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Posts posted by Lannig

  1. Could it be a routing problem?

    The routing goes via USA - UK - France - Germany all together 25 hops sad.png

    But when I connect through my root server's proxy (Frankfurt) the routing is completely different

    (Asia network - Japan - Germany), I get *nearly* Full speed ~800 Kbit from my home server, which is much better than through

    a direct connection.

    Could be as well. Some ISPs load balance traffic over their different uplink pipes. Part of this might be advertising specific routes for the network where their web proxies reside. I knew we were doing this for sure when I worked at an ISP.

    So yes, you could end up going over different routes for proxied and non-proxied connections.

  2. When I go to use it, whatever application I’m running will tell me the camera is inaccessible because it is being used by another process, if it gives any error message at all. If this is so, I can’t determine which one. I looked through running processes via Process Explorer, and checked services, but I’m still at a loss to determine who the culprit is.

    Anyone have a similar problem, and if so how did you solve it?

    Just an idea: Google's Video Chat plug-in installed in your browser and active whenever you have Google Mail open?

  3. Of course VLC is great with its ability to play almost anything without having to tediously install codecs. I use it a lot too, but to watch movies I prefer GOM Player (free) which has tons of nice features and has a very well-polished user interface. Plus it comes with a bunch of codecs that it installs privately (i.e. they don't interfere with the "global" ones). BS Player (free too) is almost as good. For HD stuff and especially MKV movies Zoom Player (not free) would be my favourite.

    • Like 1
  4. Last Result:

    Download Speed: 3991 kbps (498.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 369 kbps (46.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Latency: 137 ms

    Less than 400kbps upload speed is kind of slow . You can max it out very easily if you have other transfers going on. I'm thinking of Bittorrent mostly. You sure there's no such thing?

    Sorry if I'm saying obvious things here.

  5. Ah... Sophon TV... something from Thailand's "good old times" that still remains, eh?

    This weird monopoly they have over Pattaya has always amazed me. Old-school analog RF cable, no one does this anymore. Crappy quality, a whole bunch of channels for a few bahts per month, making me wonder whether they pay the redistribution fees they would be supposed to pay (probably not).

    TiT wai.gif

  6. You might want to check with the AIT (Asian Institute of Techology)


    Either throught their alumni association or directly with the people in their Computer Science school.

    At least you will find people who speak English there, I suspect that would be useful to you.

    They have Thai and foreign students, the ability to control the Thai language would pretty much rule out foreign students.

    Disclaimer: I've worked there but I no longer do. I wasn't teaching anyway. I can't vouch for the quality of their students. Just a suggestion.

  7. I'm not surprised. FTP is an inherently more efficient protocol for file transfers. FTP servers are optimized for big transfers. HTTP servers aren't.

    HTTP usually is proxied, which can slow down things significantly if the proxies are overloaded and your stuff isn't cached yet (it probably isn't). However, this doesn't rule out HTTP being throttled. That's a distinct possibility adding to the picture.

    As for Teamviewer, file transfers over it are slow anyway.

    As a general rule, use FTP whenever possible if you want speed.

  8. HP touchpad runs on WebOS, which in now unfortunately pretty much a dead end. There might be some thai keyboard available but the chances are pretty slim considering the lack of popularity of this platform in Thailand.

    Dead end? maybe not completely. HP has announced that there will be an update and that WebOS will be open-sourced. So it might be a whole new start.

    However... it is possible to install Android on your HP touchpad and benefit from the much wider choice of apps fromt he Android market (which includes quite a lot of nice thai keyboards).

    Instructions here: http://www.howtogeek...ur-hp-touchpad/

    AFAIK the port of Android isn't quite ready for prime time yet.

  9. By the way, anyone here know where there might be some good rackmounts? I notice that what alot of hosting companies in Thailand uses are pretty much all dells. I didn't get a chance to look around when I was here a few weeks ago. I'm regretting this now.

    What about these guys? http://www.quickserv...n/quickserv.php

    That was the first link that came out in a Google (Thailand) search.

    The price doesn't look off the charts to me, but I might not be up to date.

  10. Just a thought, but if running a second AV program, don't you need to turn off the one you already have? .... so not to conflict.....?

    My usual advice is to avoid at all costs having more than one real-time on-access file scanning anti-virus program like Kaspersky, Trend Micro, McAfee, AVG, Avast, NOD, Avira or (God forbid) Symantec[*] etc. It's much more likely to bring you trouble than any extra security.

    Other programs like Spybot S&D, Antimalware etc. are more like cleaner programs and don't do real-time on-access scanning, so they can coexist with an anti-virus.

    [*] Yes, I strongly dislike Symantec A/V products. Elaborating on this would be off-topic so I won't.

  11. I loved SKYPE for sending texts. It's 10x faster than my phone and I can copy and paste to multiple recipients in no time. But....

    The past few months, SKYPE has been indicating my texts were sent, then delivered. But they disappeared into the cloud and were not received. As a test, I texted myself some short messages and they were shown by SKYPE as "delivered" but I never got them on my Bangkok THGSM cell phone. I've tried it multiple times and it's hit and miss.

    I have a monthly subscription to SKYPE International and plenty of cash in my SKYPE account for texts (which I'm not sure are included under my subscription). Phone calls go through great, along with most texts. But they lose enough texts I just can't count on them- probably 20-40%.

    I'd welcome any suggestions.

    Same experience here, paid subscriber to Skype, when sending SMS to Thailand (DTAC subscribers mostly). Some messages are lost, others are delivered up to one hour later. Very unreliable lately. Who's at fault? Skype or DTAC? no idea.

    Has anyone had any luck with Google's free SMS sending by the way? It's advertised as being available in Thailand now but just every attempt at sending messages I've made resulted in the message falling into a black hole...

  12. You should make the change away from microSloth and change to FireFox. Many add-ons, much nicer.

    You may want to look into IE and Chrome now, Firefox seems to be falling behind nowadays. Some websites may not appear the same on FF, as they would on Chrome and IE.

    FF has been crashing alot for me lately when i have multiple tabs open, so i made the switch to Chrome.

    This is drifting a bit off-topic, but if you are considering Chrome, I recommend that you have a look to SRware Iron first. It's a version of Chrome rebuilt from the public sources with all the Google stuff that is a privacy concern removed. I've been using it for ages now and I'm really happy with it.

    SRware Iron download link

  13. I remember the times I was working for a major ISP in Thailand. We were receiving a monthly-or-so list of IP addresses that we were supposed to block access from our customers.

    This list was received by fax from a government agency! so one of the guys in my team had to re-type it by hand and enter every IP into the configuration of our proxies.

    You can imagine that many, many mistakes were made...

    I would assume that things have changed since then (some 10 years ago) but maybe not after all :)

    That would explain the discrepancies between the ISP's blacklists.

  14. i have a problem with n5110 as well. They want you to call, in which they forward you to malaysia office

    So much for Thailand being the "IT hub" of the region :whistling:

    Although to be honest, it's been a while since I last heard a politician utter such nonsense. We've had the "air travel hub" and now the "shopping hub" since then.

  15. I'm thinking of getting another wifi card on Ebay to test, went to Pantip and they don't sell them there when I asked around. I have a USB wifi that works, but inconvenient. It's odd that if the wifi card is at fault, why it only happens on torrents and nothing else using Internet wifi?

    Using a Bittorrent program can easily max out your network connection both ways (down and up streams) and at the same time. If there's a glitch in your wifi hardware or possibly in its driver, I'm not suprised at all that only torrenting would trigger it.

    I wouldn't focus on the Bittorrent program. It's unlikely to be the culprit here. Try to limit the up/down bandwidth allowed to the Bittorrent program and/or the number of simultanous connections. Most Bittorrent programs if not all have settings for this purpose.

  16. Is it worth the trouble? You might be able to find cheap second-hand servers in Panthip or Zeer or whatever IT mall. It might cost you less than what you'd pay to bring them to Thailand and the import tax if applied to you. Unless these are really big boxes..

    Empty rackmounts? not likely IMO. You'd have to find the exact model your mainboard and disks fit it, there's no standard.

    I'd just bring the disks...

  17. I use FastStone Image Viewer. It is fast and not a big footprint. It has pretty much everything you need for photo management and is free. I also have Picssa and understand your frustration as I just went through it today trying to get it to organize folders in a different way. However I needed to use it as it makes photo collages very well.

    I second this. To me Faststone is the greatest invention since sliced bread.

    It might not fit the OP's bill as far as organization goes, though.

    But for visualization and simple editing it's a dream come true.

  18. Yet another this-is-what-my-crystal-ball-tells-me article I'd say.

    Attacks on VMs and clouds? Where I work I manage a large farm of virtualized servers and I really can't see why that would make the slightest difference as far as the surface presented to attackers goes. Since the article doesn't elaborate on this, I would classify this as FUD.

    Android? yeah sure. That's hardly news.

    Bring-Your-Own-Device? oh yes that's a real headache for corporate IT folks like me. Unfortunately beancounters only see the savings made by buying less workstations. They completely neglect the serious security-related consequences as well as the huge workload and unsolvable problems it creates to IT people. Who am I to tell the owner "don't install crapware on your PC"? It's his box!

    I'd venture that the crisis will be a major factor if 2012 sees more IT breakins. Less staff, no money to put in firewalls and security-software ("just put AVG or Avast on your own notebook and bring it to work").

    Just my two satangs...

  19. I know that's really old stuff, but DVD Decrypter + Auto Gordian Knot usually do a good job for me.

    DVD Decrypter will let you select what parts from the DVD and what languages you want to keep, and store them as VOBs in a way that some DVD players can play them directly. My old WinDVD 5 can provided I save them to a folder called VIDEO_TS, although my equally old PowerDVD 6 can't.

    Auto Gordian Knot will do the AVI rip from DVD Decrypter's output (it cannot rip directly from DVD).

    Both are freeware.

    Note: I know DVD Decrypter can't handle many recent copy-protected DVDs. I've mostly used DVD-D+AGK to rip DVDs bought on the street, given that those are so well manufactured that they often become unreadable after a few months.

  20. I think that the key is 2Gb memory just as in bino's computer.

    1Gb just doesn't cut it and most of them are sold with only that.

    With 2Gb memory, these netbooks make pleasant machines for office work and web browsing. I'm quite happy with my own HP Mini 210. Most of them only have one memory slot so you have to buy a 2Gb stick and dump the 1Gb one. Memory is cheap (or at least it was before the floods...)

    The MS Security Essentials page doesn't mention any restriction on what Windows 7 version is supported, apart from it being "genuine" :)

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