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  1. Was trying to compare the mentality of the people but lots people dont know how to cross safely without intimidating that's all respect wise people here piss all over the people there , no more comparisons you bought this up not me
  2. I think the taxi either just picked someone up and buy lookifbrwsr view mirror and the victim probably walked across without due care and attention or maybe even ran across lokkog at his trainers probably did but still no excuse from the driver striking some warrants a stop on a crossing or not
  3. Talking about hospital I just paid 3000baht in hospital In over 3 daya was training to do 100 pushup in a day I normally only do 30 not very fit , any way I did not have insurance but even if I did I would have pay excess first , what is the best way to get insurance from abroad when booking or get from Thailand on arrival the thing about getting from abroad will they accept it if needed to claim
  4. Does anyone know where the foreign national was from the pedestrian who was struck
  5. In uk you don't have to stop if someone's waiting ,also for instance a bus Is coming along and a pedestrian chose to cross without warning or waiting the bus has to harsh break ckuks hurt passengers, you don't have to stop at all pedestrians who think otherwise are rude and don't give a damn when growing up was always taught wait at zebra crossing toll cars vans,stop for you if you decide to cross the road forcing vehicles to stop you should be arrested but can't be jailed as the uk is so screwed there is no more room if you Google uk laws for zebra there it's say don't have to stop ie link
  6. I live in England I suppose depends what part of uk you live but I feel safer in Thailand always have done apart from being scratched by lady boys no priblems
  7. So true we'll done but I would say UK needs to pass a law for citizens who create crashes accidents via carelessly not give a damn a d just stepping out and arguing, but here they will soon do something about it
  8. I think they might of done really can't remember strange I drove my own car there was not with driving school I'm surprised can't remember I was really happy got my Thai drivers licence so could be legally legal in all manners
  9. I passed my test in 2005 in Thailand chonburi, I'm sure they took Me out on the road , 50 50 sure, but motorbikes no just stayed on premises
  10. Only if it's a question to pass the test online in test centre zebra crossing are few and far between so to go past one on a driving test would be unlucky
  11. I've often thought about all the things you say , my conclusion is they are not afraid to die as rebirth seems a good idea
  12. Tbh and unbiased without a forward facing camera in car that's recording if pedestrians were at fault you would be <deleted>
  13. Phones are the new drug everyone's at it even driving super dangerous while operating anytime of moving vehicles
  14. Only if started to cross Already
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