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About Bohemianfish

  • Birthday January 21

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  1. Thailand attacks people with mental health issues?
  2. Pitbull? Vicious breed? Friendly one minute then not the next?
  3. They are committing atrocities against its citizen, many older and vulerable. SS is overstressed without enough workers. They want to make it difficult to fix anything if you have a problem. They want to create friction so they pay out less and end up destroying peoples' lives.
  4. Musk has yet to prove much fraud. In fact, its been reported they are having a hard time finding it. How is Musk exaclty right? Are you DOGE?
  5. Sad. Saw this happen up at Wat Phra That Doi Suthep in Chiang Mai. We heard it. It sounded like a bomb when it fell into a ditch and I took cover, military training reaction? Later heard someone died. A truck full of military personal simply drove by it and didn't stop. Kept moving along. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1400138/bus-plunges-off-road-by-wat-doi-suthep-in-chiang-mai-4-hurt
  6. The thai people got phones and Internet and found out how the rest of the world lives.
  7. Wonder why he is going after dentists. Obsession.
  8. I do Keto Intermittent Fasting. Just eat dinner. Trying to do a more intense fast so eating less. Trying to avoid triggering insulin and increasing insulin resistance. Do take a day or two off when my wife is not working. Had frozen pizza the other day. Chicken thighs, sardines, grass fed butter, leafy veggies, green beans. Keep under 20 carbs per day. 1/4 cup of walnuts. Extra virgin olive oil. A small steak. Eggs. Mixed nuts. Adkins low carb is similar and I refer to their food list mostly: https://au.atkins.com/why-atkins/the-phases/ Trying to walk briskly for a period in the mornings, weather permitting.
  9. Hard to comment when only 5 or 6 facts without any context are given. Sounds like a one-sided story.
  10. Hope that when we move there we can adapt okay. Wife is Thai, but she doesn't like hot. She prefers the cold of Puget Sound. Doesn't get too hot or too cold, but colder than Thailand. She had a hard time on a trip there and I was perfectly happy with the sun and heat. But after 3 weeks, we looking forward to leaving.
  11. Here in the states, I found Kerrygold (from Costco) to be a butter a lot of people, myself included, love to eat. I eat it daily for a keto-ish diet. Is there a similar brand in Thailand? I assume it is imported from New Zealand? And how much are butter prices for high quality grass-fed butter? Tolerable? How is domestic? We try to be on the healthy side with food (organic as we can, food with fewer additives if any) and mostly cook at home - and its cheaper to do so. My wife is Thai and we plan to move there eventually.
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