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Posts posted by Yinn

  1. 13 hours ago, alex8912 said:

    Yinn. You have really changed recently but you are white in America. Get a grip! I think no POTY this year so you have another year to go because of corona. Chill out. ????

    Good evening Alex

    I understand what “white supremacists” hate. 

    They hate people who not farang.

    i am not farang. I not want visit place people angry me.

    i am not white in America. Sure.

    I lazy to jump the trump wall. 


    i think will be POTY this year. The guy who loose and his supporter say not have it. If they win, be no problem. Sure.


    Is not compulsory right? If not want play, not play. If people want to play, up to them. IMO


  2. 12 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:



    I don’t recall ’nearly everyone' were wearing masks in Bangkok in Mid Feb - in fact hardly anyone was. 


    I also flew from Japan to Thailand in mid Feb, no one at the airport was wearing masks, not many on the flight were (granted about 10% were). Thailand did have a 'temperature check cam’ set up.


    In fact at the time (Mid Feb) there were an awful lot of threads on this forum ranging from highlighting how Thailand is doing so little and still letting in hordes of Chinese tourists to those who were suggesting the world media is just over reacting. 


    One thing I am certain of, In February Thailands reaction to Covid-19 was very limited. 


    Thailands reaction became a lot stronger when Europe’s lockdown kicked in. 

    - Italy locked down on 9th March.

    - Spain Locked down on 14th March.

    - The UK locked down on 23rd March. 

    - Thailand locked down on 26th March.


    Either mask wearing and the Wai (no handshake) is a LOT more effective at preventing transmission of viruses than people are giving credit for, or there is more to it. 




    That said: I do believe that westerners are a lot more ‘resistant’ to authoritative instructions such as mask wearing. 

    Just reading the threads on this forum highlights this, then look at the protests against mask wearing in the US, UK and other European Countries - its moronic.... Its just a mask <deleted>. 


    I hate wearing a mask, really hate it. But I’m happy to wear one, not because I believe its *effective, but because it keeps everyone else around me happy (when in confined areas), for the same reasons I don’t act like an a$$.hole !


    The lockdowns in the UK and Thailand were similar with the exception that people in Thailand wore masks. 

    People could still go to the Supermarket or pharmacy, people could still exercise outdoors and walk their dogs etc - mask wearing was the only real difference. There are of course stories in both nations of groups breaking lockdown protocol, but on the big picture these were very minor events. 




    *I suspect masks are not ‘as effective’ as they are made out to be. That said, as part of a combined effort, along with washing hands, and social distancing etc I believe wearing a mask has a partial impact but only when used correctly. 


    i.e. [used correctly] - how many people wear their ‘reusable’ mask all week and don’t wash them? how many leave their masks on the dining room table or kitchen work top? how many leave a worn mask in the car? 


    IF masks wearing is effective is when a disposable mask is used and disposed of correctly after a short time, otherwise this idea that ‘mask wearing alone’ is the reason Thailand has avoided Covid-19 is massively flawed. 












    • Confused 1
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  3. 46 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    The stock answer for all those that think the Thai government hasn't bowed to their self interest.

    The intellectually superior falang cannot accept that the Thai population recognised the problem before they did.

    I did a border bounce at Pedang Besar on the the 5th of Feb and I had to wear a mask to get on the minibus from Chonburi to the railway station. Nearly everyone on the train from Bangkok to PD were wearing masks. At the border precautions were in place and my passport history was checked. On the way back I got off at Bang Sue and the only ones on the MRT not wearing masks were the so called educated westerners.

    Remind me, who has suffered the severest restrictions, Thailand or those that thought that mass testing was the silver bullet.

    Thailand test. But been negative long time now= less testing.

    if we have 45,000 deaths will test more. Sure. 

    eg if Yinn have covid everyone my village will test. But not necessary. 

    In countrys with lot of covid= test necessary. 


    Thailand first country to test. (Not in China) 

    Chinese tourist went to USA, UK etc November- Febuary. 


    The TVF members say “Thailand not test enough” 

    But they not test same themself. Why not? Because not necessary. 

    • Like 1
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  4. 1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

    > IF an additional 30,000 deaths over 2 months 

      > Thats 11 Covid-19 deaths per month (in each hospital) 

    BS. Covid positive have symptoms. Obvious. Weeks before die. Most survive. 3% death rate.

    You think 30,000 dead= 1 million infection. Nobody notice? Pfffft. 

    Many sick for many month. Where these 100,000+ sick people now. Why the doctor and nurse not dead/infection????


    Some people on TVF can not accept that Thailand control covid very well, but there country can not. 

    8 months of this conspiracy theories now. This the new one. Rediculos.

    imagination. Dream 


    UK can not because have to many anti maskers, anti vaxxers, anti tracing appers. Protesters, loons, covidiots. Not test old people, not stay hospital but send to elderly care homes and spread. Not enough mask for doctor and nurse. Covid 8 months now and still argue about the rules. Left versus right political. Statues. 


    thailand control because listen to doctor/science, not political. 

    It simple. Is virus spread people contact. Stay home, wear mask in public place, social distance, trace, temperature road blocks, plaza, not travel, close restaurant and pub etc etc 


    7/11 Thailand temperature check and mask. In UK?


    Thai people join together fight covid. For the Thai nation, Not fight each other.


    UK have Chinese tourists? Yes. 



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  5. 19 hours ago, Grumpy one said:

    With no international tourists there would be a lot of unhappy hotel owners, hotel staff and dont forget the bar girls without customers

    Old, fat pervert lonely guys who must pay. No social skill. 


    They make bar girls “happy”? You beleive that? Will kissing this guy make you happy? You like it? Yuk.


    OP. I think it no effect on Thai people happiness. Other thing more important. Family healthy, environment, food, pets, business, neighbor, freinds, durian etc.


    Most Thai people not meet, see, care about foreigner tourist. 

    • Confused 3
  6. 9 hours ago, robblok said:

    Indeed but too many people think violence is a solution and lot of guys here defending this man probably because he is a foreigner.



    Correct Robblock. 

    If a Thai man throw the farang women the balcony will be 30 page of frial Thai ego, Thai man is immature, Thai can not drink alcohol, Thai people terrible, Thai can not control anger, Thai police stupid.




    She make him do it. Because she want to break with him. 

    • Confused 2
  7. 3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Exactly that... a lunatic on the loose and why??? Laziness. 


    IF this guy does anything else, the police are wholly complicit in his actions. Unfortunately Thailand is not a proactive society, thus, no one can be blamed for ‘not doing something’ thus, if this guy does hurt someone (or worse) the police will not take any responsibility.


    This is how and why the police force are so ineffective in Thailand, there is no accountability.

    Because punishment reduction. 


    If surrender = reduction

    If admit = reduction. 


    Calm down. He not shoot the gun. Not mass shooter. Not same USA happen today. 

    • Sad 2
  8. 14 hours ago, Yinn said:

    Not pay tax.

    Refuse army because he have spurs.

    Cheat his pregnant wife with sex workers.

    Grab woman on the .....

    Covid loon.

    Lie everyday. 


    = Good citizen.


    Millions vote for him.

    Amazing USA.


    1 hour ago, pookondee said:

    When we talk about politics i think this word "Amazing" must be starting to mean something else.



    Amazing U.S.A


    But also they use this term for Thailand in the tourist promotion..


    Amazing Thailand..


    Yes. You so clever. Understand my joke. 5555


    Very famous. If I in India I will say “ incredible”.

    india copy tourism marketing from TAT.

    successful one. 





    1 hour ago, pookondee said:


    So...take a look at your government, your leader, and also the watch borrower...

    Millions of Thais voted them in of course?? lol

    ok,....take a look.


    Refuse army because he have spurs.     Nah

    Cheat his pregnant wife with sex workers.  Nah

    Grab woman on the .....    Nah

    Covid loon.     Nah. 


    I not vote for him. You will vote for trump?


  9. 6 hours ago, Meat Pie 47 said:

    This article is nonsense, show me where Australia add hundreds new cases per day.

    Only in Victoria the have a few dozens per day in Western Australia we had not a 

    local transmission for months Norther Territory had none for months only a few 

    in NSW nothing in SA or Tassie who writes this nonsense?

    Big problem. 






    And loons

    • Confused 1
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  10. 6 minutes ago, djayz said:

    You have a very valid point Yinn, but, there is a reason why 3 m foreign workers are employed here. They do the jobs the locals don't want to do and/or they cost even less than the Thais. 

    I know a few small businesses in Korat which point blank refuse to employ locals, or their cousins from neighbouring Laos, because they are "too lazy" and "no good" (their words). Cambodians and Burmese, on the other hand, are accepted with open arms as they are reliable, diligent and try hard. 

    Forcing businesses to drop the preferred foreign staff in favour of keeping lazy and no good locals in employment isn't good for business. 

    The last option we should be looking at is putting these companies under even more pressure. 

    Yes, Burmese worker is best. Good skills, come everyday, polite. 


    But thailand must take care thai first= new immigration rule. The foreign worker send 50% salary back there country. If Thai worker the money not go away. 


    India covid the most now. Burma and India have border together. Burma increase covid same. 


    For thai economy and Thai health is necessary stop foreign worker now. 


    Burmese worker majority is hotel, restaurant, maid and construction.

    Hotel and restaurant problem six month already.

    This month many construction job finish same. Thousands construction workers now want the job. 

    Before good skills Burmese worker 600 per day. Now they offer 400.

    Burmese low skills before 3-400. Now nobody want, not have job.


    Must be careful. If they have no money= will stolen.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

    You seem to have an intimate knowledge of how the game is played! 

    1) not invisible, thai people like gossip

    2) play TVF 1.5 year already

    3) David


    So funny!!! 


    When you do John in Thailand video again?

     The mango farm you give your wife. Working hard for that. Lovely guy John in Thailand. Helping community bridge construction etc etc.

    very popular.

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