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the scouser

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Posts posted by the scouser

  1. But it's OK to give Mossfinn a hard time because, despite him being British to the core, he maintains a resolute belief that he is of the Emerald isle. His brother is a far more reasonable person to deal with (with whom to deal - just in case someone picks me up on me grandma).

    Samran: It goes without saying that we shall have a beer or several when I am next in town, although whose round it is, is up for discussion. :o

  2. I've not bothered reading most of the thread because it's all a fuss about nothing.

    If someone is a British citizen, whether or not they hold another nationality, they have the right of abode in the UK. No UK immigration officer can refuse entry to the UK in respect of someone with the right of abode.

    Dead simple, really. I wouldn't believe everything you read in the Torygraph.

    fuc_k! You've made me break my self-imposed posting exile.

  3. I don't know about Bahrain, but certain countries require foreign nationals to have an exit permit before being allowed out of the country, and this will only be issued with the registered employer's express permission. In other words, those who "run away" from their employer become stuck in a limbo land and, even if able to obtain an emergency travel document from their embassy, cannot physically leave the country.

    The basement of the Phillipines embassy in Kuwait used to be packed to the rafters with Filipinas who had been mistreated by their Kuwaiti employers but couldn't leave the country. The only solution was for them to have a new passport issued and to hand themselves in to the police, serve a prison sentence for deserting the employer and then be deported.


  4. Sect. 4(1) of the Immigration Act 1971 states, amongst other things:-

    The power under this Act to give or refuse leave to enter the United Kingdom shall be exercised by immigration officers, and the power to give leave to remain in the United Kingdom... shall be exercised by the Secretary of State...

    For the purposes of deciding whether a visa is issued, visa officers act as immigration officers and they grant leave to enter. The caseworkers who consider applications made in-country act on behalf of the Secretary of State and confer leave to remain.

    Legally speaking, it is impossible for a visa officer to issue a visa that grants indefinite leave to remain. I would suggest that in Don's wife's case it was either an incorrect endorsement or an application has since been made to the Home Office for the ILE to be transferred to a new passport. However, even if the latter, the endorsement would still be incorrect as it should have been a "no time limit" stamp rather than ILR.


  5. I can get statements for some of the accounts, as I said I can't really send my wife off to Bangkok with my only bank books from Korea. So what exactly do I do there?

    If your wife is living in Korea with you, she may be able to apply for her settlement visa at the British embassy in Seoul. If you can only muster internet bank statements, then that it what you'll have to proceed with. There is no law that says internet statements are unacceptable: rather the visa officer will assess the integrity of the documentation in the round.


  6. When you attend the embassy, it's only for the purposes of making the applications for a birth certificate and passport. Provide the embassy with a Special Delivery envelope, and they will send you the documents, once issued, which, in my experience, was approximately four weeks later.


  7. I'd include details of the university course with evidence, if available, that you are eligible to apply for the funding in April. You don't say what these funds are, but if they are the "bonus" that is given to people who train as teachers, this does not count as public funds. Also include evidence of your savings, which if they amount to approximately £10500.00 could be enough by themselves to meet the maintenance requirement of the Immigration Rules, thereby making your employment/study intentions largely redundant.


  8. Kev,

    First of all: well done. Secondly, telephone the appropriate Home Office Presenting Officers Unit and clarify whether they are going to seek leave to appeal (unlikely). If they are not, then ask that the determination be forwarded immediately to Bangkok. If, within two to three weeks, your wife has not heard from the UKBA section in Bangkok, then contact them yourself and ask what's happening (and offer to provide them with a copy of the determination).

    The visa can only now be declined if circumstances have materially changed since the application was originally made.


  9. The choice of whether the new passport is issued in either your wife's maiden or married name is hers. However, simply renew her passport and then return to the UK with both the expired passport containing the ILE/R and the new one. In relation to the six month rule, surely your wife is either Thai or she isn't? If she is, how can they decline her entry to her own country just because her passport has less than 6 months to run? That would be positively bizarre and perverse.


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