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Posts posted by Yinn

  1. 1 hour ago, Eindhoven said:


    Hang himself with what? A handbag strap? If so, from what did he die? He is on the ground, not asphyxiated in a tree. Did you look at the tree? No branch there would support his weight; he would find a different kind of tree.

    Hey, I don't know, but I'm also not so quick to believe her story.

    Read the link I post. Explain more detail than Sun. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:



    Yinn, you might benefit from a little research on Parkinson's.  Depression at best is a complication that occurs because of the symptoms as they grow over time.  Tremors, walking problems and many other primary symptoms, of which depression is not.

    Real experience my life. 


    Although common in other chronic diseases, research suggests that depression and anxiety are even more common in PD. It is estimated that at least 50 percent of those diagnosed with PD will experience some form of depression during their illness, and up to 40 percent will experience an anxiety disorder. 



  3. 26 minutes ago, prism said:

    Problem with Phuket is that they catered almost exclusively to foreign tourists. It's just not the high prices for rooms. If you wanted any kind of decent Thai food, in many places, you can't find any, just expensive watered down Thai food if you're lucky. Then you have the expensive tuk tuks and taxis, etc. It became a classic tourist trap that locals will avoid.  

    I agree 100%. 200 baht for 40 baht food. 


    Have cheap food in Phuket, but difficult for tourist find where. 


    Phuket tourist, generally speaking, IMO, want more than basic Thai style, plastic chairs restaurant  etc. = be more expensive. Also normal Thai food size to small for farang. They want big serve


    80-100 baht ok for that. Big serve in design restaurant.

    200 baht is to much.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Emdog said:

    I'm a liberal and condemn antifa more than proud boys and perhaps KKK. Those ignorant punks have

    served to make protests, BLM delegitimized in eyes of general public. Doesn't take lots of these usually young, usually white suburban dolts to shift focus and give those opposed to dealing with issues of race and justice and out.

    Antifa couldn't be more in service of white racists if they were on the payroll of KKK

    Loons, so many loons

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  5. 7 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    The difference here, Yinn, is that I’ve explained my thought process whereas you have become defensive - its not always ‘Thailand bad the West good’ - look for more in peoples discussion without getting defensive and failing to see the forest for the trees. 



    you have become defensive. 


    The op video explain why thailand control covid. Positive story. You hate it. 

    You talk about thailand not control covid, 30,000 secret dead and nearly every loon conspiracy theory. 

    New one about the Neanderthal. 


    you want to believe thailand bad west good up to you. 

    Congratulations, good job. 


    IMo the reason UK the most in Europe because people not listen to doctor/science. Listen to conspiracy loons.




    8,645 test. = 0 positive = 0 death. 


    And the UK testing you say? 

    False. Your dream.


    We’ve been asked by readers whether it was government policy on 19 March to send hospital patients back into care homes, without making it mandatory for them to be tested for Covid-19.

    This is correct. There was no requirement to test all patients being discharged from hospital into a care home until 15 April 2020, though some trusts were testing patients before that date.




    So if you believe YOUR conspiracy theory= UK have more deaths than report. 

    Sick old people with covid symptom, uk NOT test and send to elderly homes. Stupid.



    The chart here shows excess mortality during the pandemic for all ages using the P-score.6 You can see that some countries – such as England & Wales7 and Spain – suffered high levels of excess mortality, while others – such as Germany and Norway – experienced much more modest increases in mortality













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  6. 4 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    But, if your argument stands and that Chinese would have brought the Virus to the UK... how did Thailand escape then ???

    204 countrys less than UK. 

    Question you should ask be “why uk so much. Why?” 


    You beleive because UK terrible job= Thailand must be same?

    Most country under 50 per million.

    Not worry about Thailand. worry yourself.





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