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  1. and would you need credit on your sim, would you need a thai sim,
  2. So how do you pay for the tests and checks,, did it cost a lot and how about future health insurance ?
  3. I have been told my kidneys are working at 69% , took them 6 months of me hassling them to get the scan, also found a large cyst on it, but they say that's no problem and they are leaving it there.
  4. I am not in thailand yet, was planning to retire next year,, I have just been told I have mild chronic kidney disease.. so looks like this has thrown out the window my plans to retire overseas
  5. Has anyone been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, if so how do you deal with it in thailand and how did it affect any health insurance,
  6. well seems the magic mushrooms, worked,,, magically the police suddenly appeared.. surprise surprise,, he also gets a free ticket to the bangkok hotel
  7. ha ha ha ha , well done them police,, for catching ONE photographer , whilst thousands of sex workers upload and live stream every day . So I am guessing,, its ok , as long as it's not others work , who did not give permission . So perfectly ok to up load porn as long as you get permission from the sex worker first
  8. so now even changing their gambling laws to please and help with the chinese take over
  9. what idiot comes up with these money making rituals ,,
  10. Well your morals are obviously a lot lower than mine , you think its ok to make money from the dead within a couple of days
  11. I remember within a couple of hours bars were opening for business and a couple of days later some sick f..kss were selling cd's with the highlights . Any excuse to make money .
  12. was the national insurance number, the correct option ??
  13. yea , i was wondering this,, some say put national insurance number, others just write A and state the united kingdom do not supply TIN .. I noticed no one has replied to this, so still none the wiser
  14. who is the W9 form for ? americans ?

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