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Everything posted by SpanishExpat

  1. Malaysia doesn’t require that in detail! Yeah you have to fill it out, but no need to upload any documents, so you can fill out any random accommodation and just the date when you leave again. Takes 2-3min. I also can use the Egates there with my passport and without pysical contact to immigration officers. Just hoping Thailand doesn’t <deleted> this up like they usually do by over-complicating it.
  2. But 99% not in Nakhon Nowhere, where her family comes from. Maybe he can work as an English Teacher for 20k THB in the local school, but that’s it 😂 If he would be smart enough being able to work remote online with a decent income , they surely would already have moved to Thailand long ago.
  3. I don’t know them, but I’m still in my 30s and have been living in Thailand for 9 years. So yeah , I think i know what is possible for a “younger” expat with that amount of money and what is rather romantic day-dreaming.
  4. So what ? Still not enough, as she wants to move back to Thailand. That means that she will have a long distance marriage from now on or her husband moves with her. We both know that option 2 is not very probable, as that money isn’t enough, if there is no “real income”
  5. Congrats, but they just have a low-education mindset! 9Mio THB still won’t get you anywhere close to retirement in Thailand still being in your 40s. They should have re-invested that money, work a few more years and then re-consider their plans. Adding to that, Andy should be prepared for all those parasites in his wife’s village to suddenly ask for money.
  6. At least it’s a minor change in the right direction. I always use the E Gates in Malaysia and Singapore and it’s such a smooth experience. Sure Thailand has more tourist arrivals, but you can’t keep the stone age immigration system forever. I still don’t like the new government, still they are miles ahead of the Prayut era and try to innovate.
  7. I am SO BORED of this Thai Elite bullsh*t! Everyone knows that money/power has been used. In a decent country this clown would see his son once per week. And that just for 1 hour during his visits in jail!!!
  8. Well , good the times are over when that scammer obviously used the Foundation money to fly First class. Because the picture of him was taken in Emirates First Class
  9. It’s Thai Elite, Thai first class or when you request special assistance. Apart from that, I’m not aware of any other legit golf cart services.
  10. Way too many scumbags are still living here! A mix a toxic, mentally ill and depressed guys. Don’t know why Thailand attracts that special kind of human being, but that’s it. Happy to live my normal life here with decent western friends and avoiding trouble-makers.
  11. Well..a few guys in my condo complex never stopped wearing them. Even during workout or in the swimming pool, hardly being able to breath🙄🙄 Would be interesting to know, if they still follow the suggestions from back in the dark Covid days to wear a mask during sex with their partner.
  12. This is exactly why the young generation of Thai people mostly voted for MFP. They are fed up of corrupt clown shows like that!
  13. Guess she’ll wait quiet long to inherit this non-existent house, as we are both the same age. I actually pity you a lot, as you are obviously living in a world where all Thai women seem just to be poor gold diggers????
  14. It won’t! I’m not doubting that they implement it this time, but they will just go after the big guys. They won’t ever have the resources to go after everyone.
  15. What a huge sh**show!! The worst is that they really think the Thai population is that stupid the believe this staged and shameless show!!!
  16. Sad but that’s the Thai mindset! It starts to buy the newest iPhone with downpayments, loosing the overview of credit card spendings and ends with an overpriced car/house.
  17. Because I have my wife and my life here you clown!! If you don’t care about the current situation and don’t think Thai people deserve better or live in your expats bubble, it’s better for YOU to leave !!
  18. Corrupt and disgusting 3rd world banana republic. That’s exactly what Thailand is and always will be!!
  19. Well he blends perfectly into the Thai politicians who are disgusting corrupt liars like him. Supposedly Thailand was neutral , but inviting now this scumbag is nothing else than a big OK for what’s going on in Ukraine.
  20. Funny that the current dinosaur clowns love to prosecute every minor defamation/ fake news. now that their time is running out, they start with that on their own. Just shows how bad Thailand needs a democracy lead by Move Forward and a clear cut of all those bullsh** games.
  21. Pita is a very smart man and if 112 is the compromise for most of the senators to back/not back him, he will do the right thing. he can’t change Thailand in one day, but if he really does a good job, the actual opposition will get more votes, won’t even need any senate votes in 4 years and so it will change step by step.
  22. Not everyone here is old & retired!! Many of us are working expats with Thai wifes, kids etc. while I am technically a guest I do have the right to discuss politics and have a clear opinion about what’s going on in Thailand. And Thailand would/ will be a better country without egocentric, military dinosaurs. A better country to raise kids & a better country for the family in law of westerners. easy to come up with such a comment, if you don’t face hurdles like for example the non-existent pension system in Thailand which makes you fully dependent on your kids or you simply have to work until you die.
  23. Pita has balls of steel and that’s great! They learned from the mistakes Thanathorn made last time with Move Forward. You simple can’t discuss rational with those dinosaurs in charge. His strategy won’t change Thailand completely in one month or more one year, but will be fundamental for the future. and for everyone thinking the next coup is around the corner. Things have changed within the last 10 years. The young generation wants a modern Thailand, isn’t afraid to fight for that, they are educated and can’t be manipulated to the extent the older generation has been in the past.
  24. One of the clear downsides here in Thailand. The government orders something = no one questions it (at least publicly) the damage which has been done to a whole generation of kids is just disgusting! most countries have admitted their faults in dealing with covid in the past, yet Thailand continues stubborn like always. praying that FF will win those elections as they have quite a few decent guys in there with the ability to make rational decisions.
  25. They are simply stupid!! Would have been no bureaucratic effort for them to extend it. Even if 30 days is still enough for most tourists, post-covid a country should do everything possible to thrive tourism. Never understood why Thailand is so strict about that, while countries like Malaysia give a 90 days exemption entry.
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