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Nick Carter icp

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  1. Well, yes of course, otherwise I wouldn't have said it !!!!!!!!
  2. I do hope that theres not any immature posters who will now give his post a confused emoji 🙂
  3. That is also extreme , just tell her to keep quiet and ignore her for a few days , forcing her to move house is rather extreme
  4. Next time that you go to a Swenson in a shopping mall , look out the window and there will be a few Ex-pats looking in through the window and leering at the Swenson's waitresses in their short skirts , looking through the window and hoping someone drops a serviette so the waitress has to bend down and pick it up
  5. Kad San Kaew didn't close down because you moved away . The whole shopping Mall did not go out of business just because of you . What happened was that two new shopping malls opened in CM , bigger , better , newer shopping malls and all the Thais and Foreigners went to those shopping malls instead of going to KSK. Ex-pats tend to go to shopping malls just to leer at Thai woman shopping there and get free air con for the day , they are the big spenders that you portray them to be
  6. There was a video a few days ago from nearby Rochdale where a group of similar people chased the Policeman away and set fire to their police car , the Police ran away from the mob . Maybe these guys though that there was a new order in town and that they were the new authority and they tell the Police what to do ?
  7. Don't play the race card , its nothing to do with his Nationality . It would have taken some time for the kid to get to the water and so the Grandparents weren't doing what they are supposed to do , which was keeping an eye on him
  8. Which hopefully will be given straight to the Policewoman who suffered a broken nose
  9. Grandfather need to be investigated , as he can drown a dog so easily, he could easily drown a child as well .
  10. The Grandpa blamed the dog , Grandpa didn't admit to anything or accept the blame , as Granpa is to blame to the kids death then he should have beat himself to death and not the innocent dog
  11. You keep making things up , falsely attributing quotes to me and then go on so say that I don't make any sense
  12. Really, did Trump claim that the election was stolen ? When did he claim that ?
  13. Run that through me again . Your anti-Semitic posts are used by Islamophobic Jews as a weapon ?
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