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Everything posted by FarFlungFalang

  1. I agree that theoretically it's possible to stop both but in practice it has proven to be beyond our capabilities and I'm not advocating that we give up trying.In my view vaccines are great and so is a previous infection which basically what a vaccine is, it's a type of previous infection that provides protection from the disease. You say that my raising hunger is a deflection in an attempt to minimise the severity of covid yet I say it is an attempt to put it in perspective with other problems by comparing it with other global issues that are more devastating health impacts that receive less media attention.You state it's a deflection, you don't say it's your opinion but you state it as a fact without an argument to support your claim.You also say that on the other hand hunger has been around since the beginning of recorded history, well I suspect that people have been having issues with viruses during the same period and I would hazard a guess that deaths from hunger and hunger related diseases has been causing more death during that time. Some countries have already returned to normal and despite you claim that we are a long ways from normal it only take a few words from our leaders to return us to normal, some may struggle with the idea of returning to normal but I think most people will get used to it pretty quickly.Image being normal again.Imagine embracing life with all it's risks and enjoying it as much as possible instead of cowering in fear and blaming others for one's misery.
  2. When people are suffering from malnutrition their defences against disease is severely reduced making them more vulnerable so it has a lot to do with this and it's interesting that you view it as merely a deflection.Hunger mainly occurs in the poorer nations of the world and so they are more vulnerable to covid in my view.You say hunger can be addressed yet the worlds best efforts have failed to do so, so at this point in time it seems that it can't be addressed otherwise it would have been.The same applies to covid you say it can be addressed but it appears to me that it can't be addressed otherwise it would surely would have been addressed.At this time after the worlds best efforts to vaccinate as many people as possible deaths and hospitalisation are at their highest of the pandemic in some countries.(see link below) It's not only those who choose not to be vaccinated that want to return to normal as many people who were vaccinated with the promise of a return to normal are asking to return to normal. A lot of the onerous employee absenteeism is from the onerous quarantine requirement of close contacts and asymptomatic people which is causing disruption and are being systematically scaled back. With the virus being airborne and floating down corridors of quarantine hotels infecting the previous negatively test occupants the mask and social distancing doesn't seem to have stopped the virus spreading just as many experts had predicted they said you might slow it down but you won't stop it. You can continue to live in the belief that the virus can be stopped but I think I'll listen to what the health experts said which is the virus can't be stopped and it seems to me that they have been correct as the virus has continued to spread despite people's best efforts. https://ourworldindata.org/vaccination-israel-impact
  3. What studies show the effectiveness of segregating unvaccinated especially those who have a previous infection and have better protection than vaccinated people with no prior infections?I haven't seen any and if there are none on what grounds do they implement the restrictions?Logic?Guesses perhaps?Or do people just feel safer because they still don't feel safe even when triple jabbed?Are there any vaccines against paranoia?If you are so fearful of the world then don't go out in it but don't try and shut me out of it because of your fear.Based on average deaths by hunger and hunger related illnesses 18 million have died of these causes during this pandemic which is worse than the 6 million covid because 6 million of these are children and there's alway been a cure for this which is as simple as feeding these people.
  4. Covid used to be 20 deadlier than the flu just depends upon when you are comparing the 2.If you stipulate what periods then that's ok but when people say covid is worse than or more deadly than the flu well then that's really pretty useless because I've been told on numerous occasions I can't compare the two.They used to call corona viruses the common cold now they made up a new word for it and call it covid which share the same symptoms but this time it's particularly virulent just like the flu was particularly virulent in the Spanish flu pandemic which you say happened a long time ago but there are people who were born in that time who are still alive today so not really that long ago. Looking at your graph it seems to suggest covid and the flu are going to be the same again ad we can go back to the old normal because this new normal sucks with knobs on it.When people who have had the virus and have better protection than a vaccinated person with no previous infection get segregated from certain aspects of society has no basis in science.Yet people with better immune protection than some vaccinated people have to live with them?People spout how wonderfully the vaccines work yet still insist on segregating people with even better protection.Do vaccines work or not?Why don't vaccinated people feel safe?I really can't understand this concept at all.
  5. That's where you said the Spanish flu and covid 19 was the same.It's right there in black and white (maybe in black and light blue depending on which version you look at) with your name on it.
  6. So now you're saying that covid is just like the flu?I remember being blasted for saying the same thing 2 years ago, it's good to see that people are starting to see the light!The relevance of the link was to my statement that the flu "has been" more deadly than covid.Sure there are more advanced medical responses now but that doesn't change the fact that the flu has been more deadly than covid has been.As for the "now time frame" suggested by another poster then we have to take into account that it's mostly the Omicron variant which is reducing the overall IFR numbers as well the current IFR which is greatly reduced to being similar to the flu.
  7. Here's some info on how deadly the flu has been.In 1918-1920 the estimated deaths from the flu was 1.2% of the global population compared with covid of 0.0725% deaths of the global population.It's estimated that 50 million (possibly 100 million) deaths from the flu in a 2 year period in a population of 1.8 billion people compared to 5.8 million deaths from covid in a population of 7.9 billion people.Not only was it more deadly it seems to have been more contagious. https://ourworldindata.org/spanish-flu-largest-influenza-pandemic-in-history
  8. The flu has been far more deadly than covid.Put them side by side and see how many have died from each in the past.As has been seen with the corona virus it's quite possible that a new flu variant may emerge and repeat previous events.History is riddled with severe flu pandemics.
  9. What scientific studies show that segregating people based on vaccination works?Are we going to start segregating people who aren't vaccinated for other deadly viruses like the flu or rabies etc.
  10. In Australia they have ditched the term "fully vaccinated" and now use the term "up to date with vaccination".So if you are not "up to date with vaccination" you can be "segregated".Yet it seems they do this segregation without scientific studies to show that it's effective in regards to this virus.It seems to me they are making stuff up because they believe it's true.Where are the scientific studies that show segregating unvaccinated people actually works?
  11. Segregation was tried in South Africa it was tried in America, they tried it in Australia the Germans tried it now it's reared it's ugly head again in the form of segregating unvaccinated people.I haven't seen any studies that show that segregating unvaccinated people (wether they've been previously infected or not) has any beneficial outcomes.What studies show that medical segregation works that are being used by Governments to justify using segregation based on vaccination?Where is the science on segregation?
  12. There is evidence that supports this theory that one can indeed make make stuff up because you want it to be true.Not only is it possible it is quite common.
  13. I just told 2 employers of local labor the new minimum wage and they just laughed.
  14. I might put some seeds (if I can get my hands on some) in the ground and if they grow themselves then I won't be growing them, then after 120 days I can take over the growing part as well as the harvesting part.Then I might just imbibe rather than smoke them.Many older women around hear put it in there cooking so the demographic might be larger than people think and they don't do it for the taste I'm told.
  15. As Bkk Brian has noted Thailand never really did mass testing anyway so not much point in counting, just treat the sick instead of counting those that are not sick.Time to move on.
  16. Time to stop all this mass testing and follow Sweden back to the old normal https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-02-10/sweden-stops-mass-covid-19-testing/100820856
  17. Who are you?More and more of these anonymous opinion pieces popping up in the news section to generate discussions on popular topics.Is this an AI generated piece?
  18. Not sure I would put too much faith in the english translation which doesn't seem to make much sense like the Feb 1982 date the document was signed.
  19. I've been seriously considering the seed bank option but decided to wait a bit and do a test run with some local varieties and sort out the bug situation which ring barked two of the three plants I tried growing last year the third didn't survive transplanting.I might have to go the indoors method for any seed bank attempts.I'm sure the cannabis cup will come and I'm looking forward to participating once the new laws are accepted and clarified.
  20. Now would be a good time of year to starts.I'm looking for some viable seeds.I had a couple going last season but they got killed by bugs.
  21. Nothing like a few snow cones in the morning.Not too much though or it's a rush to the dunny for a spew.
  22. They are experts and have done a scientific study of some data so they are scientific experts.You seem to think this study is trying to prove that lockdowns don't work or that I'm using this study to say lockdowns don't work, to me the study is trying to show the lockdowns that they studied and how they fared.It's a cost benefit analysis of what happened in the places they studied.If you think the economic ramifications of lockdowns should not enter the debate then I suggest you consider that the 26 million people that died of hunger and hunger related diseases over the past 2 years (based on the yearly average) mostly died in countries with poor economic performance.Good economic performance is what we strive for daily so we can benefit from good education to produce excellent scientific experts to better protect our health and well being.You can right this study off as a statistical artefact but then you maybe accused of "not listening to the experts".
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