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Posts posted by samuttodd

  1. I sent her an email and she said she doesn't carry it... Had no idea where they might.


    Hmm,  I guess I'll have to take up I.V. drugs or learn how to swear or something else that is bad for me or has a negative social connotation.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 19 hours ago, brokenbone said:

    bear in mind most men here are above 50 and thusly

    has no chance of 'dating' any girl without paying for it.

    you were not above 50 and thus couldnt relate

    Whew,  I'm still on the right side of 50 for the next 5 months.  


    In answer to the question posed in the title,  why not?   If she is kind to you and you both enjoy each others company... But only if she can forgive you for having feelings for (and  dating) a prostitute.

  3. I live near the river and watch the ships come and go each day from my window.


    Most of the vessels are dredges.

    I've noticed that some of the dredge vessels are going out loaded to the plumbline,

    and some of them are coming in loaded to the plumbline.


    I'm only about 1000 m from the mouth of the river.


    I would think that the dredge should load up upriver,

    go off in the salt water and dump it's load,

    and then go back empty to pick up more dirt  from the river bottom...


    Apparently loaded dredge ships are going up River from the mouth. Why would this be?


    are they coming back full of water to act as ballast?



    • Haha 1
  4. On 4/17/2019 at 8:17 PM, SEtonal said:

    Billionaire Peter Thiel and other wealthy Americans have decided to go to New Zealand in the event of disaster.   They have built underground bunkers in New Zealand and their lavish homes have safe rooms.   Peter Thiel became a citizen of New Zealand after 12 days in the country, while others are choosing New Zealand's Investor Plus Visa.




    I am not certain why they would select NZ, as it is as seismically active as Japan,  and more than likely will remain so.


     The notion of "bugging out" of anyplace the size of BKK is just plain silly.   The roads are jacked every day as it is,  add some calamity on top of that and look out!


    At that point,  fighting off the zombie hoards will not be effective.    Your best bet is to try to get out as soon as possible,  but in the mean time blend into the background as much as possible... Good luck with your white skin.   Have a way to make clean water, and a skill that people need and don't be an <deleted>... 


    and of course,  panic sex (with total strangers) at the slightest sign that the human race may go extinct,  and you are it's only way of salvation.

  5. I went for a spin on my motorbike today in Samut Sakhon.   I decided to roll by the Chan Le place (it is the spot on the water with the red dock that goes out for about 1/2 mile over the water.)


    Looks like in the evenings you can check out phosforescent/sp lights in the water from some sort of bio illuminescent critter.


    on my way back I saw some motion in a feild that has been left barren and vacant,  I was stunned when I saw 2 Big river otters chasing each other around out in the middle of the field.


    These were regular river otters like we have back in the Pacific NW.   I had no idea that they live here as well.  


    Somebody'd hit a dragon out there too,  it was a 5 footer and must have caused a mess of whatever hit it.   It made me wonder if there are other things that we need to watch out for if we are driving.   Back home we have troubles with deer and bears getting hit by vehicles.   Are there deer here?  What about wild pigs?




  6. Thanks for the tip..  It looks like it is near the Hindu temple that i visited.   If you haven't been there you should check it out.    I know your thinking "Right,  another temple"   but as temples go,  this one was incredible.   It has the most ornate decorations and art,  it also has wonderful music in the background.   I'd never seen anything like it before.  

  7. Where can a guy get a bag of REDMAN  chewing tobacco in BKK? 


    If I'm in the states,  you can get it at 7-11, bi mart, tobacco shops.     I haven't seen any leaf tobacco here at all and I just ran out.


    I gave up the booze and cut back on the coffee...

    • Haha 2
  8. hey traubert,  keep in mind that loads of kids category is easy to fill with me.   All it takes is one little screamer to ruin an outing.  


    sinophobia?   more like chinagitation ...   Folks from other asian countries seem to have manners and are polite.

  9. a long spell back,  me and my wife went to an island (i forget which one) and there was a smaller island with a neat beach that when the tide was out,  connected to yet another island that you could walk to and explore.


    We thought it'd be fun to go over and check it out,  so we got on a boat and they dropped us off.   I think they gave us 4 hours to do our thing and meet them back at the dock to return.


    We got there and it was a zoo,   all kinds of fat loud men in speedo suits and loads of kids.   They were rude,  spitting and vile,  skipping in line like they had a fire to outrun.


       I asked my wife "w.t.f?"    (She is Thai) she said it never used to be this way until they let the chinese leave china.


    Apparently,  the poor behaviour was so poor,  that the chinese have started giving classes to travellers on appropriate behavior and conduct while abroad.    Back home,  we have that too,  it is called manners and polite consideration of others.


    That night a half dozen drunken chinese men went tearing up and down the main drag on rental motorbikes.   Causing all kinds of trouble.   Pissing on the side of buildings,  trying to fight other tourists,  nearly crashing into the lobby of the hotel... It left quite an impression.


    I always figured I am a guest here, and as such,  had better mind my manners and leave folks with a good impression.    After all,  I am an ambassedor for the State of Jefferson.


    It is astounding how different the cultures of Japan and China are in this regard with a relatively short span of sea between them.


    • Like 1
  10. Hey all,   Is anyone else on here disappointed by Craigslist in Thailand?   I live in a small city back in So Oregon, and there is more stuff on the Craigslist there than there is in all of the Craigslist for thailand.


    I have looked at other sites like Baht sold.   I am wondering if there are some other sites like Craigslist for thailand that you might point me towards?


    is there a website like amazon here in thailand?   I found Lazada and have made a few orders from them,  and I am uncertain if I will continue to use them,  because some of the orders take 3 weeks or so to receive.



    anyone have any suggestions?


    Your help is much appreciated.



  11. I ride a big bike here and also one back in the states.


    Just for the heck of it I did an informal survey.    I counted 3 sets of 10 bikes going by home pro and checked for the following.


    Of the 30 bikes surveyed,  40% had helmets (driver only).  


    of the 40%, only 40% of them had full face helmets.  


    None had boots or protective type of apparel.   No gloves, no armor of any kind,   and about 20% of the total had passengers (none had helmets or gear)


    As a rule,  you can test your gear with a hammer.    If it would protect you from a blow with a hammer,  it is good gear.   would you take a hammer to your foot in flip flops?    If not,  what do you think a steel bumper of a car is going to do to your foot at 50 mph?  especially with the weight of your bike behind it.




    When it is this hot,  I soak down my top and ride wet.   drink a ton of water.   After 20 minutes or so,  you are dry again.   Wear your gear,  even for short trips..   Most accidents happen 5 minutes or less from home.


  12. On 2/14/2007 at 6:35 AM, artsblueknight said:


    I am hoping that someone can help me or point me in the right direction? I married a Thai woman and we are having problems communicating. I am in the US and she is still in Thailand. I am looking for a sofeware program that will work both ways with e-mail. English<>thai.

    Thanks so much,


    Randy,  What the hell did I just read?


    I've got a thai wife too,  and buddy,  there are some times that you are better off not being able to speak the language.

    Chok dee man.

    • Haha 1
  13. It looks like there's a big fire over in mahachai.    I'm over near wat Krokkrak looking across the river and you can see huge billowing clouds coming out does anybody know what's going on

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