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Posts posted by Charma

  1. To the poster who said there are no quotas in the UK---you are wrong!

    One of our police forces was recently castigated heavily in the press because a number applications for service with the force had been refused simply on the grounds that the applicants were white English men and were therefore of the wrong ethnic origin.

    In construction myself for many years I had to prove that I employed a specific number of employess of foreign origin in order to be allowed to tender for local authority works.

    I know both good and bad people of many origins and strongly feel that the achievements of the hard working and talented people of ethnic origin are denigrated by all these quotas and PC bullshit.

    Perhaps you should check some facts before you post. Positive discrimination in the UK is unlawful. As your post seems to indicate, a police force who took the action you stated should be castigated. They are lucky that was all that happened. I think you are confusing "quotas" which are unlawful, with something called "positive action" which is lawful. Where organisations are under represented in temrms of gender or ethnic origin, they are allowed to take certain steps to encourage people from the under-represented group to apply for jobs. This may be such things as targeted advertising or recruitment, access courses etc. The key thing is that the selection of candidates MUST be on merit. Many organisations have gone too far and have been caught out by this (ask a Labour MP about women only shortlists). Targets are fine, but quotas that decide selection are not.

    So you see, even white males are protected by equality laws. You should be happy about that.

    (PS. Things are very different in the US)

  2. The PC brigade in the Uk and the adoption of positive descrimination in favour of ethnics for jobs does more to cause racial tension than anything I have seen here in the UK.

    The person of ethnic origin who has gained his position here by dint of his abilities and industry is undermined by employers (particulary in the public sector) filling their quota for ethic employment.

    When wil they ever learn that respect must be earned and cannot be legislated for.

    This is the second post that has indicated that "quotas" exist in the UK. This is not the case - positive discrimination is unlawful in the UK. As Meadish has pointed out, many views about Political Correctness are formed from a mish mash of urban myths which when investigated prove to be totally groundless.

    Let me stick my neck out and speak out in favour of polictical correctness. The alternative would have to be political incorrectness. This issue for me is simply a matter of respect. If I know that a word or phrase I use is likely or possibly going to offend someone, I will stop using it. All languages change over time and words come and go.

    Some words have a historical and cultural history that we may not be aware of and it may be hard for us to understand why someone can get so upset over a word. So I will always try my best to be considerate to other peoples feelings and not to continue using words that I know can offend.

    I am sure that there are some organisations and governing bodies that may push the boundaries on PC unneccesarily, but I would guess that the vast majority of the stories we here about "PC gone mad" are fairy tales.

  3. Some here seem to indicate that this measure is some sort of post coup "relaxation" of visa rules. IMO this is a natural extension of that tightening up process. The recent restrictions had the distinct potential to cause hassle for business travellers and this is a direct response to that. It indicates that the new government will continue with the previous program and may even introduce further measures to tighten up/ modernise the system. Maybe not all of these will be good news.

  4. I think the most sensible thing you have done is get a two leg flight. I am going to try this next time as the last trip with our little angel was a real trial and I think I can handle two legs of 6/7 hours better than one 12 hour nightmare. :o

    It is not just the strain of managing the little one, it is the pressure you feel with all those eyes drilling in the back of your head every time they make a noise. I am going to try for a two leg flight with a one or two night stoppover.

    I would be interested to know how Gulf turn out. :D

  5. Former PM has arrived in London

    Ex-prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has arrived in London last night. The report says his visit is a personal visit and has no appointment with any official of the Government of England.

    Pol. Lt. Col. Thaksin talked to the media in London and admitted that he has been dismissed from the premiership post of Thailand. He said that if Thailand will organize the upcoming general election under the supervision of United Nations, then his Thai Rak Thai Party would have the opportunity to be elected as the next government again.

    In the meantime, the Government of England disclosed that it has no idea on the duration of stay of Pol. Lt. Col. Thaksin, but it is possible that he would stay in England for a long period as his daughter is studying there. The English government has expressed its concerned over the political situation of Thailand and affirmed that it would not interfere with the matter.

    Meanwhile, ratings agency Moody's has affirmed that Thailand possesses an economic stability and its positions is strong enough to endure short-term disturbances.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 21 September 2006

    This is very carefully written propaganda (apart from the English bit I mean!)

  6. true k.jean, but then I have the feeling they would just post again, or others would moan about over moderation. Can't make all of the people happy all of the time.

    So, instead, lets just get back on topic and any further offensive messages will result in warnings.

    Does anyone think the current state of affairs (ie the coup) will slow down or even stop the current investigations?

    It will be interesting to see how all these investigations proceed from now on. I guess it will now depend on which side of the coup the people concerned were on. It could get a lot worse fro some that might have had a degree of protection before.

  7. Believe me, I am not here to defend Taxin. But I do find it utterly amazing how many people seem to think that a military coup is a good idea. It takes a very long time for a country to establish credibility with the international community, and Thailand had made great strides over the past ten years in doing just that. Yes there are many problems, but to suggest that the a military take-over and a bunch of promises from generals is the best way to resolve the issue is horses**t.

    I am not just saying this in comparison to western democracies. This looks bad stacked up against most Asian systems too.

    I sincerely hope that democracy is restored as soon as possible. I just wonder what will happen when the next government does not meet the requirements in certain quarters. I am sure the generals will have a solution though!

  8. One could hope they adopted a constitution more like the american, but that will ofcourse never happend...

    ...but one can dream.

    That will be the constitution that got George W elected the first time wouldn't it?

    As for Thailand, any country that seems to bear a "casual" military coup which displaces an elected government, no matter how flawed, is a long way from any normal concept of freedom or democracy. What makes anyone think that a general will be better for the people than Taxin? This will set Thailand's hopes to be seen as a modern developed country back at least 10 years. At the moment it's more like a banana republic!

    Excuse me?! Why don`t you read the statements proper. Plus, whatever is being spewed right at this moment on thai tv.

    The Generals are not in charge, technically. They are doing everything under the name of his majesty.

    But everything that is coming out of the generals` mouths is implicitly stating a protection to the king and his kingdom, ie: his people. Go back to your own banana republic.

    ***edited by sbk****

    Ahh... sorry, so this is all normal then. I guess the tanks were just for reassurance. I see it all now; how silly of me. Of course, many would like to have got all the info from the TV but they all seemed to develop some kind of fault at the crucial moment. Believe me when I say, that from now on I will believe everything that comes out of the Generals' mouths. After all TIT! :D

    Maybe you have been in South America too long Kayo :o

  9. Midnight UK time ...alll normal :o

    70.16984 Thai Baht

    1 Thai Baht (THB) = 0.01425 British Pound (GBP)

    Interbank rate +/- %

    This means:

    You buy 1 British Pound : 70.16984 Thai Baht

    You sell 1 British Pound : 69.98110 Thai Baht

    You buy 1 Thai Baht : 0.01425 British Pound

    You sell 1 Thai Baht : 0.01429 British Pound

    Median price = 69.98110 / 70.16984 (bid/ask)

    Estimated price based on daily US dollar rates

    20 minutes later and it is over 71.

    This is today:


    Rather volatile?

  10. One could hope they adopted a constitution more like the american, but that will ofcourse never happend...

    ...but one can dream.

    That will be the constitution that got George W elected the first time wouldn't it?

    As for Thailand, any country that seems to bear a "casual" military coup which displaces an elected government, no matter how flawed, is a long way from any normal concept of freedom or democracy. What makes anyone think that a general will be better for the people than Taxin? This will set Thailand's hopes to be seen as a modern developed country back at least 10 years. At the moment it's more like a banana republic!

  11. I know common sense doesnt apply on many issues in Thailand, but lets say you have 500 members of the Thailand Elite Card who have paid between 1 or 2 million baht for membership.

    And you have a few thousands that have investet several millions in condos or similar on a investment visa. Why should the law favour those on the Thai Elite card?

    Because it's Thaksin's baby? Because they have never had to do the 30 day visa runs?

    They were afforded a unique visa by buying the card. Let us wait and see if it is taken away from them.

    *edit to sort quotes

  12. I doubt that half of the ESL teachers are Brits, not counting the Welsh and the Scots.

    I am not sure if this is an intentionally inaccurate statement or a suggestion! :D

    Oh, the English, the Scots, the Welsh, and the Northern Irish, now I remember!! Is that Great Britain, or do you leave out the N. Irish? And I almost got assassinated in Edinburgh or Loch Lomond for complimenting them on their "English food." And in Palma de Mallorca, I thought the kids on the bus were speaking Dutch, when they were speaking Glaswegian. It's all so confusing. Not that "North American accent" is the perfect way to describe .....anything. I doubt about it, eh?

    In Ireland, they sometimes count the counties to count the northern counties, none of which has a count, but are they both countries? My Irish granddaughter would not answer "Yes" but "they are."

    How many countries in North America?

    I can see where you're coming from - most the people in the UK cannot get it right and even the BBC get pulled every now and again for upsetting one group or another. Offically we are the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. So Welsh and Scots do count. However, they would rarely call themselves British (and definately never English!) The English often refer to themselves and British, and occasionally so do a small mumber of people of a certain section of Northern Ireland (even though offically they are not part of Great Britain). Clear now? :o

  13. As a result of the recent proposed changes in Visa rules for long term stay in Thailand which will affect the under 50, non married, that consequently may generate more interest in the Thai Elite card, I would like to suggest an opportunity for ThaiVisa.com

    Khun Bob I dont get it?

    Why should their be a bigger demand for Thai Elite card on grounds of new visa regulation?

    Holders of The Thai Elite card is NOT above any laws in Thailand. ?

    But here are the facts from Thai Elite...very Elite card

    Notice the bold text.

    • Not be a Thai citizen

    • Not a hold a permanent residence certificate

    • Not have been declared bankrupt

    • Not have been sentenced to a term of imprisonment of more than six months (irrespective of whether or not the applicant was actually imprisoned)

    • Not have been declared a person unsound of mind, incompetent or quasi incompetent

    • Be allowed to stay in Thailand in accordance with the immigration laws or any related laws of Thailand

    A quote from the Thailand elite website:

    Thailand Elite Members are automatically entitled to a five-year multiple entry visa that is valid for 90 days each trip and can be extended without having to leave the country as many times as needed. This allows a virtually unlimited length of stay within Thailand. Members can apply for extensions at any approved location throughout the country and overseas. For most cases, with all the proper documentation available, processing will normally take only one day
  14. I can certainly empathise with the feelings about work you have mentioned. I am working towards a planned retirement where I will not have to worry about the money. I just hope that I don't drop dead at my desk while I am doing this!

    The hardest decision to make is just exactly when to make the move - how much money is enough? How old do you want to be and will you still be healthy enough to enjoy it?

    If you can live on what you have and you are as unhappy in the US at the moment as your post indicates, it sounds like your ready to make the move. I am lucky to have my wife and daughter with me, which makes life better until we get out of here.

    Good luck :o

  15. If I want to make a good impression, I will dress appropriately as I am not rich enough (yet) like Branson to not care! This applies more in Asian countries than the west - but it is so flippin hot it takes a lot of effort to stay looking good.

    If there is an advantage to be gained from playing up to a stereotype of success, then you should use it.

  16. IMO the main reason for this is that the second hand market is being supported right the way down the chain - until the cars literally disintegrate. In the west, cars are sent to the dump (often now at the owner's expense) at a much earlier stage and therefore the rest of the market slips down in price.

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