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  1. so was he getting special treatment, with his own room in the bangkok hilton, or did his 30 room mates, all not notice what he was doing because they were all sleeping ?
  2. too many psycho , dangerous men with tits in that area
  3. when it's a foreigner,, its bad for pattaya's reputation, when its thai, its bad for pattaya's reputation, so basically pattaya's reputation is screwed,
  4. cant be that kind as hundred drove past him, walked past him and ignored him for hours . so only a minority were kind , the majority did not even notice him
  5. I bet despite your clear bitter hatred for the brits, if you meet them, you are all nice and buddy buddy to their face... why the hatred ? was you bullied by one when you were a kid ?
  6. they will be giving us all ankle bracelets soon, so they can track us even more.. and charge us 500 baht for the privilege.
  7. all to keep the chinese happy and thailand slowly gets taken over by them
  8. and would you need credit on your sim, would you need a thai sim,
  9. So how do you pay for the tests and checks,, did it cost a lot and how about future health insurance ?
  10. I have been told my kidneys are working at 69% , took them 6 months of me hassling them to get the scan, also found a large cyst on it, but they say that's no problem and they are leaving it there.
  11. I am not in thailand yet, was planning to retire next year,, I have just been told I have mild chronic kidney disease.. so looks like this has thrown out the window my plans to retire overseas
  12. Has anyone been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, if so how do you deal with it in thailand and how did it affect any health insurance,
  13. well seems the magic mushrooms, worked,,, magically the police suddenly appeared.. surprise surprise,, he also gets a free ticket to the bangkok hotel
  14. ha ha ha ha , well done them police,, for catching ONE photographer , whilst thousands of sex workers upload and live stream every day . So I am guessing,, its ok , as long as it's not others work , who did not give permission . So perfectly ok to up load porn as long as you get permission from the sex worker first
  15. so now even changing their gambling laws to please and help with the chinese take over
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