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Everything posted by ThLT

  1. You don't seem to understand basic math? The creation of a new BTC has nothing to do with the monetary value of BTC, and smaller units of measurement, such as the Satoshi (0.00000001 BTC). Tell me, if there is currently almost 19 million BTC at the moment (out of the 21 millions maximum supply), each worth around $40,000, why are there 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 Satoshis? If in 100 years from now, 1 Satoshi is worth $40,000... then wow, Bitcoin has now 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 "Satoshi Bitcoins." The name changed, from bitcoins to Satoshis, but now the amount has changed from 21 million to... 1 quintillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000). Again, there is no "limited supply" of Bitcoin.
  2. And even if there is a limited supply of individual BTC, individual bitcoins, for example, are subdivided into Satoshis of 0.00000001 BTC. The monetary value of Satoshis reflect that of an individual BTC. At the point 1.0 BTC reaches very high monetary values, like at the moment, 1.0 BTC just becomes an arbitrary unit of measurement. If 1.0 BTC would be worth $10 billion USD—considering no one makes purchases at that scale—there would still need to be a small enough denomination for BTC to realistically be used as a currency. 1 Satoshi (0.00000001 BTC) would be worth $100 USD. You couldn't even make most purchases, and BTC would have to be subdivided even more, into yet smaller units. So every time there is subdivision, the "number" of individual pieces of BTC is increased—making supply essentially infinite. This is basic mathematics. If 1.0 BTC would be worth $100, and the smallest amount you could buy would be say 0.01 BTC, then yes, now scarcity comes into play. But since you can buy as small as 0.00000001 BTC, there basically is no scarcity.
  3. First part of the sentence is still false. Individual cryptocurrencies or coins have a limited supply. Crypto, as in "cryptocurrencies in general," which is what "crypto" means, doesn't have a limited supply.
  4. She said crypto has a limited supply. Clearly, it doesn't. You can create an unlimited number of coins. As soon as one coin has been completely mined, simply create new coin called SuperDuperBTC, and start again. As soon as BTC will hit its famous 21 million limit, more people will then start buying other coins instead. Yes, this thread is about crypto. But do you know that Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency? Why are you complaining that he is talking about Bitcoin?
  5. You're missing a zero after the decimal. It's 0.01% that hold around 27% of Bitcoin. https://cointelegraph.com/news/0-01-of-bitcoin-holders-control-27-of-all-circulating-coins-study
  6. Crypto doesn't have limited supply. It has unlimited supply. Fact remains: a new crypto coin can be created any time. Unlimited number of crypto coins.
  7. It's the first time in human history cryptocurrencies have been implemented. That it will succeed or fail is a guess, like anyone else's. You conflate cryptocurrencies with blockchain. I doubt Satoshi, or anyone in crypto, would consider coins created and controlled by authoritarian governments as being "crypto." The complete opposite of what crypto is about.
  8. You're 10 or so posts from the past two pages have been misinformation. That's what we have been trying to point out. Huh? So you admit to trolling: ... but according to you we should lighten up to your trolling? ????
  9. Exactly. ???????? Same as OP @Neeranam. Doesn't understand cryptocurrencies/blockchain, but plugs crypto in the forum every chance he gets. Basically spamming... And if someone criticizes crypto, he just calls them a boomer/hater. ????
  10. I wonder how they buy crypto on foreign exchanges... with their yuan and rupees... all stored in Chinese/Indian bank accounts? ???? Or how they transfer fiat from their crypto foreign exchange... to their Chinese/Indian bank account? ???? Look at that: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/27/cryptocurrency-exchanges-stop-chinese-users-signing-up-after-crackdown.html You're wrong, yet again.
  11. "I didn't waste my time yesterday, the market was so hot".... is so cliché and exactly the type of thing an amateur would say. ???? So you're basically admitting that you're trolling?
  12. Okay, algorithmic trading. And? What does this have to do with what we were talking about? Every time you reply, you just say random facts about this or that. Post a Jim Cramer article, or a list of links of stocks. And almost never reply to anything. Empty posts.
  13. What are you talking about? ???? Every one of those stocks are at almost their highest in 5 years—and even the whole timescale of each stock.
  14. Both of these sentences doesn't support your claims, not even a single drop. "There are open-source blockchain and metaverse projects listed on GitHub and SourceForge!!!" proves absolutely nothing.
  15. Jim Cramer. ???? The little credibility you had left has just evaporated.
  16. Dude, you barely even know how shorting stocks work. lkn had to explain it to you. And 3/4 of the things you've said in your past 6-7 posts makes zero financial sense.
  17. Finally, a pro-crypto person joining the discussion, who doesn't have his head up his ... , I mean, in the clouds. ????
  18. You do point a few small things of how cryptocurrencies are valuable, but most of what you are describing is blockchain and cryptography. Yes, cryptocurrencies are dependent on blockchain/cryptography, but they are still different things. I agree with you regarding the issues with cryptocurrencies. In my opinion those are considerable negatives and in my opinion affect the value of crypto in general. But some in this thread might not agree.
  19. As a poor attempt, you're twisting and conflating what I've said. It seems you still don't understand the meaning of something like a business creating value (here is your own source, for the the fourth time now)... and as you describe above, something having monetary value.
  20. More than $30 million in Ethereum and Bitcoin stolen on the Crypto.com exchange on January 17th. https://www.theverge.com/2022/1/20/22892958/crypto-com-exchange-hack-bitcoin-ethereum-security Although, Crypto.com makes a ton in profit, so they were able to compensate their users.
  21. Yes. A few days ago, he went through 10 or so pages in the thread, and gave a "Sad" reaction to something like 30 of my posts. He did that while not participating in the thread for 20 days.
  22. I am in it for the money. Why do you invest? Usually, when you invest in something, it's good to: 1. Understand what you're investing in. 2. Believe in the potential of what you're investing in.
  23. 1. You don't know how Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies work. ???? 2. You don't even believe in what you are investing in. So essentially, you're only in it for the quick money?
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