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Posts posted by TroyC

  1. 1 hour ago, Senior Player said:


    UPDATE: I've just noticed that you're discussing the 6-month visa (METV) and not the 2-month one. Sorry. My information is for the 60-day SETV.

    I thought the discussion was regarding the 60 day SETV - and Chivas comment about being told he had to prove a £1500pcm income was for a SETV.


  2. No sympathy for you. Life is what you make it. Get off your arse and sort yourself out. My life fell apart in my mid 30's and i lost everything, including my partner, house, family disowned me and friends all turned their backs, and declared bankrupt,  and ended up with chronic drug addiction. But i pulled myself out of my hole, ended up just doing voluntary work living hand to mouth just to try and help build my self esteem, and grafted so hard just to get respected again, discovered fitness and exercise and never looked back. It was the hardest time of my life, and yes there were some very dark moments.


    But by coming through the otherside on my own with my sanity intact, drug free for over 10 years,  fit and healthy i am now stronger than ever, regularly running marathons,  earning a good salary with and a very close network of friends. And i feel blessed i went through what i did. We all have amazing potential inside of us, but you must stop drinking immediately, if you cannot control your alcohol consumption then you cannot drink at all, its that simple.


    If you carry on drinking and burying your head in the sand then there are only 2 places you will end up - a cemetary or a mental institution.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I supplied a sponsorship letter stating i would cover ALL the costs for her trip to the UK, which we stated would be for one month.


    I provided 6 months of my bank statements showing ample balances to cover the cost of this.


    I provided my house council tax, utility bills and a statement showing my mortgage has been cleared.


    We have been together 2 years, in which time have spent 9+ months together in Thailand - i supplied photocopy of my passport showing the relevant Thai visas, hotel bookings together, internal Thai flights together, we have also rented property together in Thailand which i supplied the contracts from. Also supplied photo and communication evidence for the entire duration of our 2 year relationship.


    I stated that i give my GF a monthly allowance, and provided details of the transfers i had made for this.

  4. Just hoping for any advice from the more experienced amongst you, we just got the refusal letter for the 1st Applications for my gf's UK visit visa, and yes i am under no illusions of how difficult it will be especially due to her unemployment status in Thailand. I understand the chances of getting a visa for her are pretty slim but i still want to give it the best shot i can.


    The refusal letter gave the 2 reasons as follows:


    "You state that you live in Udon Thani are unemployed and have no savings of your own. You have declared that you received a regular income from your family of xxx Thai Baht. You have provided various land documents and deeds however these documents do not satisfactorily evidence your financial circumstances as there is no indication how you receive any revenue from these properties. The documents also do not indicate the source of the regular income stated in your application and therefore i am not satisfied about the circumstances surrounding your finances in Thailand"


    "You have provided an account statement for Bangkok Bank Account xxxx. Whilst i acknowledge the funds present in your account, i note that the transactions made to this account do not correspond with your stated annual income. The documents provided do not satisfactorily evidence the source of these funds. These discrepancies lead to doubts as to whether the closing balance of your account forms an accurate picture of your personal circumstances or that these monies are genuinely available to you"


    Now when i completed the original Visa Application Form - there was a section for Employment followed by Income and Expenditure - now i presumed the money which i send my partner would be regarded as income, so i completed the application with that understanding, so i entered the following:

    What is your employment status? - Unemployed
    Do you have any other income or any savings? - Other regular income
    What kind of regular income do you have? - Allowance or regular money from your family
    Total amount that you get in a year - xxxx Thai Baht
    How much money are you planning to spend on your visit to the UK? - £xxxx
    What is the total amount of money you spend each month? - xxxx Thai Baht


    and for the total amount she received in a year, i made sure the amount was twice what was showing as credited to her bank account from me for her 6 month bank statements we provided.


    For supporting evidence i included all the remittances for money transfers i had made into my partners Bangkok Bank - which matched her bank statement, and also matched the exact figure i gave for her "other regular income" We also made no references anywhere about receiving any income from her properties because she does not.
    In both our covering letters i also stated that i send my partner a regular payment to her Bangkok bank every month. I also included a sponsors letter stating i would cover ALL her costs for this visit.

    So is it because i selected the "Other regular income" and "Allowance or regular money from your family" which has caused this problem? On our next attempt for a visa should i select No Income.
    Any advice or suggestions would be gratefully accepted.

  5. Well i was going to apply for my next SETV through the online system and organise an expensive inconvenient stay in london, usually just done it by post to london, My plan for my next visit had been a flight from london to vientiane and an over land entry to Nong Khai.


    But now seeing you need actual booked flight tickets into Thailand to apply, so that means the only way to enter now is through an airport?

  6. 2 hours ago, Peterbilt said:

    Would be nice to know where the 2 SETV and the METV had been issued. May be there's a connection between the country where the TVs have been issued and the chances of denial at DMK or BKK.

    All issued from London, and i have been back to the UK for at least 3 months between each of my visits to Thailand - and have no extension stamps in my passport. 

    • Like 1
  7. I have had to admit defeat with my cycling in this heat. Heart rate just spikes right up within a few minutes of heading out the door in Ban Dung Issan. So have treated myself to a decent spin bike, set up in the spare room with air con, so can still manage to get my fix of endorphines a few times a week. I just could not imagine not exercising at least every other day.

    • Like 1
  8. Buy BTC from localbitcoins.com from a Thai seller, you transfer from your Thai bank account. Then use an exchange like Binance to exchange your btc to zec (requires no kyc for upto 2btc equiv withdrawals per day) withdraw zec from binance to your local wallet.

  9. Many thanks for your replies I will be carrying at least 20k Baht cash with me (always make sure i do when going thru immigration) and have proof of my return flight back to the UK at the end of May as i need to return for a couple of weeks business before coming back to Thailand. Will also do a hotel booking as you recommended that i can cancel. So hopefully that will help.


    i have emailed a few companies to see if they are offering priority lane service thru DMK immigration and wait to hear back.


    i was not sure if i should mention about the Thai GF to immigration, as thought it would mean that i was not really a true tourist. But i will take your advice regarding getting her to write a letter and a photocopy of her id card to show the io.


  10. Hi there, just after some advice from those with more experience than myself.


    Im 44 year old Brit. First came to Thailand on 27th Feb 2018 and departed 25th March 2018 back to UK on a visa exempt. Then returned on 11th June 2018 and departed on 1st August 2018 on a SETV issued London. Then returned to Thailand on 10th October 2018 and departed 8th December 2018 on another SETV issued London. 


    Now back in Thailand, arrived 7th March 2019 on a METV issued London. Have booked to go to Da Nang with my Thai gf on 22nd April for 10 days - flying from DMK. But have been browsing some of the threads here regarding problems with immigration at DMK - just wish i had seen them before i booked my Air Asia return flight from DMK to Da Nang. Should i be concerned about having problems re-entering the Kingdom when i return back to DMK on 2nd May? I have calculated that when i re-enter i would have spent a total of 152 days within the Kingdom in the last 365 days.


    I have no extension stamps in my UK passport - just one VOA, 2 SETVs and 1 METV.


    I am debating if i should fork out on a new flight from Da Nang to Swampy or just wait and see what happens when i return to DMK.


    Any thoughts/advice/opinions greatly accepted.

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