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Everything posted by edogthong

  1. Not a big believer in individual freedom, I see. If two consenting adults agree to exchange sex for money, that's their business. It has absolutely nothing to do with you.
  2. The story is somehow trying to make the Immigration Officers look like the heroes for cracking down on illegal immigration, like their hard work through deep investigations into the issue led to this arrest. At the same time, they mention (almost as a side note) that a "concerned citizen" tipped them off. So basically, they sat on their fat behinds taking bribes as usual until an upset Karen told them exactly where to go and they sent 12 of their men there for an arrest and a photo op.
  3. There are visas for media workers. Why didn't the CNN "journalists" have the correct visas? And why isn't the authorities mentioning that clear violation of the rules? I take it as a message from the government that anyone can work without a work permit and they'll do nothing about it.
  4. Years ago whilst in Krabi, I used to frequent this expat bar and the owner told me that the bar opposite was infamous for having underage girls working there. I noticed that police vehicles were parked in front of that particular bar frequently. I thought it was good that the police tried doing something about it and one night I shared those thoughts with the owner of the expat bar. He laughed at me and said: "That's not what they're doing there, mate" How was I ever that naive?
  5. So you want the same system that gave us this guy in the first place, to be allowed to execute drug traffickers at will. What could possibly go wrong?
  6. Somehow, I'm not surprised. Some of you sad individuals in here do nothing but relish in the misfortune of others.
  7. Exactly, that's exactly what I think it is. Having said that, TIT and I'm not sure making this argument when asked to mask up would work all that well. I'm not going to be wearing a mask (or even having one on me) anywhere but if asked by a staff member or cop, I'll probably just leave without making a scene.
  8. They have no legal basis to do this. Not even with the Emergency Decree in place were they actually allowed to mandate these things. This has been reported on numerous times. Lawyer Ben from Integrity Legal has made several videos on the subject.
  9. Maybe not but it certainly doesn't help. It's not a step in the right direction. It shows how they're focusing on the wrong things. They're worried about loosing a few hundred million instead of putting all their efforts into making trillions. There's so much they could do to attract tourists but they don't. They could increase the length of stay for TVs to 6 months. They could give everyone 90 days on arrival and do away with much of the unnecessary bureaucracy associated with travelling to Thailand. They could even start charging more for visas and extensions instead of this stupid fee. I don't think anyone would mind paying double or even triple for their visa if the process was easier.
  10. No, we won't. I agree that you don't understand my point. I've already tried to explain it in multiple ways but you refuse to understand. I wish you all the best anyway. Cheers.
  11. Yes, we do! And I'm very proud to be one of them. I bet you wish that you were included in that group too. Be honest: Knowing what you know now, would you have gotten injected at all?
  12. Certainly not but are you saying that it would exist without the farang?
  13. Yeah, you might be on to something. It makes more sense in a way since almost every new thing they come up with to bolster tourism, seems to be designed to have the opposite effect.
  14. That's where you are wrong and you failed to understand my point. You're looking at individuals and not at the whole picture. While it seems logical that no individual tourist would ever refrain from travelling to Thailand due to a tiny 300 Baht fee, the reality is that this will have a negative effect on tourism as a whole, however significant. Just the fact that this story is out there, negatively affects Thailand's reputation and that in turn will affect tourism. It will have an effect on how people talk, blog, vlog and write about Thailand. Many prospective tourists won't even be aware that this 300 Baht fee is responsible for them not choosing Thailand as their holiday destination. Everything is connected (when a butterfly flaps its wings...) and to use another old analogy; this is the straw that broke the camel's back (for some).
  15. 700M Baht is such a ridiculously small amount of money in the grand scheme of things. It's not even worth mentioning. The article neglected to mention how much medical tourism and foreigners in general contributed to the health sector. I'd love to see those two numbers put up against each other. All the state of the art hospitals and clinics that Thailand is so proud of were built with money from foreigners.
  16. Your comment shows a lack in knowledge of basic economics. It's like saying that nobody's going to stop drinking beer if they increase the price by just one baht. The truth is that with every price increase, the total consumption will go down. At the very least compared to if there hadn't been a price increase. This fee will negatively effect the number of visitors as a whole. That's an economic certainty. How much? Nobody knows but it's definitely a strange move for a country that claims to want to increase tourism.
  17. That's completely misleading. The guy that walked around with that flag was a misguided fool who did it ironically to try to show how Canada was turning into a fascist state. He was quickly driven away. If you are trying to say that the truckers would accept actual Nazis joining their protest, you're deluded, dishonest or just plain ignorant.
  18. Canada under Trudeau is totalitarian. He stopped people from free travel and called them Nazis. He froze their bank accounts for simply protesting. That would not happen in a free, democratic society.
  19. Decent leadership? That's the first time I've ever heard anyone accuse Justin "Castro Blackface" of being decent. He's a protégé of Klaus Schwab and is spear heading the shift into tyranny in the western world. He froze bank accounts of protesters and even those supporting the protesters! The man (?) is pure evil.
  20. Amen to that! Now, these cowards are grasping at straws, trying to find some remaining piece of evidence justifying their previously indefensible behaviour. They're all pretending now as if they always knew that the vaccines weren't going to stop the spread. The truth always goes through 3 stages and we're now at the final one where the truth becomes accepted as self-evident.
  21. Ehh no, no it doesn't. We've known that it doesn't for over a year. Not even the most enthusiastic jab heads are claiming that it does. Not Fauci, not the CEO of Pfizer, no one except you.
  22. ...and finally, the truth is accepted as self-evident.
  23. The same experts that said that the vaccines were safe and effective and would stop the spread? Yeah, listen to those guys instead of the experts who've been proven right after being cancelled by the establishment. That seems like the Orwellian thing to do.
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