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  1. Yeah, I just rarely find a good serviced apartments, but you're right that really is the model. I want some decent pans to cook with. Toaster or blender. Slightly less crappy furniture than a typical Airbnb. Normal apartment stuff. But don't want to commit to more than 30-90 days.
  2. In my experience owning multiple homes and traveling the world non-stop for 7 years, I think there is a real hole in the market for 1-6 month rentals. Probably more realistically 1-3 month rentals since 3 months is the the limit of most tourist visas. I think it would address a lot of issues. You'll get better quality tenants, for the most part. You'll avoid constant building turnover and hotel feel. As an owner, you'll cut down on management and cleaning costs and you'll insulate yourself from cancellations bc you'll want to require pre-payment of at least 50%. I'm bored with any place on Earth after 90 days...
  3. Yes, $95 per night per unit. $2850 a month gross, per unit. $5700 a month total. Minus management fee of $450 a month total for both units (high in my opinion but I am lazy and like having everything dealt with). Minus utilities, taxes, building fees, etc, upkeep. Since it's monthly rental there's no cleaning service unless they want to pay for one. I pay for electricity (for now, monitoring it and may change down the road after the current bookings are done). So far, I am getting a higher class of people: a visiting surgeon + wife at one of the hospitals this past winter. A small Korean family. A wealthy Russian couple. Etc. I'd highly advise a two bedrooms for a variety of reasons. They're usually built for the local upper class, not speculators, so generally higher quality (although it differs per building, I am sure). Absolute worst case you can buy one and leave your stuff in one of the bedrooms and rent out the rest of the apartment as closet space is at a minimum in BKK, even in the nice condos. I'll do a reconciliation in 6 months, but I think will net $4k a month total. We shall see. Needless to say both apartments were empty during COVID for a full year.
  4. Some anecdotal info, use if interested. I own two condos in Bangkok, both in Thong Lo/Ekkamai area. Close to BTS. Prime Airbnb rentals. Both are two bedrooms. Two different buildings. We purchased both condos in 2017. Mostly just to keep some money in the Thai economy. Covid obviously messed things up, but during 2017-early 2019 we were averaging $120/night for the apartments. I would say 50% occupancy since they are expensive compared to the $30/night Sukhumvit bug boxes the global debt serf tourists prefer. It wasn't worth the hassle, even though I had a local team managing everything from check in to transfers. Lots of headaches. Broken furniture and appliances. Leaks. Spills. Complaints. I was insulated from all of this except to write the checks for the handymen but still would not recommend. Now we are at $95 a night for both units, but require one month minimum. Both are booked until October 1. Management girl says Russians and Koreans are doing most of the renting. Seem like decent people, but we shall see how it goes.
  5. I've noticed all the older, shirtless sex tourists in Pattaya have the same exact body-figure of post-menopausal women. The exact same women they've tried to escape back in the Midlands. Quite entertaining to see. It's gotta be the beer.
  6. --Not my piece but figured you gents would be interested in this take on Pattaya: Hell's Vestibule by Linh Dinh http://linhdinhphotos.blogspot.com/2023/01/hells-vestibule.html Pattaya must be the world’s densest concentration of bald heads, huge beer bellies, fake smiles, bull<deleted>ty conversations in the saddest English, Viagra and Cialis consumption, and horny wearers of adult diapers. “Before we get it on, baby, let me change my diaper, or maybe you can do it for me? At least I still have my wits! If I laugh too hard, I’ll spit my denture clear across the room. You didn’t understand one word I said, did you? That’s alright, we’ll help each other grow.” At night on Beach Road, packs of Indians haggle with Thai or “Russian” whores who stand in the dark beneath palm trees.
  7. Does Nan have the same Air Quality issues as the rest of the North during burning season? Any tips on where to sleep while doing the loop?
  8. What? Is there an article about this? Missed this one...
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