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Edwin Cameron

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Everything posted by Edwin Cameron

  1. That's a very nice watch you have on your wrist Wissanu,bet it wasn't cheap.
  2. It's so obvious to any person with a pea brain that he knew everything that was going to happen to him before he landed in Thailand,he will probably be out before Xmas,let's see,I find the whole thing an insult to Thai people.
  3. 2 tied laws for the rich and poor,of course he was going to be let off,what happened to the law of serving a 3rd. of your sentence before you can appeal for a Royal Pardon?
  4. The ' Old Pals Act.' Is alive and well in Thailand, everybody else that has a sentence has to serve a 3rd. of their sentence before being eligible for a Royal Pardon. Thai :Law,we'll see what happens, but I can assure you he won't be incarcerated longer
  5. I'm damn sure they wouldn't fly me to an International Hospital, definitely double standard here. Chief 'Nastee' has to get a little more nastier ......!
  6. Put the poor guy on a 'Champagne' drip, something that he's used to.
  7. They are a bunch of 'No Hopers' why draw negative attention to such a worthy drug?
  8. Money talks..!the Thai screws take a knee.whats wrong with him going into general prison population?don't tell me his money will not open doors for him and his entourage.
  9. Sorry to hear that,yes,not a very good way to pass away.
  10. Shades of 'Joey Biden and Hunter' here. Thailand,your much better than this,come clean with all the evidence against him,do something about it NOW or it will keep on festering.
  11. Got to laugh at whoever writes these stories,no amount of 'Brasso Polish' will take the 'Tarnish' off Pattaya,arguebly largest sex trade in Asia and corruption is rife,I still love the place and have been going there frequently since 1967 and still keep going back .
  12. You have punished him for many years and I'm sure he is a reformed man that miss's his country badly as a Thai that is banished from returning is the worst punishment to have bestowed on him, show a bit of compassion and let him return. thank you.
  13. A BIG Happy Birthday Thaksin, I understand how much you miss Thailand and hope it wont be much longer till you return.
  14. This is blatant discrimination, if we did that here in Australia we would be labelled 'Racist's'....
  15. They deserve what they get, it's the era of cctv and all soughts of magic technology,my oh my they need to come into the 21st century if they don't want to turn into Bangkok taxi drivers.
  16. When I was there 12 years ago I became friendly with a local who was a fringe worker on the island, he told me very matter of factly that the island was controlled by it's own Mafia,with the empathise on 'Controlled'. you have to take into consideration that most police are corrupt sorry to say and i have been coming to Thailand for over 50 years and that doesn't change
  17. You must ask yourself why his nick-name is 'Big Joke' ? I would say self exoplanetary, like so many of these fools that put on a pretty uniform with lot's of 'Pips' and work to feather there own nest's.
  18. As usual discrimination and racism on display in Thailand where they 'smile'as they rip you off..! not bad enough to openly display two cost's when you travel through a National Park or Themed attraction. WAKE UP THAILAND,your going backwards.
  19. Take a few minutes and think about this, the Govt. will have a very tight control over the entire society and YOUR freedom is stripped from you in the blink of your eye. DON'T EVER AGREE TO IT..!
  20. Go ahead,then watch the Thai tourist industry implode..! I for one shall not go to Thailand,Vietnam is cheaper and more interesting anyway.
  21. Put a 'Submarine' tax on all the Chinese that are coming to Thailand, also garnishee Prayut's wages and make him pay for HIS mistakes, I'm sure there was a nice little 'Backhander' in it for him in the first instance.
  22. I really hope he was rewarded adequately..
  23. Good luck my friend, it must be very frustrating for you,
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