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Everything posted by landosmiles

  1. Note that in recent years social security migrated away from a social security specific login to instead use the cross-gov Login.gov service.
  2. Haha 2007-H1 here, although back then it was "GrandCentral" before it became Google Voice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Voice#History
  3. It works on many sites, although there are also a number of sites where it doesn't. For example, Wells Fargo and US Bank. And a website to participate in a class action lawsuit last year. Other sites have partial support, such as Discover and Ally Bank not working with Google Voice SMS specifically.
  4. Do they also use that calendar / where is that image from? (Reverse image searching it only turned it up on sites not run by immigration.) (As mentioned in the grandparent comment, that appears to be an earlier version of the one that Bangkok Immigration currently has posted ( https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/90days-report/ ) - you can see how the checkmark on the 12th and the X on the 20th overlay the earlier version.) Reverse image search: https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=7fef88c703f42cc5&hl=en-TH&sxsrf=AHTn8zqPDtttmx296ScrsnHFLDWXhEG9ig:1740987824128&udm=48&si=APYL9buGmpQYpE6338c1FuRm_huDhoS-SW7UwUk0c_FqJnHYAdXy75cy21r0nXDWc0BvJ8yQ0Ss64cCM1u2PIXyAgx0aaUvb6IaPNXEm61_XTDQwjRpEO0C36yaIHMoXSaQc4SXevJyJ2vMmt1wutsDpSRDOoPKRqPq7GACEN1skuSVSrY9yMZycZs-pjusZWSmFa3tthTYO&vsint=CAIqDAoCCAcSAggiGAAgATojChYNAAAAPxUAAAA_HQAAgD8lAACAPzABEMgFGIEEJQAAgD8&vsrid=CO6G5eCLp-iYdhACGAEiJDI3NTE4YWMyLTcxOTktNDgwNi1hZGVjLWMyNDQ2ZGRlOWQ3OQ&gsessionid=3jSvb-Ja3WBD8_V4MEQtnTVCXZciI206pkg7nec9YE5sTIwUqpU5IQ&lsessionid=IrLtiDfpU4F5gGqLcvIzGu3rZ2n_PyuZBqJJeAuW6U7xze55796b-g&vsdim=712,513&lns_mode=un&source=lns.web.gisbubu&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwis0cKGte2LAxWyd_UHHQTZBGcQpOwNegQITRAA&biw=1280&bih=739&dpr=2
  5. UltraMobile PayGo is excellent, yes. However, note that many newer phones are esim (only) - you call UltraMobile to enable esim -- no need for any physical sim to transit US > Thailand. However, you do need a photo of the sim info from the US package for the info for when you call them.
  6. https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/90days-report/ provides an example that seems to have a different interpretation. Their example: Due: 27th September 15 days early (12th September) has a checkmark for can submit online. (Although it appears Bangkok Immigration photoshopped/added that date as being allowed after the original image had been created, as that checkmark is smaller/less vibrant than the other days' checkmarks.) Also, they say online submission should be "not less than 7 days before the due date" - but 7 days early (the 20th) is marked as forbidden. This again appears to be a subsequent photoshop/change by Bangkok Immigration, as it looks like that 'X' appears on top of a previous green checkmark that is just barely visible by the top right of the X.
  7. Was this your first TM47 after coming back from outside to Thailand? Which immigration office? Because I just read the last handful of pages and others in recent months still seem to be commenting that the online system doesn't work for the first submission after your most recent arrival in Thailand. (Maybe they're referring to Bangkok and you use a different immigration office?) For another recent data point, https://www.facebook.com/groups/destinationthailandvisa/posts/1981045682418378/ from February 10 says their first 90 day online was rejected.
  8. Based on their comment, I think their answer was military hospitals.
  9. I'm curious - for wanting to receive SMS to a Thailand number from a non-Thailand number, is this like a UK bank that allows foreign numbers?
  10. MEA works with Lazada for foreign credit card payment! 5 baht fee. 🏆 In the past I've sometimes managed to avoid paying for MEA for >30 days after the bill is sent in order to batch two payments together, although sometimes Juristic has messaged me ~20 days after the bill is sent that MEA is going to cut my power next day unless I pay? 🤷 When I checked 1 year ago, credit card couldn't be used as the payment source for that kind of True payment. True seems to have all kinds of similar payment source restrictions, including if shopping at Makro stores, food courts, etc.
  11. MEA works with Lazada! 5 baht fee. 🏆 In the past I've sometimes managed to avoid paying for MEA for >30 days after the bill is sent in order to batch two payments together, although sometimes Juristic has messaged me ~20 days after the bill is sent that MEA is going to cut my power next day unless I pay? 🤷
  12. I agree that there are a number of ways to pay the bill electronically including the ones you mentioned 👍 albeit not with a foreign credit card. That may be highly useful for others, yes. 👍 Personally I'm on True; I can't find a similar feature with True, sadly.
  13. There's a 90-page multi-year thread about online 90 day reports at https://aseannow.com/topic/1241749-thai-immigration-online-90-day-reporting-system/page/93/#findComment-19373447 - offhand I don't remember seeing people say mail didn't work for the initial submission, only that online didn't work. I also found another report their of mail submission working at Jomtien, although it took 11 weeks. 😂 @novacova which office did mail fail for you / what exactly happened? Thank you.
  14. Never seen a rejection with a reason Its location in the email body was: I don't know if it's new or if it's incorrectly sent for some unrelated rejection reason.
  15. The email reminder arrives the day before the 15 day window I submitted a 2nd time, 14 days early, and got the same rejection mail. Both rejection mails say "Incorrect entry date upon entry into the kingdom/ Incorrect visa expiration date". Also, I re-entered Thailand in December while the email reminder only comes based on the previous online submission date not the correct deadline based on re-entry date, I believe. Regardless, thanks. 🙏
  16. This mostly worked for me until December 2023. Now both MEA and CounterServicePay tell me that at least as of 2024, only Thai credit cards can be used to pay MEA bills. 😥 TrueWallet also doesn't allow credit card as payment source. If anyone finds an app or website to pay MEA with a foreign credit card please let me know! 🙏
  17. dupe 😥 / apparently comments can't be deleted.
  18. This mostly worked great for me until December 2023. Now both MEA and CounterServicePay tell me that at least as of 2024, only Thai credit cards can be used to pay MEA bills. 😥 TrueWallet also doesn't allow credit card as payment source. Is anyone else still able to pay MEA somehow with a foreign credit card? Or if anyone finds any other way to pay MEA bills with foreign credit cards please let me know! 🙏
  19. These options mostly worked for me until December 2023. Now both MEA and CounterServicePay tell me that at least as of 2024, only Thai credit cards can be used to pay MEA bills. 😥 TrueWallet also doesn't allow credit card as payment source. Is anyone else still able to pay MEA somehow with a foreign credit card? Or if anyone finds any other way to pay MEA bills with foreign credit cards please let me know! 🙏
  20. Update for anyone who stumbles on this thread via search - both MEA and CounterServicePay confirmed that at least as of 2024, only Thai credit cards can be used to pay MEA bills. 😥 TrueWallet also doesn't allow credit card as payment source. If anyone finds a way to pay MEA bills with foreign credit cards please let me know! 🙏
  21. I'm in the same situation as you except I'm in BKK, and I submitted exactly 15 days before the deadline. It was rejected the following morning, so I submitted again in case I had a typo in the visa expiry date (not included in the confirmation PDF they provide), but again rejected the following morning. Anyway, I just wanted to share another data point of exactly 15 days early, even if from BKK.
  22. No, a number of Thailand banks allowed cardless transactions at ATMs, including even withdrawals - you could enter your phone number and a one-time-passcode from your phone and get money from an ATM without ever being issued any ATM card. I have not tested whether that is still possible since November's changes. Before November, depositing to an account was possible with someone's account number, again without any ATM card. When I first started renting in Thailand, that was how the agent had me submit rent - enter the destination account number, deposit cash, done. This past November things completely changed at least on the deposit front.
  23. Is your question why would someone want to deposit money at an ATM/CDM into their own account? Or why they would not want to pay to do so?
  24. At least as a foreigner, until Q4-2023 I was able to deposit into my own accounts at Krungsri and SCB CDMs by typing in my account numbers. However, both banks' CDMs now require a Thai ID (passport didn't work) or Thai ATM card apparently. Krungsri said they made that change on November 11, 2023. I haven't yet tried Bangkok Bank. Anyone know of a workaround to do free cash deposits into one of my own Thai accounts? Do any Thai banks offer free ATM cards? (Do any Thai banks still allow CDM deposits without a Thai ID/ATM card?)
  25. At least as a foreigner, until Q4-2023 I was able to deposit into my own accounts at Krungsri and SCB CDMs by typing in my account numbers. However, both banks' CDMs now require a Thai ID (passport didn't work) or Thai ATM card apparently. Krungsri said they made that change on November 11, 2023. I haven't yet tried Bangkok Bank. Anyone know of a workaround to do free cash deposits into one of my own Thai accounts? Do any Thai banks offer free ATM cards? (Do any Thai banks still allow CDM deposits without a Thai ID/ATM card?)
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