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Posts posted by drayon

  1. Besides Tesco/Carrefour, is there any other places in Bangkok with a good varied range of rice cookers worth recommending?

    I browsed Tesco/Carrefour today, the range was limited, basically just the cheapo large 10 cup cookers. I cook for myself so a 3-5 cup cooker is more practical. Maybe Zojirushi or Tiger rice cookers are available in Bangkok?

    Thanks in-advance

  2. Hi

    I'm in a hotel on a temp basis, as said need to find something ASAP. Also I don't have 24/7 net access in my room so im down in the lobby or an cafe to get access when I can.

    I plan on studying here for 1 year or more. I'm studying Network Administration so I need something with a dedicated phone line to allow me to set up an ADSL service for which i'll use to setup my internal computer networks.

    looking up to 25k tbh/month

    here are a list or requirements

    1 bedroom clean neat fully furnished (not studio) safe/quiet.

    full kitchen eg: cooktop, fridge/freezer (need to freeze fish and fruit), microwave.

    aircon goes without saying

    dinning area/table chairs etc some area to set up several computers.

    bathroom-enclosed shower (preferably not inside a bath with curtains)

    Must have dedicated phone line to set up ADSL internet as mentioned

    close (walking distance) local fresh produce market eg fruit/veg/fish etc

    close (walking distance) supermarket eg similar to woolworths, tops, ect

    reasonably close to bts mrt but not so critical if the above two are walking distance.

    Anyways thanks in advance for any assistance.

    google searches yield hi-end rentals.

    easyhomes.tv have many listings, tho most are already taken without them removing the listings :sigh:

    mrroomfinder.com listings are nearly all easyhomes.tv listings.

    Any other sources would be appreciated in advance.

  3. edit - moved http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Urgent-Renta...kk-t228516.html


    I'm in a hotel on a temp basis, as said need to find something ASAP. Also I don't have 24/7 net access in my room so im down in the lobby or an cafe to get access when I can.

    I plan on studying here for 1 year or more. I'm studying Network Administration so I need something with a dedicated phone line to allow me to set up an ADSL service for which i'll use to setup my internal computer networks.

    looking up to 25k tbh/month

    here are a list or requirements

    1 bedroom clean neat fully furnished (not studio) safe/quiet.

    full kitchen eg: cooktop, fridge/freezer (need to freeze fish and fruit), microwave.

    aircon goes without saying

    dinning area/table chairs etc some area to set up several computers.

    bathroom-enclosed shower (preferably not inside a bath with curtains)

    Must have dedicated phone line to set up ADSL internet as mentioned

    close (walking distance) local fresh produce market eg fruit/veg/fish etc

    close (walking distance) supermarket eg similar to woolworths, tops, ect

    reasonably close to bts mrt but not so critical if the above two are walking distance.

    Anyways thanks in advance for any assistance.

    google searches yield hi-end rentals.

    easyhomes.tv have many listings, tho most are already taken without them removing the listings :sigh:

    mrroomfinder.com listings are nearly all easyhomes.tv listings.

    Any other sources would be appreciated in advance.

  4. Wall Street Bailout


    Wall Street Bailout -- 10/01/2008

    The Senate approved a $700 billion Wall Street bailout. Senator Bernie Sanders voted against the bill that would put Wall Street’s burden on the backs of the American middle class. “The bailout package is far better than the absurd proposal originally presented to us by the Bush administration, but is still short of where we should be,” Sanders said. “If a bailout is needed, if taxpayer money must be placed at risk, if we are going to bail out Wall Street, it should be those people who have caused the problem, those people who have benefited from President Bush's tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires, those people who have taken advantage of deregulation who should pick up the tab, not ordinary working people.”

    Sanders proposed a five-year, 10 percent surtax on families with incomes of more than $1 million year and individuals earning over $500,00 to raise $300 billion to help bankroll the bailout. Senators, however, set aside the amendment on a voice vote.

    In a Senate floor speech, Sanders elaborated on the bailout bill’s flaws:

    "This country faces many serious problems in the financial market, in the stock market, in our economy. We must act, but we must act in a way that improves the situation. We can do better than the legislation now before Congress.

    "This bill does not effectively address the issue of what the taxpayers of our country will actually own after they invest hundreds of billions of dollars in toxic assets. This bill does not effectively address the issue of oversight because the oversight board members have all been hand picked by the Bush administration. This bill does not effectively deal with the issue of foreclosures and addressing that very serious issue, which is impacting millions of low- and moderate-income Americans in the aggressive, effective way that we should be. This bill does not effectively deal with the issue of executive compensation and golden parachutes. Under this bill, the CEOs and the Wall Street insiders will still, with a little bit of imagination, continue to make out like bandits.

    "This bill does not deal at all with how we got into this crisis in the first place and the need to undo the deregulatory fervor which created trillions of dollars in complicated and unregulated financial instruments such as credit default swaps and hedge funds. This bill does not address the issue that has taken us to where we are today, the concept of too big to fail. In fact, within the last several weeks we have sat idly by and watched gigantic financial institutions like the Bank of America swallow up other gigantic financial institutions like Countrywide and Merrill Lynch. Well, who is going to bail out the Bank of America if it begins to fail? There is not one word about the issue of too big to fail in this legislation at a time when that problem is in fact becoming even more serious.

    "This bill does not deal with the absurdity of having the fox guarding the hen house. Maybe I'm the only person in America who thinks so, but I have a hard time understanding why we are giving $700 billion to the Secretary of the Treasury, the former CEO of Goldman Sachs, who along with other financial institutions, actually got us into this problem. Now, maybe I'm the only person in America who thinks that's a little bit weird, but that is what I think.

    "This bill does not address the major economic crisis we face: growing unemployment, low wages, the need to create decent-paying jobs, rebuilding our infrastructure and moving us to energy efficiency and sustainable energy.

    "There is one issue that is even more profound and more basic than everything else that I have mentioned, and that is if a bailout is needed, if taxpayer money must be placed at risk, whose money should it be? In other words, who should be paying for this bailout which has been caused by the greed and recklessness of Wall Street operatives who have made billions in recent years?

    "The American people are bitter. They are angry, and they are confused. Over the last seven and a half year, since George W. Bush has been President, 6 million Americans have slipped out of the middle class and are in poverty, and today working families are lining up at emergency food shelves in order to get the food they need to feed their families. Since President Bush has been in office, median family income for working-age families has declined by over $2,000. More than seven million Americans have lost their health insurance. Over four million have lost their pensions. Consumer debt has more than doubled. And foreclosures are the highest on record. Meanwhile, the cost of energy, food, health care, college and other basic necessities has soared.

    "While the middle class has declined under President Bush's reckless economic policies, the people on top have never had it so good. For the first seven years of Bush's tenure, the wealthiest 400 individuals in our country saw a $670 billion increase in their wealth, and at the end of 2007 owned over $1.5 trillion in wealth. That is just 400 families, a $670 billion increase in wealth since Bush has been in office.

    "In our country today, we have the most unequal distribution of income and wealth of any major country on earth, with the top 1 percent earning more income than the bottom 50 percent and the top 1 percent owning more wealth than the bottom 90 percent. We are living at a time when we have seen a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to the very wealthiest people in this country, when, among others, CEOs of Wall Street firms received unbelievable amounts in bonuses, including $39 billion in bonuses in the year 2007 alone for just the five major investment houses. We have seen the incredible greed of the financial services industry manifested in the hundreds of millions of dollars they have spent on campaign contributions and lobbyists in order to deregulate their industry so that hedge funds and other unregulated financial institutions could flourish. We have seen them play with trillions and trillions dollars in esoteric financial instruments, in unregulated industries which no more than a handful of people even understand. We have seen the financial services industry charge 30 percent interest rates on credit card loans and tack on outrageous late fees and other costs to unsuspecting customers. We have seen them engaged in despicable predatory lending practices, taking advantage of the vulnerable and the uneducated. We have seen them send out billions of deceptive solicitations to almost every mailbox in America.

    "Most importantly, we have seen the financial services industry lure people into mortgages they could not afford to pay, which is one of the basic reasons why we are here tonight.

    "In the midst of all of this, we have a bailout package which says to the middle class that you are being asked to place at risk $700 billion, which is $2,200 for every man, woman, and child in this country. You're being asked to do that in order to undo the damage caused by this excessive Wall Street greed. In other words, the “Masters of the Universe,” those brilliant Wall Street insiders who have made more money than the average American can even dream of, have brought our financial system to the brink of collapse. Now, as the American and world financial systems teeter on the edge of a meltdown, these multimillionaires are demanding that the middle class, which has already suffered under Bush's disastrous economic policies, pick up the pieces that they broke. That is wrong, and that is something that I will not support.

    "If we are going to bail out Wall Street, it should be those people who have caused the problem, those people who have benefited from Bush's tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires, those people who have taken advantage of deregulation, those people are the people who should pick up the tab, and not ordinary working people. I introduced an amendment which gave the Senate a very clear choice. We can pay for this bailout of Wall Street by asking people all across this country, small businesses on Main Street, homeowners on Maple Street, elderly couples on Oak Street, college students on Campus Avenue, working families on Sunrise Lane, we can ask them to pay for this bailout. That is one way we can go. Or, we can ask the people who have gained the most from the spasm of greed, the people whose incomes have been soaring under president bush, to pick up the tab.

    "I proposed to raise the tax rate on any individual earning $500,000 a year or more or any family earning $1 million a year or more by 10 percent. That increase in the tax rate, from 35 percent to 45 percent, would raise more than $300 billion in the next five years, almost half the cost of the bailout. If what all the supporters of this legislation say is correct, that the government will get back some of its money when the market calms down and the government sells some of the assets it has purchased, then $300 billion should be sufficient to make sure that 99.7 percent of taxpayers do not have to pay one nickel for this bailout.

    "Most of my constituents did not earn a $38 million bonus in 2005 or make over $100 million in total compensation in three years, as did Henry Paulson, the current secretary of the Treasury, and former CEO of Goldman Sachs. Most of my constituents did not make $354 million in total compensation over the past five years as did Richard Fuld of Lehman Brothers. Most of my constituents did not cash out $60 million in stock after a $29 billion bailout for Bear Stearns after that failing company was bought out by J.P. Morgan Chase. Most of my constituents did not get a $161 million severance package as E. Stanley O'Neill, former CEO Merrill Lynch did.

    "Last week I placed on my Web site, www.sanders.senate.gov, a letter to Secretary Paulson in support of my amendment. It said that it should be those people best able to pay for this bailout, those people who have made out like bandits in recent years, they should be asked to pay for this bailout. It should not be the middle class. To my amazement, some 48,000 people cosigned this petition, and the names keep coming in. The message is very simple: “We had nothing to do with causing this bailout. We are already under economic duress. Go to those people who have made out like bandits. Go to those people who have caused this crisis and ask them to pay for the bailout.”

    "The time has come to assure our constituents in Vermont and all over this country that we are listening and understand their anger and their frustration. The time has come to say that we have the courage to stand up to all of the powerful financial institution lobbyists who are running amok all over the Capitol building, from the Chamber of Commerce to the American Bankers Association, to the Business Roundtable, all of these groups who make huge campaign contributions, spend all kinds of money on lobbyists, they're here loud and clear. They don't want to pay for this bailout, they want middle America to pay for it."

  5. Great post.

    A revolution of knowledge and awareness is the only thing that is going to save us from this parasitic system and I am hopeful that the revolution has already started. The current financial crisis is sharply pulling into focus the fraudulent operations of the federal reserve and other central banks. People are starting to connect the dots and they don't like what they can see.

    Yes that is a good post with factual oversight. I do feel the need to correct the point made stating that banks have control to print money. To clarify ONLY the Federal Reserve Bank has the legal right to print money not any "Banks".

  6. LOL so misguided. AID is ONLY provided to countries where opportunity can be had. The US sink their teeth in by demanding the debt to be repaid at interest, in case of countries without the ability to repay with the dollar they cease land and resources and enslave the foreign aid receiving country just like the mafia. Don't be manipulated into thinking they supply aid from the bottom of their hearts.

    Greed. The USA is about 4.5 percent of the world's population yet it consumes a vast percentage of the worlds resources i dont have the exact figure over 25 percent. Over half the people in the world survive on less than 2 dollars a day. 90 percent of the world wealth are in the hands of 1 percent of the the population. 50% of the worlds wealth is hoarded by the Jewish Zionist Rothschilds. No sh!t, greed is not exclusive to the US but they are vastly leading the way.

    ETC - Misguided?....No!.....Critical of the US Government?....Yes!....In favor of Wall Street Bailout?....No!

    Immediate solution?.....Let the chips fall where they may!....Reason?....A sieve is a sieve!

    I will not be prodded into doing something by those forecasting a financial Armageddon, just to refill the Rothschild style piggy bank.

    $700 Billion will not solve the problem and those that believe it will, are part of the problem and not part of a real solution.

    Only when the ship is truly sinking, will the rats start jumping ship or be thrown overboard by those that hate rats....Then the ship can be put in dry dock and rebuilt from the ground up.

    Is it going to hurt us all?....Yes!

    ETC-> sorry man i think i was misquoted. My response was to

    " if the U.S. is to be blamed for all the world's ills, maybe the U.S. should stop every dollar of Foreign aid, repeal Nafta and Gatt, so as not to contaminate the rest of the world. Greed is not just exclusive to the U.S."

    If you read my other posts you will see the sentiment is very much in line with your own.

  7. Read Pearlstein's column in today's Washington Post. This was about preventing a depression. And all the horrible things a depression means which apparently not enough people have a grasp of. Bernacke, the fed chairman, is a leading scholar of the depression and he wanted the bailout. And the fringe groups of America's left and right which because of the current leadership vacuum in the US constitute a majority of the US congress couldn't get their act together to go along. This is not good. The blame game is ridiculous at this stage: the house is on fire!

    BTW, as an American, I apologize for my government. They have failed the entire world.

    Jingthing...Seems like a bit of a contradiction to me..

    Subscribing to this line of thought leads me , to think, that if the U.S. is to be blamed for all the world's ills, maybe the U.S. should stop every dollar of Foreign aid, repeal Nafta and Gatt, so as not to contaminate the rest of the world. Greed is not just exclusive to the U.S.

    LOL so misguided. AID is ONLY provided to countries where opportunity can be had. The US sink their teeth in by demanding the debt to be repaid at interest, in case of countries without the ability to repay with the dollar they cease land and resources and enslave the foreign aid receiving country just like the mafia. Don't be manipulated into thinking they supply aid from the bottom of their hearts.

    Greed. The USA is about 4.5 percent of the world's population yet it consumes a vast percentage of the worlds resources i dont have the exact figure over 25 percent. Over half the people in the world survive on less than 2 dollars a day. 90 percent of the world wealth are in the hands of 1 percent of the the population. 50% of the worlds wealth is hoarded by the Jewish Zionist Rothschilds. No sh!t, greed is not exclusive to the US but they are vastly leading the way.

  8. As expected

    but made worse because of Bush's incompetence leading up to it.

    He values people LOYAL to him in ALL jobs around him,

    more than he values COMPETENT people in positions around him.

    He's really screwed the pooch this time. World wide cluster <deleted>.

    And this from a registered republican,

    unsuccessfully voting for common sense in the GOP during primaries.

    I have been living this Bush nightmare for 9 years now,

    wondering when the other 3 shoes would drop.

    I no longer wonder. Just hope he gets jail time as a legacy.

    Blaming Bush for everything is BS.

    I suppose you blame him for the track hurricane Katrina took also?

    The US Congress controls the finance system with various laws, rules and oversight.

    Bush has nothing to do with the way the finance system functions

    Actually Bush has MUCH to answer for. US Congress does NOT control the US finance system or the laws. The Federal Reserve controls the finance, inflation and the Laws pertaining to their control. Bush is nothing more than the Federal Reserve's proxy in order to convince congress to comply with the Fed's demands. When the demands are not met the Fed exerts significant pressure on the markets. The Federal Reserve recycles it's members into the democrats and republican congress. Mr Bush is subservient to the Fed's desires. Observe it has only been Bush who wants this legislation forced thru with no resistance. WHY?? Bush was supposed to over look and make sure the deregulation legislation of 2003 was adhered to. Instead he turned a blind eye and allowed extortionate dealings. So what happens here is the Govt and the Fed allows this behavior of the brokers going crazy looting the system, it crashes, the financiers and mortgage houses loose money, then the Fed comes in and buys up all these firms at a vastly smaller percentile of thir worth before the crash to bail out the Govt, while fleecing US people of their real estate. Check mate!!

    The Federal Reserve is NOT federal it is a private bank of investor who print money based on nothing and control its supply. The Fed was responsible for the 1907, 1913, 1929 crashes, great depression etc etc. The Fed enslaves governments into huge amount of debt by loaning money to the government at interest, as was said the Fed supplies the money.

    This has been coming for years but people have been so distracted with tv, paris hilton, sex and the city, football etc.

  9. What's up with the bureaucrat's in this country? I thought Thailand is a democratically based nation. There seems ti be a large amount of url's blocked for some unknown reason. Proxy server lists are even blocked here. The latest casualty is barladies.com forum. I happened to be viewing this forum tow days ago, now its completely blocked by ministry of information and communication technology.

    Im not at all pleased with anyone or any official body censoring information i wish to view on the www.

    I shouldn't be forced to log into a cisco vpn to browse the www to get around the cyberclean BS!!

  10. hrm, for a population of just 90,000 as an observer who has seen as many reports of gun related violence in 4 weeks than id likely see in 1 year in the whole of Australia. i most certainly consider this a high crime rate city.

    The shooter should be up for the death penalty-rage and terror like this should not be tolerated anywhere.

  11. Last night Sophon Channel 8 carried the Sweden v Trinidad and Tobago game live with English commentary. I don't know from where they obtained the feed, what's more I don't care. More please.

    DD National from India, Sophon Channel 39, is only showing 3 more live games. They are the two Semi Finals and the Final itself.

    They also played the Argentina game as well. They mentioned it was from South Africa as they were talking about the game but the picture was actually the Thai dudes behind the desk but their audio was not output to us. BTW channel 8 here is Real Madrid TV, i was very surprised when i saw the game played on this channel, especially after i disengaged mute to hear english..whoo hoo...more pls

    How many channels do we need to have the King on? And really, we have a bday for 1 day, this guy has a mass celebration for like, what a week it seems. Shameless self promotion. sigh

  12. sounds like there is a light at the end of the tunnel...... more detailled informations please :o

    regrettably, they played the first game, then chatted about it afterwards then told us they will be back 2morra at 4pm every day for match highlights and never bothered to show the other game :-( iz b well pissed thats for sure.

    The bbc stream wont work thru a uk proxy and the other stream was a crock, they never had live commentary just a some geezerz calling it and rambling on about the previous game...total waste of bandwidth IMO.

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