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Everything posted by FarFlungFalang

  1. I see what you did there, no reported cases of people being stoned to death but I've be pretty close on numerous occasions.
  2. If the hoops are made of hemp fibre that would be a step, jump, leap in the right direction.Hemp rope makes the best ropes for the fly systems in theatres as the ones they use now give one splinters.Fly's are what the lights and scenery etc. hang from.
  3. I went around the synthetic cannabis corner about 15 years ago.Might be time to do some up to date research.Or maybe you're suffering some memory loss.
  4. Media and people in general from the richer nations don't seem to me to expressing much sympathy for the 26 million,6 million of which are children, who have died in the last 2 years of hunger and hunger related diseases, perhaps it's because richer more privileged people don't feel threatened or vulnerable to this problem and their sympathy only lies with their own vulnerable cohorts.I often hear how we must protect the vulnerable but I must have mistaken this to mean "all" vulnerable people but it seems we must only provide attention and energy to protecting those vulnerable to this virus and not to extend protection to those in poorer nations from dying from a lack of a share in the abundance of food we are not willing to share.It's such a basic fundamental necessity for life I'm appalled this gets such little attention compared to an unvaccinated person trying to play tennis.Why is it we no longer focus on issues of real importance?Is it because we are ruled by the screens we watch so much which provide us with seemingly unlimited amounts of unverifiable information?Have we so well and truly lost sight of what's really important as everybody getting enough food to eat?
  5. Hi Fats, speaking from experience Aus immigration do a pretty thorough job when checking documentation before giving out visas, especially during these times. I also question why they didn't stop the woman tennis player at the border and only revoked her visa after revoking Novax's visa?Which was only revoked after the noise on social media.Smells like politics to me.I'm pretty sure vaccinations don't have any effect on increasing infections but it does seem like a bit of a coincidence and of course how do we know?I'm sure I don't "know" any thing about the virus (I haven't seen one yet and I haven't seen anyone die let alone die from the virus) we just have to "trust" our "internet friends" and those experts who make money (and 15 minutes of fame) from this situation.I certainly don't trust anything I read or see on the net because I don't have any way of knowing if it's true or not.I don't know any of these experts and even if I knew them how do I know they can be trusted?I think many may believe a lot of stuff but I don't think many actually "KNOW" anything.Some people put their faith in religion some put their faith in the experts they see and hear on the net, personally I don't put my faith in either as their is far to much monetary profit being made from both.In short I'm not what one would call a "true believer". I'm not being coerced to drink the "cool aid" either I would rather do it without coercion.
  6. The Australian Grubbyment gave Novax the go by issuing him a valid visa and have since retracted the visa after some snowflakes had a little cry.The woman tennis player actually played a warmup tournament before her visa issued by the same Grubbymennt and so after retracting Novax's visa decided to retract her visa.Smells a lot like political point scoring.The same Grubbyment said vaccination was the only way out of the pandemic and to flatten the infamous curve, well said curve is looking decidedly unflat with 110,000 infections reported today which coincides with a 90+% national vaccination rate, so instead of reducing infections the stats might indicate that vaccinations have in fact increased the infection rate?Statistics are like that and can be interpreted in many different ways.The reported world leading medical system (as boasted by Scotty from marketing) took elderly covid infected patients from hospitals and placed them back into their aged care homes to infect many other elderly residents hundreds of which died.The medical experts said that Corona viruses don't mutated very quickly, seems they were wrong about that also.The medical experts have gotten so many things wrong it's hard to have any faith in them anymore and the more they say trust us the more I think about people who say trust me I'm from the Grubbyment and I'm here to help.
  7. The "Internal Security Operations Command" should be changed to " Internal Security Usurpers Command" or ISUC for short!
  8. There are reports of Omicron spreading to patients already in hospital for other reasons including ICU wards, so although the numbers of positive cases is increasing in hospitals it doesn't necessarily mean the Omicron variant is the cause of increased hospitalisations same with the number of kids in hospital with covid they got infected whilst in hospital for other reasons so this could be a reason for the increase in covid numbers in hospital.
  9. Nothing is a word, therefore a thing hence nothing is a thing and not nothing.Nothing is also a concept hence also a thing hence nothing is a thing therefore not nothing.Nothing does not exist hence it is nothing.
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