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Everything posted by BuddyPish

  1. I think the UK government can use every penny it can get its hands on right now. Its own nationals can barely afford to buy property so why would it stop people with the means from doing so? Protectionism is something that every country is guilty of to some degree so pick up your toys and stop whining. Unlike the UK, Thailand's not a first world economy with developed markets so allowing foreigners to bowl in buying up land from under ordinary Thais' feet would be unacceptable.
  2. Welcome to the cesspool of curmudgeonry that is Asean Now forum. Mostly right wing dinosaurs who think their pensions account for half of Thailand's GDP.
  3. She's been here six months already, Einstein
  4. It is no different to being a middle man. Stop hating and get a life.
  5. Talk about apples and oranges. Lower Sukhumvit's equivalent in the UK would be something like the West End in London. 24k in Lower Sukhumvit would be 120k+++ in the West End. Healthcare in the UK is a postcode lottery; the quality of service you receive is almost entirely dependent upon where you live. If you're paying GBP550 pm to live in the UK, you're definitely not living in London or even the South East
  6. And another dinosaur with preconceived ideas about how to generate income. World's changed a lot since you were young, mate. Jog on
  7. Couldn't go through more than the first 5 or 6 comments for all the negativity. Typical guess-the-visa attitudes, assumptions that they've moved without considering education, healthcare . . . no wonder these forums are dying
  8. I don't "wonder" at all how they're financing their new life. Perhaps you think this country is only for pension coffin dodgers. They're young and, presumably, reasonably healthy and, if they have skills that are in demand here, none of the "points" you made will be an issue.
  9. Almost all foreign pedos caught here hiding out or peddling kiddie porn are white males. Run a search on Google using keyword "pedophile", "Thailand" and add "British", "American" etc interchangeably. Whenever i happen across a gammon bitching about grooming gangs, I produce a results page and they miraculously shut up.
  10. They should have an easier time getting a visa than farangs right now given we're at the center of much of all the recent foreign criminality in this country. Swearing at and kicking a doctor in the back for moongazing on his steps Hospitalizing an elderly Thai woman by a savage beating at a Big C A Brit arrested for sexually assaulting several of his students. He promptly fainted. Assaulting a Thai police officer and causing his sidearm to be fired in the struggle. Selling cocaine in Krabi and Phuket Sexually assaulting a horse Handing a passport to an IO with half a gram of cocaine in it No wonder Thais are sick to the back teeth with farang arrogance especially when so much of it comes from elderly western trainwrecks
  11. So what if they sit on the floor to eat?? Lots of cultures do so. It doesn't mean you're better than they are. Thais question a lot more than you think but they're taught to keep some things to themselves. Free speech isn't a thing here in case you hadn't noticed
  12. Oh grow up Prayut most definitely did not say that. He merely said that if these women parade around in ordinary public areas, they are bound to attract the attention of men, a handful of whom may take things too far. I remember when we used to laugh at other ethnicities who complained of discrimination here. We'd say things like "Thailand isn't PC so if you don't like it, . . ." Now that we're on the receiving end, suddenly the softer, snowflake types among us are crying "racism". What happened to the attraction of no political correctness?
  13. You make it sound as if the Thais are somehow mourning this development. I don't think they are. Can't speak for all Thais but the ones I know rank Brits at the bottom of the barrel as far as crappy behaviour in their country is concerned.
  14. Get ill in Vietnam and find out. Oh, and criticise the Vietnamese government as vocally as many here do the Thai administration and you'll find your life getting very difficult, very quickly. The Vietnamese Communist Party doesn't play. Thais don't "hate" white folk; they've just learned not to give us the benefit of the doubt as readily as they did in the past. I guess that might seem like a negative to the more entitled among us.
  15. What's "rip-off" about the exchange rate? I don't hear yanks bitching. Or Indians. Or Chinese. The pound is where it is because of the stupidity of the British electorate in voting to leave the EU. The pound has never recovered the 55 baht it enjoyed on June 23, 2016 and it's likely it never will.
  16. Granted but I'd point out that those Brits getting into trouble for these crimes in Thailand most definitely are.
  17. And, consequently, they attract even more of the low-end degenertes Thailand is trying to rid itself of.
  18. Yes but there are pretty valid reasons for farangs featuring more prominently in the Thai media. So many behave like absolute scum. Beating up women, sexually assaulting their pupils, dealing drugs, assaulting policemen and even sexually assaulting a HORSE . . . . .
  19. Wouldn't you consider aquablation again?
  20. This is commonplace. The media's just reporting more often now. Mostly farangs and Thais seem to be getting fed up with it
  21. Don't like the content of the news so it's time for the censors, right?
  22. Of course the majority are Thai; it's their country I'd imagine he was referring to the foreign paedophiles who are ALWAYS white and from either UK, US, NZ and Germany.
  23. Look, I responded to some idiot who said the following: I merely pointed out that it's white people who seem to cause more trouble in this country than any other foreigners, especially at the moment.
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