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Everything posted by BobinBKK

  1. This country has NEVER contributed ANYTHING for the betterment of mankind and they expect us to believe their utter nonsense... What a crock!!! The only leading edge or forefront they have been on is failure. Believe me, if this was in fact true, the rest of the world would have figured this out a long time ago!!!
  2. It's the façade of the alternate truth that matters.
  3. Price gouging and dual pricing is normal for Thailand.
  4. In your case I would attribute your being able to "successfully register" to pure luck. To quote a famous saying "Every dog has it's day".
  5. I agree with you 100%!!! There is a member on here (pictured) that is completely clueless about IT that insists on following me around and criticizing me for pointing out the obvious.
  6. This post is about a current event in Thailand, not the UK or any other country for that matter. So it should be obvious that I'm speaking about Thailand. And as far as my "wild guess", your reply affirms your lack of knowledge and complete ignorance to pretty much anything IT related.
  7. Perhaps the development team has resolved the issue or not. Like I said before the system was poorly designed and not properly tested. I'm going to take a wild guess that you don't know what "negative testing is"?
  8. My assumptions (based on my professional experience) along with the opinions of many other people on here were correct if you care to follow up at the link below. For you to challenge me analytically when it comes to anything IT related (human or machine) is a battle you will NOT win. https://aseannow.com/topic/1227849-expatvac-replies/
  9. Simply said, these people don't follow the same logic as we do. As it is true these are different system, but they can share (as read only) the same DB via a link and new schema. I'm not going to go into details on how to do it, but it's not a difficult task for an experienced DBA and doesn't require a lot of man hours to accomplish.
  10. And you know this for a fact that the foreigner is at fault? I have tested and wrote defects on several systems in the past that require attestation on the users part that "due to poor programming skills" did not work 100% correctly all the time. We (foreigners) have had to deal with shoddy computers systems in this country far too long. So yes, my assumption along with many other people are pointing fingers at the developers given their track record of poor system design and poor programming skills.
  11. These fools would get lost walking around in a circle...
  12. Except for the fact that their arrogance dictates that they know better than the outside world. Keep in mind that same arrogance comes from people that have never made any contribution what-so-ever to the betterment of mankind.
  13. Having worked in IT for 40 years I would safely say that these system generated emails are being sent out due to a programming (Idiot Behind the Machine) error. We are all very aware what kind of disaster we are in for when the locals are working on the computer!!!
  14. I honestly don't know what any of you people expect that want to trash America. American citizens didn't want our troops there, period. I don't want our service members dying protecting them or anyone else and I don't want my tax dollars spent protecting those people or anyone else. Many American lives were lost and a great deal of money was spent training their army who turned out to be cowards and deserted in the face of their enemy. We only had a few thousand troops left there and that kept roughly 80,000 Taliban fighters at bay. You tell me where did the roughly 200,000 member better equipped Afghan army go? Don't blame the American citizens, blame the American government all you want because we hate the American government too. Personally I hate the American government and that's why I left, I refuse to pay taxes for their BS policies!!!
  15. Yes that's true and I have the info. I have taken several videos and a few people want to fight me but it never works out for them and they drive off.
  16. I was speaking in general terms of all aspects of ones personal life including but not limited to "friends, experiences and opinions". Sorry you didn't understand that...
  17. I don't know about where you live, but in my area of Bangkok motorbikes on the footpath is a regular danger when walking. I have been hit from behind twice. Head on at me I have shoved them as they nearly hit me and I have broken several of their mirrors too. They regularly ride on the footpath right in front of the police station and nothing is done about it.
  18. Oh is that what I should do? And looks much better on me to who, you? Since when do I need your approval for my personal thoughts and opinions?
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