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  1. This is NOT fake news. Organ harvesting in Thailand is absolutely real. I've seen it myself. Chinese tourists should probably stay away to be safe.
  2. Slitting his own throat? Really? I mean, it possibly could happen but it's a very rare and unusual way of killing yourself. It almost seems as if the police are just being lazy here. This is highly suspect and should be investigated thoroughly.
  3. Even when a foreigner isn't even involved in the crime, they find a way to blame it on us. Honestly, the xenophobia and farang-bashing in this country is just ridiculous at this point.
  4. About bloody time. Remove these trouble makers. DEPORT As I've always said, the worst thing about Thailand is some of the foreigners. Another unwise but totally predictable knee jerk reaction from the "if you don't like it, go home" mob. Do you people ever take a second to reflect before cheering on every dystopian idea? Go ahead and just assume that a rule like this would only ever be applied to those that deserve it and never used as a tool of corruption and never affect innocent people.
  5. The open xenophobia and racism is getting out of hand. What a way to welcome back the tourists! I can't stand certain aspects of Thailand.
  6. That's very possible and a good reminder that the accuracy in these stories tend to be questionable to say the least.
  7. This is just so typical of Thai media. They report opinions of establishment types as undeniable facts. Vaping is an alternative to smoking. If you want more young people to take up regular smoking, you should go ahead and keep the alternative (vaping) illegal.
  8. If a nation doesn't give handouts to immigrants, there's zero risk of that happening. There's no need for the extreme xenophobia and irrational fear mongering in the media about foreigners.
  9. Reminds me of that African tribe that built landing strips in the dessert with hopes of attracting big metal birds carrying food, just like they've seen the white man do.
  10. The Thai's government greatest fear is that a foreigner would work in their country. They're so scared of it that they make up stories about it. Compare that to the immigration situation we have in Europe....
  11. What is this!? 2021? I thought we were passed all this. Who the hell wants to get one of these shots in 2023? Why would anyone want to get one on their holiday?
  12. I could overlook all the organised crime and drug and weapons trafficking bits but working without a work permit, hiring foreigners and providing shelter to illegal immigrants!? There's no going back from that. The death penalty is the only option here.
  13. Thailand could do with fewer Russians, Israelis, Indians and Chinese. All other nationalities seem to be able conduct themselves somewhat (with the odd individual exception.) I didn't include English people because even though they top the list of trouble makers in bars, they also mingle well with other groups and I'd personally miss them if they weren't around.
  14. Agreed, but it's completely understandable too. These people are in too deep at this point. They invested their health into the belief that these vaccines and dystopian measures were the way to salvation. Cognitive dissonance now prevents them from accepting the reality that they were duped. They NEED to believe that they made the right choice in letting themselves get injected. Remember, it's easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they've been fooled.
  15. That's not what we were told from the beginning. We were told that they were 97% effective in stopping the spread. We now know that they knowingly lied so I'd be very careful about thrusting proven liars.
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