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Posts posted by PMK

  1. Does anyone have any experience with Thai children going to this university? My understanding is that all the classes for a B.A. in English are given in English. We all know that kids graduating mattayom in the public school system don't have great English skills. While this person is probably in the top 10%, I'm wondering if that is good enough to not be overwhelmed. 


    Any feedback though, on experiences with the university would be appreciated. 

  2. I found it on the Internet already. Red Necked Keekback. Apparently it is both poisonous and venomous and there is no anti-venom for it. 

    51 minutes ago, wayned said:

    Looks like a red necked keelback, dangerous and venomous.


    Yeah. I found it on the Internet already. Both poisonous and venomous, and there is no anti-venom. Thanks.

  3. Like I said, according to vet, they can tolerate some intake, but the less the better. Thus the recommendation not to use on the feet more than once a week. Also inhaling is not the same as ingesting, and yes, they can inhale through the mouth, same as us. For example, think pepper spray!! It's a very unpleasant experience. Eating pepper, not so much. And again, like I said, the fumes are quite strong (and unpleasant). No creature will enjoy the experience of inhaling it.

    Why don’t you ask your vet, which is probably where you will end up buying it, - the shops generally don’t stock either, - if you have any doubts.

  4. I've lived here 23 years with many dogs. For 21 of those, ticks were a big problem, and I spent countless hours every week picking ticks off of my dogs and around the house (and my own toes!!). Now there are a few new products on the market that are wonderful.

    One you can use to spray around the house and home (don't forget curtains and other high places - ticks can hang out there for up to 4 months without feeding, waiting to drop or crawl down to any animal) . That one is Bayticol by Bayer, but I suspect that the one in the shops is a knockoff. Doesn't matter, it works. I paid around 170 baht for it. (makes 15 litres!) Although the instructions say you can use it on an animal, the vets I know say don't, but if you have a major problem, use it a couple of times a week at first inside and on the lawn, etc. Eventually once a month or less will be enough. I recently went 3 months without finding a single tick anywhere.

    The other one is BigBang spray - about 300 baht. Spray the dog sparingly including feet/pad/toes if necessary, but maximum once a week on that area because they can tolerate a bit but the less they lick off the better. Be patient. It takes a couple of days for the ticks to die and dry up. This is the least stressful way to get ticks out of your dogs' feet if like mine, they get super upset with any messing around with their feet. Mouthwash will also kill them, BTW, but BigBang has a longer lasting effect.

    USE A FACE MASK when spraying these. Bigbang in particular has very strong fumes. Don't use it near the dogs' snout or mouth

    I don't have much of a problem with fleas, but both these seem to kill them as well.

  5. I would say it was you.

    The cat was sick and you did not get it medical attention.

    If you cannot care for pets don't have one.

    Simple as that.

    I disagree in the case of cats/dogs that are strays. They would not get medical care in any case. If you can give them shelter, food, and some basic care, flea, tick control, etc., plus love and attention, then they can live a happy, contented life many years.

    One comment about Thais and pets. The rare time I go to the really expensive pet hospital here, the pet owners are 90% Thai. A lot of Thais sure do love their pets. One time I paid for mite treatment for a poor neighbour's dog and she was in tears over it as there was no way she could afford it (or even organize the schedule of shots, for that matter).

  6. How about one of those bucket things on his head so that he cannot reach the infected area.


    The cut is on his neck, so can't use this. Thank anyway for your response.

    Like everyone said, go see a vet. This is not the first dog to ever have this problem. Surely a creative vet can come up with a modified hood of some sort. If not, try another one. It sounds like the infection is not too bad, so this should not cost very much to treat, including a hood. And don't worry about him/her getting upset because of banging into things if the vet does fit one. It'll adjust to it in a day or two and settle down. Some kind of bandage is also a possibility. Anyway, take the dog to a vet.

  7. Does anyone know what might be wrong with this plant? It hasn't grown or flourished since I bought it 2 years ago, at which time it looked fine. The soil here is poor, quite sandy, but we dug a fairly large hole for it - I think there was 3 bags of planting soil dumped into it plus whatever was attached to the roots.

    I water it every 10 days or so, and use a little bit of fertilizer every 2 weeks.



  8. If they have it in India cheap, I would just buy it there, legal or not, if my liver is about to brake down there is no place to worry about laws.....

    There is more to it that that, especially if you have cirrhosis. You may need other drugs and certainly will need monitoring. Go see Dr. Theera at Samtivej, Sukhumvit. He can advise you what you need a where to get it. I think he is the only guy in Thailand that can. Book now. He has a long waiting list and is only there on the weekends. BTW, I am now in the last weeks of treatment. Need further tests but the Hep C virus was not found after only the first two weeks of treatment, so I am optimistic.

    Don't ask me for any other details because my situation may not be the same as yours, and don't want to mislead anyone or give wrong info so this is my last post on this thread. Once again, don't screw around with this, go and talk to Dr. Theera.

  9. Flea collars will not work on ticks. Ticks are much more resistant to chemicals than fleas, but the main reason is fleas run up and down the dog to the mucous membranes in the facial area (I think anus also but less so) for moisture thus pass the collar where they get exposed to the chemical. Ticks don't need to do that. Frontline is not much value for the same reason. Personally I consider it a rip-off.

    Thanks for the tip on the mouthwash.

  10. There is some new info about treatment in Thailand. I myself am on a 12 week course of Interferon, Sofobuvir (Bangladeshi) and Copegus (antiviral) for Hepatitis with some cirrhosis already. Note the any pre-existing cirrhotic damage affects the drugs that will be used in treatment and their duration. I'm not going to give details on progress because results may vary, but in my case after only 12 *days* it is all I could have hoped for. I do have to continue on for the full 12 weeks.

    Anyone interested - and also in the prospect of getting Solvadi in Thailand in the near future, because he is the guy that will know, make an appointment with Dr. Theera at Samitivej, Sukhumvit. He is only there on weekends, has a wait list of a few months, and will probably charge 2,500 per appointment. Regarding the availability of Solvadi in Thailand, the situation is in a state of flux right now. He will have the latest info. If you want immediate treatment you *may* have to go buy the drugs in India or Bangladesh youself. He can provide details on that.

    Fibroscan results don't seem to affect treatment much. It'll indicate how much damage is present, like taking temperature will on how bad your fever is. The bottom line is long term Hepatitis C significantly raises the odds on getting liver cancer as well as serious cirrhotic damage and should be dealt with if at all possible.

  11. When I get new tires, I always use one of the old ones, as a "new" spare tire.

    ^^^^Ditto. I almost always change all four tires at the same time...I pick the best looking of the old four and that tire becomes my new-old spare until the next tire change.

    What do you guys do though with the original "spare tyre" - especially if unused but may be 3-5 years old. Or do you only actually buy 3 new tyres?

    That was the whole point of my question. Given the great info Pib posted, I intend to mount the spare on the car and just buy one new one (just my front tires need replacing).

    1. Mail shipment from India: the following Indian brands like HEPCINAT, HEPCVIR, RESOF, SOFOVIR, SOVIHEP - price for 12 weeks treatment is 1500$, price for 24 weeks treatment is 2650$ . Special rates forMYHEP 400mg TABLETS MANUFACTURED IN MYLAN LABS IS 1300$/12W AND 2300$/24W . ALL transport extra fees included. We will take charge of every risk associated with the shipment of drugs, eventually you will get the parcel delivered directly to your hands, the shipping is carried out by EMS company.
    2. Pick-up from our office at Mumbai: the price for 12 weeks treatment is 1200$, all risks associated with custom processing will be tackled by the customer.

    Before the payment, we will ask you to provide a scanned copy of a PCR test result for HCV RNA (qualitative, quantitative, genotyping), or a medical prescription used to prove the necessity of purchasing SOFOSBUVIR. Copy of the document should be attached in the ‘personal order” subject, or sent via e-mail after the request has been processed. Please note that requests with no documents attached are processed as a low priority, consequently we kindly ask you to prepare the necessary scanned copies beforehand.


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  12. You can get it (generic) now out of India. They claim delivery guaranteed.

    1. Mail shipment from India: the following Indian brands like HEPCINAT, HEPCVIR, RESOF, SOFOVIR, SOVIHEP - price for 12 weeks treatment is 1500$, price for 24 weeks treatment is 2650$ . Special rates forMYHEP 400mg TABLETS MANUFACTURED IN MYLAN LABS IS 1300$/12W AND 2300$/24W . ALL transport extra fees included. We will take charge of every risk associated with the shipment of drugs, eventually you will get the parcel delivered directly to your hands, the shipping is carried out by EMS company.


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