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Everything posted by ThLT

  1. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1395920320731833/posts/3271327339857779
  2. There has been recent report, on facebook 'Thai visa advice' group. Looks like its possible.
  3. Thanks everyone. Will bring my passport, especially with the vaccine passport being important and all.
  4. Ah, sorry. Got mixed up with Moderna, which is 100ug for the vaccine, and 50ug for the booster. Thanks for the correction.
  5. EDIT: Some places are giving out Pfizer as a 3rd shot/booster. Don't know if they are actual half-dose boosters though.
  6. Pfizer boosters are not the same as the normal shots (half dose). There aren't any in Thailand yet, from what I know. Was in the news that they have been ordered and should be produced and arrive by first quarter of 2022. Look it up on Bangkok Post.
  7. Probably. Why would you want it to not cover the whole 60 days? Especially with COVID and traffic accidents? So many GoFundMe of foreigners stuck in hospitals with no money, because didn't have insurance...
  8. And you have 2 per calendar year by land. So pretty much certain you can get it if meet requirements (like having 20K in funds).
  9. 56.83% against vs. 39.63% for 43.4% more are against. That's not "split."
  10. Let's hope they tax high sodium items, not just sodium itself. They will just add more MSG (monosodium glutamate) to avoid the tax. Same thing with the sugar tax and aspartame...
  11. Where does it say this? You didn't quote anything. You just said that "one other item to note in Pfizer's concern" which doesn't mean much.
  12. @GammaGlobulin 1. You need to exercise your mind. Like you said, the mind is like a muscle. To do activities that stimulate the mind, like reading, writing (like your post above, which is really well-written by the way!), drawing, painting—learning, things like that. TV is not one of those things. It is mostly a passive activity. Get rid of your TV. When you don't know what to do, it becomes your "default activity." Get rid of it, you will be using your time for much better activities. ???? 2. Stop saying your mind is deteriorating. Thinking this is the case will only make it happen if you believe it. If you want to be sure, go see a doctor. If it is actually mental deterioration, you will know—or maybe the doctor will tell you that your mind is fine. 3. Most importantly, the pandemic is not what causes decline in mental activity. Yes, maybe for students who are learning on a computer screen all day, when they should be learning in a classroom with a teacher and other students. But seriously, what would you be doing more if there would be no pandemic? Going to the mall? Visiting tourist places? You can still do many activities even with the pandemic, like reading, gardening, calling friends by video chat, playing chess online. The pandemic is not a good excuse. You would probably be doing almost the exact same things if there would be no pandemic. Find good things to do, new hobbies, make new friends and video call them, and talk about many different subjects with them, laugh, read more, start a garden and pickle your own vegetables, do some light stretching, learn how to draw, listen to classical music—anything like that. You need to be active, ????
  13. Mild reactions after a vaccine is normal... however diarrhea not so much. If it gets worse, especially unexplained source of diarrhea, they should go see a doctor.
  14. Great way to encourage a large gathering.... and increase the number of infections. Nov. 30 this morning:
  15. Cambodian borders are the worst of all (especially Poipet, to avoid at all costs). Anything else is a preference. ????
  16. Yeah, now companies add aspartame instead. Much worse and toxic for health.
  17. Where did they announce Laos had open their Nong Khai border? ???? Laos is still closed and it's 14-day quarantine even if vaccinated. And is not issuing visas right now.
  18. Should do a MSG (monosodium glutamate) tax. MSG is salt with glutamate. Tons of it everywhere. If there is a salt tax, companies will just add more MSG. ????
  19. Laos border is not open. Cambodian borders are the worst border points of all to do a border run, with many issues reported.
  20. For people from Laos entering Thailand... but Laos seems to still not accept people from Thailand, without a 14-day quarantine yet (even if fully vaccinated). Visas on arrivals not offered as well.
  21. Although not perfect, that seems a more reasonable option. For boosters, Moderna is 50 mcg rather than the usual 100 mcg. I'd check with the hospital if having a non-booster appointment is possible to get a 50 mcg booster.
  22. March "of next year" is in 3 months. The OP wants "boosters around every 6 months" and wants to do that in front of citizens of a developing country which is lacking in vaccines... who have been waiting 4-6 months for Moderna shots, or of which many citizens haven't even gotten their first shot.
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