity between your subject line and the body of your message. The subject says 'read', the body doesn't. If your goal is to be fluent, then start learning how to read now. I believe it is extremely difficult to become really fluent in any language without learning to read it as well.

    Can you imagine learning English or whatever your mother language is without the ability to use a dictionary??



    I'd like to learn how to speak Thai. Are there any schools that teach farangs in Pattaya? How much do they cost? Any recommendations? Or should I just learn on my own by talking to Thais in their language? How did you guys learn Thai?


  6. Hi Ewan,

    You're welcome. Unfortunately there was no pleasant surprise forthcoming. And I agree with whoever said that even Loxinfo's is crappy.

    I guess it is all relative but USD 10-20/month for me is significant, so I do without, except for using Microsoft's news server, which does have 2,300 groups and of course is free. As I am an I.T. manager it covers 90% of what I am interested in and need anyway. You are probably aware that all the non-binary groups can be accessed by http at groups.google.com


    Thanks Peter,

    I also wouldn't be surprised if TT&T don't have a news server.

    I was with TOT before and I couldn't find one for them either. I still have a Loxinfo dialup account, but it does seem crazy having to use that to access usenet.

    We'll just have to wait and see if anyone replies with something.


  7. Hi Ewan,

    I am not 100% sure but don't think so. The only ISP I know of that does is Loxinfo. If there are any others I hope people post their names on this thread.


    Just moved house and as a result have switched to TT&T maxnet 512K.

    Got it all working, including the smtp mail server.

    Does anyone know if TT&T provide a news feed, and if so what's the news server name?



  8. I'm no expert on this, but I think you would be looking at registering a company, and to apply for a work permit would have to hire a number of Thais and invest a fair amount of money. It would all be quite a major undertaking. My company has complained several times about the money they have to tie up to get me a work permit.

    Then your profession might be a problem. It may not be recoginized, and even it it is, only certain ones qualify for work permits.

    If you don't go through this, and just start a practice, then it is only a question of time until the police and/or immigration pick you up.


    I am a Dr. of naprapahty ( a kind of chiropractik) who is planing to move my clinic to the Pattaya area.

    What should a think about. workpermit.........................

  9. Hey John,

    Do you have any idea how old the info is on that first link?


    I've been told that a bigger dish wouldn't do any good

    What a load of cods wollop !!!

    Yes of course a bigger dish will help... the bigger the better,however you would probably be buying a prime focus dish ( as apposed to the UBC offset dish ) so you may have some trouble mounting the LNB in the correct position.

    You must also check that the dish will cope with KU band signals, a lot of bigger dishes sold here are for C band reception and may not work well with the higher frequency that UBC uses.

    While you're at it ( if you have the space or the big dish ) why not get a "proper" satellite reciever and motorised dish and save a lot of money on the UBC subscription ?..



  10. I had that years ago to Canada but I just assumed it was bad telephone lines/connection. I suppose you have already investigated the possibility of scanning and attaching the files to email. They are so much clearer (as well as free) that way.

    I seriously doubt it is the filter, but why don't you do some tests on that?


    i was wondering if anyone is experiencing the same issues. i send faxes to the US and Canada on almost a daily basis and some companies are complaining they're not receiving the faxes properly. well, they're receiving the whole page but say its distorted and unreadable.

    i was thinking it could be the resolution but even with different resolutions its still the same problem. or could it be because the fax is hooked through a DSL filter in the wall?

    anyone experienced this problem before? :o its getting quite annoying...

  11. I'll check 'em out.



    There is a piano school in the almost empty Ducksquare on South Pattaya Rd. There is also a music school on Sukhumvit highway, crossing with theprasit rd. but maybe they only do guitar....


  12. What is more important than the choice is to either dump it quickly or stay with it to finish the project. She may have a very difficult time modifying a page or site that is partially complete with a progam other than the one she used to create it.


    My mom is wanting to create a website for her little store, and is asking me which software she should use. I've offered to do it for her, but she is really wanting to learn and do it herself, so that she can update it frequently and easily without bothering me. (Good idea!)

    I've been using Dreamweaver for years, but she is a little intimidated by the possible complexity, and especially the cost!

    I'm curious to know what other people are using / recommend in terms of a free or cheap WYSIWYG Web page design software and FTP client for uploading pages to the server that are easy to work with / user friendly.

    Any recommendations?

  13. The code is in the public domain. Anyone, and I have no doubt that 100s if not 1,000s of programmers, and I mean programmers that can understand it, have gone through the code line by line. There are no back doors.

    The problem is that using it makes you stand out in a crowd -same as using a sealed envelope when almost everyone else is sending postcards.


    I don't trust PGP anymore though. I heard/read something a couple years ago that sounded like the government had reached some deal with the programmers or something ? It was awhile ago, can't recall the details. What ever it was, it gave me the impression that PGP wasn't as secure as it once was, so I stopped using it (not that I really had any reason to use it in the first place) :o
  14. You could do this with a batch file using the AT and SHUTDOWN commands which are available in most versions of Windows, including XP.


    Hey all.

    I have Widows XP and my notebook and often leave the music running or liten to the radio via the web before I sleep and often I wake up to find the notebook still on.

    Do you know of any GOOD and free shut down timer progs.

    Thanks for all your help.

    Ash :o

  15. I spotted the place yesterday and will check it out next week.

    Thanks a lot,


    On the west side of Sukhumvit road just north of Pattaya Klang. Don't recall the name but it says something like music school. They teach everything, very professional outfit. Not cheap, but music lessons never are in Thaland.
  16. Hi,

    Does anyone know of a music teacher - preferably violin, but would consider piano, for children in Pattaya area? I already know about the piano teacher on North Pattaya Rd near Sukhumvit.

    Also, opinions wanted on if 5 is too young to learn violin.



  17. I can't see the point of playing around with ntfs4dos. That is mostly used to break security on ntfs system and/or access ntfs formatted hard drive from a single floppy. He already has the drive mounted as an external drive to his laptop. If security is a problem he can, in worst case, take ownership of the files in question and then copy or whatever from within Windows which will be easier than from a dos comand line. If the problem is other than security then ntfs4dos won't help him.


    you mentioned that you accessed the hard drive as an external drive. if this is the case, you might want to try "ntfs4dos" to retrieve the data from the C: partition. there is a possibility you have it formatted as ntfs. and this free utility will allow you to get your data.
  18. My understanding is when you ran chkdsk from the original hard drive, it would not complete. Now you have the drive attached to the laptop, run chkdsk on it and it completes without errors. Is this correct? Are you 100% sure that chkdsk is running on the now external drive and not the laptop's drive because it's odd that it would not complete before but does now.

    Other questions:

    Can you right-click the files and look at the security or does that also give the 'inaccessible' error?

    Is there any further detail on the error?

    Does it seem to be only data files that give that inaccessible error?

    Also, look in the event logs: system and security, and see if there is anything there that might point to a specific problem. Easiest way is right-click My Computer ->Manage ->Event Viewer.


    the folders containing the files are visible using win explorer. But once the folders are clicked on, an "error" message pops-up saying that these folders are inaccessible.

    Profile was not passworded, and running chkdsk shows no errors on the disk.

  19. Yes, everything for the original user will be in another directory (folder) under Documents and Settings, separate from the users added to the new install. After the new install, depending on how the security is set up, the new admin may have to fiddle with the security of the old data files a bit - possibly have to take ownership of them - in order to access them.

    A major problem with doing it this way is that new programs will not go into a new folder, but the same Program files one. That can cause a lot of problems.


    A clean install is always best, since many programs will misbehave if you upgrade. If you have any data you want to save, move it to another drive, back it up to a CDR, or move it to another partition. Formatting the drive is recommended, since there are many files that cannot be deleted manually (at least not by a novice) and might cause problems later. You might want to export your bookmarks, contacts, etc so you can recover them later.

    If you opt for the preferred clean install but do not reformat the hard drive, would data files held in, say, My Documents etc not be affected? :o

  20. Bonsaimax,

    OK - what you did so far makes sense. I understand that on the failed drive you have a C: and D: partition but C: is either completely unaccessible or only certain files are.

    I take it you have tried to run chkdsk /f on this drive from the laptop. If not, do so. If chkdsk fails to complete, then other than sending the drive to a recovery service which can be expensive and a hassle (it means sending it out of the country) with no guarantee of success probably the data is not recoverable. However, I am still curious if it is all files or just some files on C: that are inaccessible.


    Yes, the failed device is partitioned into C: and D:, and since it wouldn't boot, I tried connecting it to the laptop as an external drive in the hope of salvaging as much data as possible. Unfortunately, there still are some files which I haven't recovered from C: as it is inaccessible.
  21. I shouldn't have used the term booster - I was referring to the amplifiers you mentioned before. I assumed their purpose would be to generate a better picture from an inferior input signal, in other words, improve the UBC viewing experience - or was I wrong? If not, then realizing it is hard to quantify can you give me an idea how much of an improvement it would result in? Barely noticeable? Very noticable?


    Agree with LivinLos here especially if the purchaser is a Sony fanboy, get him the higher end 40" Bravia (the one with HDMI) and a nice HDMI DVD player from Denon or Marantz and he will be happy.

    Not too sure what you mean by 'booster' but be aware that the image in the shop is normally a high definition image from a specialised computer running from hard disk, it won't look like that with standard DVD's so test it out first.

  22. Lannig,

    Well I tried this utility on another computer and it worked okay. I'm not sure what the deal is on the first one - maybe something to do with the SATA drive.


    Your last post is not too clear. Is there a C: drive now on the failed device or not? If not, there could be an issue with the partitioning table, but there is no point in getting into that if the drive does show up but only certain data is not available.


    To make data recovery easier or to manage any situation of Windows XP not booting, this has saved my life many times:


    Hope that can help someone - it surely did help me.


  23. :o Maybe I should have added a "within reason" qualifier. Not that this guy could not afford it - he is just not that into TV.


    If money is no object truly then a custom theater room built around Sonys qualia 4 1080p projector could be done for about 50k USD with the right sound system. Of course 3chip DLP at 1080p is only just coming online for consumer and not ecinema use but would run a couple of multiples of that price.

    A Runco PlasmaWall PL61 Plasma can be got for under 20k USD (pre shipping and import duties of course) Personally I am usually underwhealmed at Runcos efforts which are rebranding and customization / tweaking but the buying experience is allegedly very smooth for the really rich.

    A Much better set would be something like the LG MG71 which at 71 inch and 1920x1080 panel res is a impressive display. Its 70,000 USD price tag tends to put most buys off a little but for those whom money really doesnt matter its a nice 'tv' !!

    You still sure money is no object ??


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