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Posts posted by user46546545

  1. Yeah right- the only facts in that verbiage  is the paragraph "But it should be stressed that we are still awaiting clarification from Immigration regarding the interpretation and implementation of the new mandatory health insurance rules, including who exactly is affected". 

    Perhaps a line should also be added to the headline- "In my opinion why...………………………………….."

  2. 27 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

    Agreed, I would prefer no conflict.  We've been here before, Iran knows how far they can push before they have to back down.  What I fear and loathe is the build up and shows of force, right at the tipping point.  One wrong move, one overzealous military guy on either side, and it kicks off.


    But if it were to kick off, Iran wouldn't last long militarily.  This is why they tend to back down fro their hyperbolic threats and ultimatums.  The last one I recall was they would sink a US Carrier if it crossed their line in the sand.  US sailed a carrier to challenge that threat.  Not a peep. 


    Agreed, invading (boots on the ground) would be a huge blunder, exceeding Iraq2 and Endless Afghanistan.

    Have no fear Prima Donald has it all under control- like Nicaragua and Nth Korea. The world laughs at the buffoon

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  3. 9 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

    I know a Great kid who just graduated with my son, who has a Japanese dad and a Thai Yai mom. 
    He still has to go renew his 3rd class id and is restricted in may ways. All the other kids treat him normal, but you know he feels the pain of it all not being allowed to be Thai. Kid is normal and dad has money and he lives in a rather nice big new house, and still is looked down upon.

    Well said- that's Thailand to a tee

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