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Bill B

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Everything posted by Bill B

  1. Good it stinks and puts me off my beer 😉
  2. Rather than facemasks..why not provide a bell and instruct tourists to ring it while chanting "Unclean Unclean"
  3. Out of control ? 99.8% are still hanging on
  4. Guess my hope to return without red tape bs by 2025 is a bit optimistic ????
  5. So i guess this was the first idea drawn from the suggestion box
  6. Entry rules forget it...drop them and people will return. It really isnt that hard to understand
  7. Pretty clear they arent interested in reviving Tourism en masse. Just cashing in on those few who do..most of which have family or work connections. Shoddy way to treat regular contributors to their economy but not a surprise given their form. Tada Thailand for the forseeable.
  8. No thai pass..no testing and bingo..pointless policies when its endemic virtually everywhere
  9. 2 years and still 99.9% of the global population still going. However lets see the toll resulting from neglected healthcare as a result of lockdowns and restrictions...oh hang on is anyone counting ?
  10. Wow some of these comments. Poor old guy obviously needed to go...may have even caused the accident. Show a bit of empathy as you never know what the future holds in store.
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