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  1. Beaches are extremely boring after the first hour or two.
  2. The local exchange that I use because of their excellent rates has never asked me for my passport even when I exchanged 65,000 baht last week. They just ask for a local phone number which I wrote on a piece of paper for them. It could be any number because they never check. SuperRich on the other hand always took a photocopy of my passport before the transaction. My local exchange has slightly better rates than SuperRich and being local I walk there and don't have to catch the MRT to make a transaction.
  3. I just skipped to the last paragraph to look for the anticipated GoFundMe request. No need to read the rest of the story.
  4. How much was the beach rocked as measured on the Richter Scale?
  5. When I see an article about someone having a tragic accident, I immediately check near the end of the article to see if there is gofundme begging or scam. If there is no gofundme then I send my "Thoughts and Prayers" but if I see gofundme I go to the next article and don't bother reading about the tragedy. I should try to add the gofundme website to my AdBlocker filter.
  6. This sounds exactly like our local pedestrian crossing in Melbourne when it is time to "Walk".
  7. The phrases "leading children under the elephant's belly" and "bring luck and safety" do not seem to belong together. I suppose they were "lucky" to have survived the ritual.
  8. She could have decided to drive in the car the following day and be involved in a fatal crash. So it's very lucky for her the car was destroyed and saved her life.
  9. Yes. I stayed back in Australia for the Christmas and New Year holidays, on my own. Wonderfully peaceful, but I do miss my darling wife. Will be back in Bangkok with her again next week.
  10. If this many people died on the road in two days in Australia, the speed limit on major highways would be reduced o 30kph to "keep people safe".
  11. The Bangkok Post article has the uncensored photo. I would not call them stunning. 😄
  12. That is to be expected when you are overweight.
  13. Not funny! My birthday is on the 18th December and my birthday and Christmas presents were always "combined".

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