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Everything posted by edogthong

  1. Those who were here in 2008/2009 will remember the huge impact that financial crisis had on the tourism sector. I'm not just talking numbers of tourists but more importantly the amount of money spent by each tourist. Thailand was flooded with bacbackers buying their booze in 7elevens and getting drunk in their bungalows instead of spending their money in bars. I remember talking to one realtor who went from selling on average one property every day during high season the year prior to selling one single property during the entire following high season. According to him, a lot of it had to do with the sellers who refused to follow the market and had been accustomed to their properties skyrocketing in value every year. Still, the impact of that financial crisis was enormous and it took years for Thailand to recover. Just imagine how long it will take this time. I'm sure there will be an improvement from last year but it won't be near enough. Prepare for a lot more of your favorite businesses shutting shop forever.
  2. No adult supervision? So what? These adults already let their kids ride motorbikes illegally and hadn't taught them about the dangers of strong currents. They most likely didn't know themselves how dangerous this was. It's not just the kids that are uneducated. This is extremely tragic because kids died. What's even more tragic is that it will happen again even though it's entirely preventable.
  3. I can attest to that. In Cairo, drivers actually bump into each other as a normal part of driving. It would be impossible to have pristine car in Egypt. It will get scratched or bumped on the way home from the dealership.
  4. Does this mean that the #metoo movement has finally arrived in Thailand????? I remember when Thai girls wouldn't even understand when I tried to explain the concept of sexual harassment to them. I've always been against foreigners behaving like pigs in Thailand and groping bar girls. But #metoo in Thailand won't end well. Prepare to see this scenario put into practise as a new tourist scam.
  5. Fully recovered doesn't necessarily mean that they're back to the condition they were in before their vaccinations. That is especially true with the one case that suffered from myocarditis. You can't always see scarring of the heart muscle.
  6. First of all, this has nothing to do with the topic at hand. This thread is about the Thai study that looked at heart effects in young people. Secondly, those statistics are not looking at "people" as you claim. They're looking at people over 50 years of age. And they're not looking at their overall health status either. By now, we know that pretty much all of those deaths are from individuals with pre-existing health conditions such as obesity and diabetes. But again, this is not what this thread is about. It's about young people without pre-existing medical issues.
  7. No, not for males under 40. And again, don't forget that vaccinated individuals also get infected and suffer those risks as well as the risks associated with the vaccines. The American Heart Association published an article two weeks ago with a headline that led people to believe what you are spouting. However, if you go on to actually read the article, you'll find: "Among men under 40, there were an estimated four extra cases of myocarditis associated with the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine and 14 extra cases with the first dose of the Moderna vaccine for every 1 million men vaccinated. That risk rose with the second dose for all three vaccines studied and was highest for Moderna's, which had an additional 97 myocarditis cases per 1 million. For unvaccinated men under 40 with COVID-19, there were 16 additional myocarditis cases per million." Web link to the article: https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/08/22/covid-19-infection-poses-higher-risk-for-myocarditis-than-vaccines
  8. You and everyone else in here are overlooking the fact that the vaccines don't stop infection. So vaccinated individuals have to worry about risks from infection as well as the risks from the vaccines.
  9. So you've never heard anything so stupid but you admit it happens in the Middle East...Ok???? I've been here a very long time, I don't drink at all and I'm basing my statement on personal experiences. To be fair, I was exaggerating slightly. Foreigners don't automatically get the blame in any given situation but they're clearly at a disadvantage if in an accident with a Thai. But I've actually heard said argument from a Thai person. So I know for a fact that the thought process definitely exists here. I've helped out in numerous accidents and I'm also allergic to stupid statements and myths about locals from long term expats. I hear them all the time. Your analysis of me couldn't be more wrong which isn't strange since you based it on one single statement.
  10. You've learnt a new word, congratulations!
  11. Again, with the foreigner bashing. Obviously, grabbing anyone who doesn't want to be grabbed is wrong. It's disgusting behaviour. But why is this a news story!? How many foreign men get grabbed without consent by Thai working girls or ladyboys on a daily basis on Walking Street? This story reeks of hypocrisy and xenophobia.
  12. ????????????Yeah, that must be it. That's why they put their mask on while driving on the wrong side of the road with no lights. Give me a break! They've just fallen for the fear porn propagated into them by their "news" media. As have you by your "news" media. Imagine at this point, still thinking masks make a slight bit of difference. Now hurry up and go get another booster like the good little sheep that you are.
  13. The only reason this is in the news is because a foreigner was behind the wheel. Obviously, he was at fault but let's not forget that in the eyes of the locals, foreigners are always to blame. The way they see it, the accident wouldn't have happened if the foreigner hadn't travelled to their country.
  14. Exactly that, well done! Btw, it's not my narrative I'm asking you to believe in. I'm just asking you to believe in the current reality. Reflect, regret, repent and admit that you were wrong and that you were duped.
  15. Most people follow others like sheep. That's something that has been proven to me over the last couple of years. The heard mentality is especially prevalent with most in here. Just look at how you all believed the sanctioned "experts" who told you to go get yourselves injected. You rushed to do it as soon as possible. They promised you that you'd be protected and that it would stop the spread. You believed them and went on to demonise and ostracise anyone who didn't want to go along. Now, that everyone knows that this virus can't be stopped, you're pretending like we knew that all along and won't apologise or give any kind of vindication to the people who tried to warn you. You were played like simple sheep this whole time without even realising it. It's scary to see how far you all were willing to go. It's even scarier to think how far you'll be willing to go next time. Because if you keep ignoring the fact that you were in the wrong, you will have learnt nothing from this and you are doomed to repeat it.
  16. Congratulations for completely missing my point. Obviously, all violent and sex criminals DESERVE severe punishment. I wasn't arguing against that. My point is that innocent people will get convicted and suffer these consequences while others who are guilty will be let off the hook. I was merely question the wisdom of calling for harsher penalties in a country with a highly corrupt and imperfect justice system.
  17. I was hoping to find at least one comment with a smidgeon of wisdom behind it. Instead, it's the usual "execute them!", "castrate them properly", "no penalty is hard enough" etc from the same crowd who were basically cheering when an innocent 19 year old South-African girl got a life sentence for something she didn't do. Of course, most of you didn't even bother to read her story. It's just primitive knee jerk reactions with you lot. Do you really think Thailand is the sort of country where penalties should become ever more harsh? Do you really have that much trust that the Thai criminal justice system won't be abused? Please, for once, think further than your <deleted>
  18. The first time that a foreigner got something for free in Thailand, it was an injection. That should've been your first clue.
  19. I'm not telling anyone what to do. Leading by example is not telling anyone to do anything. In fact l, I'm totally against telling people what to do. Be it vaccine mandates or even mask mandates. I've been opposed to all that <deleted> from the beginning.
  20. No, we shouldn't. This whole argument about respecting our hosts is ridiculous. We should be showing them the way. It's because of us that single used plastics is finally on a down trend. We have a lot to learn from the Thais but they have a lot to learn from us too. Their mask wearing is based on fear porn and propaganda. Thai people are less educated and more trusting of the establishment government and media. That's never a good thing.
  21. You just assumed that lock downs were responsible for SARS fading away. You have presented no proof of that being the actual reason.
  22. Instead of comparing this virus to Ebola, it would perhaps be more fair to compare it to the original SARS virus which actually did "fade away". This name of this virus is literally a sequel to the one that faded away.
  23. I think everyone is neglecting a key property of the very nature of evolution of viruses. We keep hearing about how newer variants are more contagious but what the media often conveniently forget to mention is how the newer variants are also less deadly and generally less dangerous. Viruses won't survive for long if they kill off their hosts. The weaker variants survive and take over. This fact combined with better treatment alternatives means that eventually, the need for boosters will gradually diminish. It's also worth noting that the risk and occurrence of side effects only increase with every booster. Many of those who gotten sick after their first two jabs will refuse to get a third. And those who've gotten a third and gotten sick will refuse a fourth and so on. This world wide push to get everyone injected can't go on forever. The pendulum always turns to swing the other way eventually.
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