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Everything posted by steevjee

  1. NOTE: The Japanese are the largest group of expats in Thailand but only own 800 odd condos compared to the Chinese owning 20,000 odd and the Russians with 2000 odd. I would always trust a Japanese business mind and without pointing any fingers there are 2 very corrupt nations in the top 5 list ;)
  2. That tall bloke aint a Thai, he's from AZ HQ so there's something odd going on
  3. I'm heading there soon and looking for Hotel recommendations/prices if you can kindly assist. Welcome to pm me
  4. I have told her everything that you have just mentioned. The Village rumour drums beat loud amongst the Rice farmers. But as of tonight it seems she has finally seen the light and will line up for her jab next week ????
  5. The stats say that more people die from Thunderstorm Asthma in Australia than Thrombosis (blood clots) from AZ. 25 million jabs have gone into arms here and 7 people have died from vaccine related Thrombosis....you do the math! Research shows that Trypanophobia (fear of medical procedures) is the greatest ACTUAL deterrent to people being vaccinated, not fear of blood clots or any other rare side effect
  6. Yeah me too, will also happily line up for a booster when its due. You're a long time dead
  7. 1 in 1 million actually, more chance of dying from Thunderstorm Asthma
  8. My fiance is living in Phetchabun province and as I plan to return to Thailand soon I'm wanting her to get vaccinated ASAP as I am double dosed with Astra Zeneca here in Australia. But she tells me that many people in Thailand have died after having the Astra Zeneca shot. I'm wondering if it's just silly rumours circulating in her village or if there is some truth to it. Here in Oz we've had about 7 deaths from Thrombosis after an AZ shot but thats after at least 7 million shots, so like 1 in 1,000,000 which is hardly worth worrying about. Can anyone shed some light on the amount deaths in Thailand after an AZ shot?
  9. Roll-out of Booster shots continues ???? <deleted> !!!! Hardly any of the Central and Northern Provinces farm folk have received a 1st jab yet Why would any humane Government allow this to happen to it's own citizens ?
  10. Rollout of booster shots!......what a crock o <deleted> You mispelt PANDEMIC Dick
  11. You forgot AZ, almost as good as the mRna's and most Aussies and Euros have it already double dosed. Sinovac is just OK for 1st dose as long as its followed up by AZ or an mRna for 2nd jab
  12. Not in Thailand it hasn't, with only 10% vaccinated they are miles off. At the current rate they wont be safe enough for at least 6 months, sure they'll try but they'll also fail, with lots of death and misery along the way
  13. Almost certainly you wont have any side effects with 2nd jab as your body will recognise it, whereas 1st dose your side effects were simply your immune system reacting and I believe is a sign that you probably have a strong immune system
  14. Look at his face, then look at you know who's and his deputy's........ then tell me who looks more trustworthy? A picture often speaks a thousand words
  15. Government Henchman at work? or a super wealthy farang? or both?,???? nudge nudge wink wink...say no more ????
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