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  1. I'd guess leaking gas either caused by hitting the central barrier or perhaps it already had a small unnnoticed leak and sparks from rubbing along the Concrete central barrier ignited it. RIP poor babies.
  2. He doesnt come across as "Airline pilot" in my view more like Truck driver, I wouldnt feel confident being his passenger in an emergency situation.
  3. How are you getting 20KW out of 20 panels ?, Most panels are in the 400-500 watt range never heard of 1 KW panels before.
  4. Time to add Switzerland to the blacklist countries.
  5. Putin's gonna have to annex Phuket soon to protect the Russian speakers at this rate.
  6. I found the girls in Pattaya very friendly, They even call me Handsome man.
  7. Man you must be butt ugly if your an xpat and paying over 3000B shortime.
  8. If he kicked off just a few hours into the flight why did they fly all the way to Indian before ditching him, That must be 8-9 hour flight from Munich.
  9. Karma for picking on expats.
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