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  1. I find the responses so far here disappointing. No compassion expressed for this guy so far at all. What's wrong with you people?
  2. This guy had some sort of mental breakup on the flight. Anyone know possible cause? I don't think it's alcohol.
  3. Why do you think that is about Bangkok specifically? Do you usually like big cities and not Bangkok? That's how they do it in Africa. They kind of surround you and stand there so you can't move away. Encircling you.
  4. I did not feel particularly comfortable in parts of Singapore. I forget the area but there are large poor sections with people from india or something that felt ghetto-ish. There's also a huge red light district with people hanging out on the street, etc which is in no way as safe as similar areas in Thailand.
  5. Not for Thai and Chinese. Remember, they like crowds and noise. Deserted quiet places are feared and often viewed as bad luck and haunted.
  6. I wonder what he told those guys he wanted to borrow the money from? Was it to save the bar, or some other related story, or maybe a share in the business. A great example how someone else's problem becomes your problem. You think you know someone and their situation, but you never know everyone they are connected to in the background.
  7. Because you can't do it any other way here, so they take the chance. Same with buying land here to build a house. I don't think anybody would do it normally unless they needed the partner for cash to help pay for it.
  8. I wonder if there's a condition where a man never ejaculates at all. 🤣
  9. He said raiding the till in the video. I'm not sure if it matters. If she owns 51% she can take what she likes (not just 51%), correct? Or, maybe she can only take 51% of the profits if he owns 49%. I'm not sure what the law is.
  10. What do you mean allowed it? If it's in her name he could not stop her. The police could do nothing. It's either allow the till to be raided slowly on an ongoing basis, try to plead with her to stop, or say I'm leaving. I can't figure out why he is considering paying her 200k if it's mostly in her name. He says he will borrow the money to pay her off, but the bar won't ever be majority owned by him. Was he going to get another Thai partner to come in to assume the 51% stake? Or, assume she will disappear without taking more money while she remains in control of the business? If not, what good does it do to pay her off with external money. It's not money the bar had made.
  11. You need to interact with people you don't want to be around to do those things.
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