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  1. I second to this, i tried to deposit 5m in cash at krungsri. Even with my bankbook and thai driving license, they told me to go back and get my passport. Happened Mid 2022
  2. If you have a 1 year rental contract condo Embassy letter stating true passport Embassy letter with a statutory declaration that you want to open a bank. Tourist visa With the following above you can open banks on a tourist visa with krungsri or bangkok bank. Easy peasy If not just pay a agent around 5000 baht and you wont even need any of the above ...... si@mlegal.
  3. Definitely have to hand carry. What we did was we actually went to the embassy in thailand to get a letter too. Details of deceased must be provided with the thai death certificate. Definitely no issues with the airlines if declared properly
  4. road to $75 ill start buying at $25 ????
  5. Yes i think BBL is the easiest to open since its also stated on their website that people on tourist visa are allowed to open accounts. Just based on personal preference i dont quite like BBL ???? but oh well! On a side note, BBL always have staff who is fluent in english thats one of their positive points.
  6. SCB doesnt work anymore, only bangkok bank works with tourist visa with the right documents. Tried all other banks, require work permit or at least a non-o visa
  7. Thank you for the advice! will head there tomorrow and try and ill update over here again !
  8. Wow really? in bangkok area? i have been rejected around 6 times from all big scb branches located in shopping malls. I have friends saying maybe tourist area shopping malls like siam paragon might work, i have not tried yet
  9. I have a kbank account but their credit cards doesnt interest me so im planning to switch to SCB or UOB. For kasikorn i think you need a long term visa in order to open at any branch. My company is 51% thai owned so i'm only a shareholder...
  10. A bank is a private institution where they can set their own rules. Its not your house nor do you own the bank. It also amazes me how people cannot comply to a simple request, is putting on a mask so difficult? If its that difficult, probably move to the states
  11. Their requirement was to invest in a 5mil life insurance, payout of 6mil in 20 years time. Who knows i might already be in the grave! After getting the card i cancelled it within the grace period ????
  12. I manage to open the wisdom card by kasikorn. Had to enroll in a life insurance plan which i cancelled within the grace period time because i was lacking of so many benefits. Credit card rewards menu were all in thai, benefits were very lousy apart for the VIP lounges at worldwide airports All i had to do was to show them 6 months of bank statement with at least 10m in my acc. I do not have a work permit.
  13. When in rome, do as the romans do, this is not your country so i suggest you follow their rules. If you cant follow, then get out of thailand. Putting on a mask will not kill you nor will you lose a strand of hair. Self entitled pr!ck
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