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Saint Nick

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Posts posted by Saint Nick

  1. 7 hours ago, SinCityGr8One said:

    Get with the program! They committed no crime. The criminal was an ex-Felon and was going to be served with an arrest warrant. He decided to disobey Police Orders and STOP. Nope, this criminal decided to run to the front seat of the vehicle where a knife was found to be on the floor! His intent was to fight fully armed Police with a knife rather than get arrested. Well, he got shot 7 times for his misdeed. Let a Lesson to ALL be learned from this: Never take a knife to a Gun Fight!

    What a heap of steaming BS!

    The "criminal" was not even what they were there for!

    Did he have the knife in his hand, while walking away? Because the cops allegedly ordered him to drop it!

    If it was IN THE CAR...then what was he to drop?

    Get with the program yourself!

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  2. 3 hours ago, sungod said:

    Why do you think that is?

    Oh...I know this one!

    Because Thais are better people then those dirty foreigners!

    Or: foreign doctors just don't know enough about Thai- biology!

    Otherwise: you tell me!

    Because foreigners AND Thai will go into 14 day quaranteen!

    So why is one group allowed on a plane WITHOUT test, while the other has to cough up cash to get a useless certificate?

  3. 21 hours ago, The Barmbeker said:

    By the way: the "molotow cocktail" that was alledgedly thrown at the poor fragile kid...was none!

    It was a plastik- bag with "something" in it, but sure as hell no molotow cocktail!

    And the guy, who hit the immaculately innocent little boy with a skateboard, was actually NOT hitting him at all. 

    He had his skateboard under his arm, as he reached for the toddler with the deadly weapon and was shot!


    I wonder what other lies will be coming out soon!


    Oh...and before you ask for sources: you first!

    Sources for the criminal past of the 2 guys, who were shot!

    You know sex offender paedophile, drugged and guns...all that BS!

    By the way: isn't it funny how Trayvon Martin was a dangerous menacing monster to that **** Zimmerman...and this gun- wielding moron is a frail little kid!?

    ...when they were both 17!

    I can't quiet figure out, what the difference between the two is...

    It will remain a mistery, I guess!

  4. 13 minutes ago, Mises said:

    I am from the UK.

    Does anyone anywhere know anyone who actually died of COVID? Of not with.  One guy at my work knows someone that died but they were at death’s door anyway and that is the total extent of my experience.  My daughter was working as flight crew abroad but gave up and returned to Thailand, she has 3 more days of quarantine in a hotel, she is not allowed out of the room at all and all food is delivered to outside the door.  14 days of that would send anyone crazy even without their carreer being destroyed.  Yesterday a man doing the same in her hotel threw himself off the balcony.  So I now know of more suicides than COVID caused deaths.  I suspect I am not alone.  And that is before all the extra cancer and heart disease deaths that are now a certainty in the UK

    Do you know anyone, who died of starvation?


    Neither do I!

    Still millions are dying of starvation, every year!

    Not seeing something personally and then not believing it is not the most intelligent way to go about things!

    • Like 2
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  5. 16 hours ago, Flying Saucage said:

    Exactly. Very very few will come! From the western world only those who have personal relationships in this country are keen to return. All others travel to other, more welcoming countries to spend their holidays there, if at all.


    One must keep in mind that there were far to many negative reports in the press around the world over the recent months, about so many issues in Thailand. Tourists like to relax during their holidays, and not beeing bothered with local nonsense, stupidity, scam, crime, unfriendliness and even hate.

    Well...my company has quiet a bunch of requests, from October onwards!

    Sure...not millions, but to say "noone would come" is a bit over the top!

  6. 1 hour ago, Mama Noodle said:


    Did not shoot first, did not attack first. Facts are painful for you, I’m sure. 

    First shooting

    While Mr. Rittenhouse is being pursued by the group, an unknown gunman fires into the air, though it’s unclear why. The weapon’s muzzle flash appears in footage filmed at the scene.

    Mr. Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him from the same direction. Mr. Rittenhouse then fires four times, and appears to shoot the man in the head.



    "...fires into the air" being the operative words here!

  7. 2 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:

    Uh huh, what it did show was that he INTENDED to shoot the kid and regrets he wasn’t able to, and he wasn’t able to shoot the kid because....


    Kid damn near blew his arm off. 

    So the whole “murder” “innocent protester” narrative just got nuked. 

    What are you on about?

    "The kid" killed a person before that incident you base your whole BS- argument on!

    Then he was chased by bystanders, who attacked him with a skateboard (uuuuuiiii) and a handgun!

    Because...you know...HE KILLED SOMEONE AND HAD A BIG@$$ GUN!

    Quiet obviously, having a peaceful conversation with wannabe- Rambo was a bit out of the question!

  8. 24 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:

    Video says otherwise. The first shooting that happened, he was not the first to open fire. 

    He was engaged first. 

    I have been over this 10 billion times in this thread and people are going to believe whatever they WANT to believe, even in the face of insurmountable video evidence to the contrary. 


    There are NUMEROUS reports, that the chase scene, you so emphatically mention over and over and over and over...was NOT the beginning of the whole shabbang!

    Talking about believing what you want to believe!

    • Like 1
  9. 21 minutes ago, JimGant said:

    Read the reports. His knife was on the floormat. That's why in the video he is leaning down, no doubt retrieving the knife. They should teach the police how to pistol whip in these situations -- would save a bullet and thousand of man hours managing a riot.

    The claim is, that he was carrying the knife!

    That's why the cops were allegedly shouting at him to drop it!

    Later ist was claimed he reached into the car and they found a knife there!

    So which is it?

    Was he carrying a knife, that he actually could drop, following police - orders OR was it in the car and he reached for it?


  10. 21 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:

    He shouldn’t have done that, and he’s gonna pay a price for it, but as far as “shooting people” goes - that was self defense. No matter the circumstances, every person has the right to defend themselves from a violent mob of psychos. 

    What’s so hard to understand about that?

    "...but as far as “shooting people” goes - that was self defense."

    No, it very well wasn't!

    He had shot a person FIRST and then was attacked by the "violent mob of psychos"!

    You are making excuses for a TERRORIST!


    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  11. I have some questions...

    a) does this mean, your "quaranteen" is your holiday?

    b) are you allowed to roam freely on the island? Go out? Take excursions or daytrips to Phang Nga Bay fe.?

    Which MIGHT actually work, if touroperators are bundeling some attractive packages!

    Or will you be confined to your hotel? In which case, this thing is dead in the water! Like a duck...filled with lead!

    c) will hotel staff and local inhabbitants also be confined on the island? Because I could see (now jobless) workers in the tourism- industry agreeing with that, but...

  12. 12 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


    There is... it's called lengthy prison sentences if found guilty. People are acting like there is no prosecution going on. 

    Brianna Taylor...shot in her home while being black, when some undercover cops did a (likely illegal) drug raid!

    3 months ago...no prosecution!

    Or maybe you remember thsi case: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Philando_Castile

    Cop was aquitted of all charges, after he shot castile, who 101% complyed with everything the cop asked for and still ended up dead, shot through the window of the driver's seat, in front of his girlfriend and his child, who were in the car!


    People act like that for a reason!

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