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  1. Name of the company operating these coaches "Cheap Charly bus ltd"
  2. No thank you. It was again a show for from and with the Afro American clowns. Not for me...
  3. This automatic check in is beatiful, but... You still have to check in your luggage and there will be the congestion. I did it in Brussels and the waiting time was longer for the people who checked in automaticaly then the ones who did the classic check in.
  4. which pothead on this forum is gone start the crowdfunding for his friend Daniel. Oh maybe Elton John...
  5. I bet Mr. Edwards doesn't have a university degree...
  6. Fake troll post, get a life man
  7. Overmuscled guy, probably a body builder. No surprise the lad was acting erratically with all the junk these people inject themselves
  8. I just did it in Belgium. It costed me 1750 € / implant all included, should be something like 70.000 baht. The implants are developed and distributed by Nobelcare, originally Swedish. According to my dentist it is top quality. You get a kind of dental passport with world wide guarantee. Apparently the costprice here in Thailand is way over 93.000 to 120.000 baht quoting to the OP. The process is quite long. First the stomatologue implants the base in the jaw bone. After 3 months your dentist can build the tooth on the base implant. It takes several visits, dental impression is needed aso. So if you are not an expat or a long time resident you will need to do minimum two trips. Conclusion, it is much cheaper in my home country with no trip hassle, language barrier and follow up issues.
  9. I was a fanatic smoker untill 4 years ago. One day I stopped deliberatly without any help because it started boring me. Then I got my freedom back. I didn't have to worry about smoking allowed bars, restaurants, taxis, etc., disturbing non smokers, empty packets, lighter, smelling clothes, dirty tooths, jeopardizing my health, This said, these low level people are really a burdon for most of us normal educated farangs. One have to keep in mind that we are strangers. We are spied, judged, scrutinized by the locals. Any misstep will be exaggerated to extraterrestrial proportions as they are not fans of know-it-all visitors, some of whom act like colonist conquerors, making us even more unpopular
  10. I totally agree with you. Thailand has one of the cheapest taxi fares world wide. When you take a cab you are free to stop whenever you want, you don't have to show up at the exact time, no lugage hassle, full comfort and much safer then their overaged unreliable coaches as witnessed by recent events. All this for a few dollars more. If you have to live in Thailand under these cheap charly conditions, you better stay home. I see them in Pattaya drinking at their headquarter Katesiree soi Buakhao, with the cheapest beers in town served by the old ugly barmaids after their 7/11 ham cheese sandwich and ending their daytime with a cheap girl from the coconut bar infested with all the sexual diseases. known at this stage. So pitifull
  11. 66 year in combination with kawasaki Z900. Further explanations are completely superfluous...
  12. Speeding + poor driving ability + alcohol + weed will often = death
  13. To compensate all the beggars on his way, the public works contractor has to save on the quality of the materials in order to keep some benefits for himself
  14. Anybody surprised? most Aussies have criminal roots...
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