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  1. Can easily replace vapes with cigarettes, so, why no crackdown on them?
  2. Having something to do was not part of your request.
  3. Nothing in the article led me to believe he wasn't wearing a helmet. Fractured neck is not a fractured skull. All injuries noted are below helmet level. He may or may not have been wearing one, but there certainly isn't anything "obvious " saying he wasn't. RIP Mr. Garrad.
  4. I've been in stage 1 for 28 years and loving every minute of it.
  5. Why is a 3-year-old story being posted? There're new similar stories happening on a weekly basis!
  6. I just checked my Lazada account, and it's working normally.
  7. For me, if only visiting one, the one to see is Wat Phra Kaew, the Temple of the Emerald Buddha.
  8. Mine certainly are not the same, other than both being 13 characters, they aren't even similar formats.
  9. FWIW, in 2023, Thailand relied on fossil fuels for 84% of its electricity, primarily gas (68%). Its per capita power sector emissions are below the global average. About one-sixth of Thailand’s electricity generation comes from renewables, mostly bioenergy and hydropower. coal is a small factor (18%) in power generation in LOS. The UAE has turned the desert green through desal plants. I have personally commissioned 6 large units there. Desal plants are indeed tied to electrical power generation, but due to the availability of steam, not electricity. Desal is very good technology for seaside locations and relatively cost effective for the water gained. [ fuels used to generate electrical power in Thailand - Search (bing.com) ]
  10. Amazing... not old enough to drink but ok to be a father... oh well, never mind then.
  11. 18, last I knew... If not, then never mind
  12. He's not an adult and she is.... rape (legally) works both ways.
  13. Hard to condone statutory rape....
  14. Seems counterproductive. Swimmers and snorkelers would actually provide some intermittent shade for the coral, while removing them will increase the sun exposure. As stated above, only nature can fix this, or float some sort of shade on the surface over the coral reefs to provide shade (doesn't sound terribly doable considering water surface movement).
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