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About EdrigoSalvadore

  • Birthday 07/12/1994

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  1. Should be called mobster goons. When they demanded our phones it really felt like mafiosos in their prime.
  2. I'm mostly outside during the night time. I prefer the cooler weather and the easier traffic. Most other people outside during daytime.
  3. For some reason it's not marked on google maps. Here's the street view. https://maps.app.goo.gl/XyoHQ6byZwUDC8Ve9?g_st=ac
  4. I haven't been in walking street in 6 months even I live in Pattaya. I don't drink and have never been in a bar in Pattaya.
  5. I don't know either. I don't go outside that much, but I've been here for a long time.
  6. Not really relevant, but I got assaulted several times here in Pattaya. I've made posts about it before. No I wasn't drunk or making trouble. I was innocent sitting down while a drugged up foreigner kicked me in my head. Once a drunk thai lady hit me in my balls. Once a bunch of thai kids tried to snatch my phone. Everytime my PTSD got worse.
  7. Sometime between 4 am and 4:30 am. On the street outside Tops Daily on the far end of walking street. Several "famous/infamous" discos nearby. Two white guys looking young, groomed and kinda honest, arguing with a shabby looking Thai woman. The guards interfered on the side of the Thai. I couldn't count the kicks those guys got in the back of their heads.
  8. I was standing by the entrance to tops daily, probably more than 10 meters away. I didn't film. The guard got upset with me when he couldn't find any video on my phone. He looked for a while. In my friends phone he first deleted the video and then also emptied the "deleted files" folder. Seemed like he knew what he was doing. I tried refusing first by putting away my phone, but he was yelling like a mad man and was surely about to hit me so I gave it to him. Felt like being robbed.
  9. Last night I saw the security guards on walking street doing something similar as what happened in soi 6 last year. Two young white handsome guys got attacked by security, went down to the ground, about ten security guards kicking them, mostly in their heads. A bunch of people filming it, but the security threatened everyone who they suspected had been filming, and forced them to hand over their phones. Even I who, had been standing outside Tops had to unlock my phone and give it to them. They deleted all the videos on peoples phones. I have PTSD and I don't feel well at all being threatened to be killed for no reason. I wonder what happened with those guys who got their heads kicked in. I've been searching for a video but nothing so far. I wonder what the story was, and how can the security attack people not involved and demand their phones even they just at Tops?
  10. I'm a big spender but I've yet to see the red carpet. Everytime I've met anyone working for the government it's been like meeting the devil himself.
  11. I miss typhoo gold. Now it's impossible to find it.
  12. I have same problem as the poster. Girls and friends don't improve with money, so what's the point. I've lost many of my friends since my investments did well. My friends are struggling economically and can barely sustain a hobo life here in Thailand while I just buy whatever comes to mind.
  13. Looks like a bargain. My condo is for sale for 14 million, the same size, not far from that one. I pay 45000 rent each month. Mine is probably 10-15 years newer and a bit more luxurious thought.
  14. Since when is it allowed to suggest torturing or killing animals in Thailand? It is against the law here. Please follow the law in Thailand.
  15. I've went to the police in Pattaya twice looking for help, and both times I've left with a feeling of helplessness. They mocked me both times. Only thing they're good for in my opinion is the free toilet at the beach.
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