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Everything posted by catch104

  1. YES.... 🤣🤣🤣 An nothing else to be outraged about... corruptionion, nepotisms, clean air, all good.... Only this damned farang masseur to be outraged about....
  2. That cannot possibly be all??? where's the main part of the 20 pages short term and long term plan??
  3. It depend where you put the bar... It's true that dismenbering and thowing body parts in the streets is rare....😁
  4. Why would the self-serving elite bother thinknig of solving such peasant's problem. Walking??? that’s for the lower class. And please, it’s not just taxis. Luxury cars will gleefully speed up at the sight of a mere peasant daring to cross the road 30 meters ahead. How dare they disrupt me... By the way, zebra is a very rare species, you don't see many of them in Thailand....
  5. Why would the self-serving elite bother thinknig of solving such peasant's problem. Walking??? that’s for the lower class. And please, it’s not just taxis. Luxury cars will gleefully speed up at the sight of a mere peasant daring to cross the road 30 meters ahead. How dare they disrupt me... By the way, zebra is a very rare species, you don't see many of them in Thailand....
  6. Yes, of course, just as there is no such thing as a bad AK47 or weapon of war in the hand of the public... only deranged users. Sure there are, but try doing the same harm with a Chiwawa, or a related weapon, a bamboo stick....
  7. And Maybe a though for the locals????
  8. Falling from a balcony now appears to be the leading cause of death in Pattaya
  9. Warned japanese people only??? The other, good top go???😂
  10. Yes... and this is the same for locals. What is the news here???
  11. One does not excuse the other.
  12. If you look more in details, you will also find out that many visitors to the country adopt the same attitude with regard to driving behiaviour... Something to do with the food?? , the wether??, ....
  13. Well, actually share the same concept of democratie, brothers in arms....
  14. Just when we though we have already hit the bottom....
  15. Yes, don't do that in 1st class shopping mall.... that's the ultimate outrage, nothing to do with the victims, nor firearms...
  16. he was elected with a very, very clear message of what his top agenda was, and the peoples of thailand agreed. That's it, end of negociation...
  17. Fair tax system is what is needed. Banana plantations in the middle of Bangkok to be exempted from tax..... hummmmmm... how fair is that???
  18. FTA withy China is at the advantage of China, not balance at all and of course been promoted by those than have interrest. Chinese tourist??? I though Thailand policy was to focus on high spending ones....
  19. I hope he do not compromise and do not give up on the main policies he pledges. That make him win the majority vote. Better to not become be prime minister rather than compromise on what is so badly needed to be changed in Thailand. Then let's see how it develop and how happy the peoples will be to be once again denied of their choice
  20. Oh yes, that's correct. Thailand and France have already many things in common, country size, population size, renowed cuisine, popular tourist destination....
  21. https://www.bangkok-airport.net/parking.php
  22. That is not an excuse for doing nothing....
  23. So buying a fly tocket will require you show if you are work permit holder??? They were no such things as departure tax. It was airport tax paid at departue, and it applied to everybdody, no waiver. Today, as in most countrries, this airport tax is inside the fly ticket, yes but that tourist tax... I would love to see how they will implement that. But sure, better tax the tourist....
  24. You also have to look at the bigger picture, which is that 80% of the buildings don't respect the rules and the authorities let it happen, as long as they get their share of the cake. Very often you can see buildings built directly on the roadside, despite the 2-metre rules..., and stands encroaching directly on the rad The result is that the roads cannot adapt. Such situations happen everywhere, every day
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