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  1. There's a couple cute good looking girls there. There's a girl there that gives me the rim of a lifetime. We're talking Rusty Trombone.
  2. I'm going to abstain and become a-sexual.
  3. I think I am a sex addict. I caught herpes. I keep going to Wood Bar. I drink when I am out here and I never drink. I was doing cannabis every day. I lost the home I was living in Hawaii. This place is no good for me.
  4. Anyone going? Anyone interested in forming a team?
  5. I need to stop coming here. No other place has had a hold of me so badly. I've never been to a place which is like a drug where when you are there you are in bliss and when you are not there you are miserable. There's no self control here and I think I am a sex addict. I already caught an STD. There's drugs everywhere and I found myself doing cannabis everyday. I have no discipline to stay away. This place and the people are so wonderful. They truly are some of the best in the world. I think I could live here forever but that might not be a good idea. I stayed three months longer than I should have, making it six months. My life in USA is going down the <deleted>ter. I will probably be homeless when I go back. I have decided to pursue IT less and maybe learn how to take care of old people. I want to take care of old people in Hawaii and live a simple life away from red light districts and luxury malls. The friends I make here eventually go their own separate ways. Yes I get to socialize and make friends here but the place is very transient. Even my Thai friends who used to get drunk and eat chicken feet are gone now. Thailand will never be as good as when Yingluck Shiniwatra was PM and King Bhumibol was alive. That was the absolute best time. Thailand is a like a cocaine high that I try to recreate and while it's still good it will never be the same. I've been chasing this dream for a while but I don't think I want it anymore because it feels empty. Instead, I want solitude, simplicity, and books. And it hurts to leave. I have a few weeks left and every day I feel a crushing weight against my chest that I am once again leaving this magical and wonderful place. A place which has ruined all other places for me, including Hawaii. Because they simply can not compare.
  6. 800 baht is fine. Thank you for this information. Maybe I can ask them for Lexapro generic? Does anyone know the phrase I should say?
  7. Right now I'm using an AIS hotspot as my main Internet connection and it is adequate but not that great. The speed isn't that fast. My apartment will not let me install outside fiber or cable Internet so this is what I resort to. Is there a faster hotspot service? My device and plan only allow 4G, is it possible to buy a router that will allow faster speed?
  8. Does anyone know where to find the 20 mg boxes of Lexapro? Almost all pharmacies sell the blue stripe 10 mg.
  9. I didn't but Gary De La Bante did.
  10. Where can I go to find the cheapest generic drugs? I bought a supply in Cambodia but the generics are made in Pakistan and it kind of makes me afraid. I need Lexapro.
  11. Has anyone met the Crazy Catlady of Bangkok? She has 9 cats and hoards them. She wears oversized clothing that has cats on them. It looks like she is wearing oversized scrubs. She asks people to help donate to her Cat Shelter. She keeps her cats alive past the point where they can no longer eat or drink on their own. She hates Thailand and Thai people yet is Thai and lives in Bangkok for 20 years plus. She hates whores.
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