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Posts posted by kingdong

  1. 9 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    Good point. Polls now suggest that KS is well ahead of continuity Corbyn (Long Bailey), but time will tell. KS is no fool, his recent statements have suggested that he is moving cautiously towards a nuanced, but more open position of reforming the party. 


    Given that numerous Tories claimed to have joined the Labour Party specifically to elect Corbyn (For them the gift that goes on giving) now would be the time to join the Labour Party and vote Starmer or Phillips, to ensure that the LP doesn't descend to the ocean floor as in the amusing HIGNFY video posted by Vogie. ("Enjoy Jon Richardsons take on J Corbyn.")


    This slow motion crash has been gifted by the idiocy of Ed Miliband, who made it possible for people to sign up for the party for a minimal fee, and vote in elections shortly afterwards. One way to start the repair would be to require members to be signed up for 6 months to a year before they were entitled to vote.


    "Once Corbyn and his crew fell into the elephant trap and agreed to call an election". Elephant traps are a red rag to a bull for Jeremy, tell him where one is and he will leap into it. The anti Brexit majority in the house was destroyed because the LP would not accept a caretaker leader, it was Corbyn or nothing. However given Corbyn, Laverty, Milne, Murphy, and McLusky's impeccable Europhobe credentials, this may have worked out just as they hoped. (They would probably just rather have won the election, but a brain dead lemming could have told them that was never going to happen).

    Blair reformed the Labour party want another lot of wars in the !middle east?h

  2. 10 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:


    It appears that many are stuck in the symplistic "Millionaire Champagne Socialist" groove. Times have changed, anyone with a moderately sized house anywhere near the centre of London, is a millionaire. Champagne is no longer particularly expensive (It is just pish water to me, tastes foul, if you want a good bubbly white try Blanquette de Limoux). Socialists are no longer expected to live in squalor to prove how noble and self sacrificing they are. The Tories are awash with millionaires, indeed multi millionaires, many with inherited wealth (Starmer was a hard working top lawyer and DPP, he earned the bulk of his money).

    Try removing the beam from your own eyes before making a fuss about the motes in the eyes of others.


    "Starmer's problem is that he's a diehard Remainer, and that train has left the station." The train has left the station it is true, but I can't imagine that it will be a big issue in 5 years time. I expect that leavers will by then be wondering how they could possibly have been taken in by Farage et al, as UK plc continues to decline (Overtaken by India already, and about to be pushed into 7th place by France). Why they should blame Starmer anymore than any other person who supported Remain I can't see. If a week is a long time in politics, how long is 5 years? 



    When the eu go,'es down the gurgler  watch all the reformed remainer s saying how right it was to leave,how's france?seems the natives are restless.

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  3. On 12/31/2019 at 1:41 PM, DannyCarlton said:

    Yep, gap has been widening for 10 years since the Tories formed the Government. Now Johnson is in expect more of the same. You ain't seen nothing yet. Double whammy too as he's going to destroy the £.

    It wasn,t Johnson who "sent out the search party's to rub the right wings nose in it"subsequently creating a glut of cheap labour,and they wonder why the brexit vote was so high in working class areas.

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  4. 1 hour ago, RyanWalker said:

    Actually I agree with you mate. I spend a sh*tload of money at supermarkets on food. Now some people would say yeah but I biy expensive stuff or I don't need it.. So then what's the point of living in Thailand anyway? The UK is cheaper than Thailand. Oh and the visa cost. If I imagine what I could have done with 40 visa runs money.. ????

    Every year my bag gets heavier with western food.mates in pattay a ask me to get.

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  5. 8 hours ago, yogi100 said:

    They don't like their women getting involved with Goy men or boys.


    They'll try to keep it in the faith at all costs, I've seen it with a Jewish family in South London when their daughter started showing an interest in the local non Jewish boys.


    They shipped out and headed off to Muswell Hill before you could say Tommy Robinson. Muswell Hill is an area popular with Jews in North London.

    Oi yoi yoi

  6. 1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

    According to certain reports the gap between the rich and poor in the UK has been widening for some years.


    We've now got in work benefits for the low paid.

    Zero hour contracts which mean if there is no work there's no money.

    And Food Banks where they dole out free food to the needy.

    All new developments.

    And the availability and the waiting times for medical services are getting longer.

    And an acute housing shortage in a country with a much colder climate than Thailand. 

    Agree with you,however the working conditions are dictated by the medium of supply and demand,and at the moment there is a glut of cheap Labour available,this keeps wages low and conditions as you describe kak,there are 2.5 million eu citizens resident in the uk just now,what do,es that tell you about conditions in their country of birth?things are going to get worse before they get better.

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  7. 10 hours ago, Denim said:

    Whatever. Mankind's extinction would be a good result for the planet. We are not the be all and end all of creation.


    We have been given the wonderful gift of life and intelligence and yet we have abused this gift for thousands of years.


    Whatever the planet has in store for us we deserve it.

    Get greta in,she,'ll sort it all out.

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