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Posts posted by zhorik

  1. These have been in China for over two years at least. You scan your face,/eyes and attach it to your wechat  account or bank card, put in a passnumber, as well as attaching a store card if they have one. From then on you simply scan your items , type in your number, stand in front while it  scans your face. and you pay automatically. simple and useful, especially  if there is a queue or you do not have your phone or card with you.

    Nothing to do with face masks.

  2. you are stil married in the UK. if you wish to get a UK spouse visa  or get a free schengen visa (till 31.12.2020 at least)then you will have to go through a number of hops. for the schengen visa you will need a translated and notarised copy of your marriage certificate. For uk you need that as well as the income requirement, the nhs fee and a certificate fromthe local authority where you will bw living to affirm that the premises are suitable aaand not overcrowded. if you are renting you need permission form your landlord.she will have to take an interview with the consulate or the visa centre and he english language ability tested.


  3. Leaver

    The chinese Doctor Li Wenliang and the other 6 doctors strangely never mentioned were not whistleblowers. Firstly they were discussing in a private medical chat room, though he did release patient data (not actually his patient either as he was an opthamologist) and someone took a screenshot of their chat. However as the news had been told to the public and the hospitals and medical clinics already been notified i fail to see how he and his colleagues were whistleblowers. Neverthless you have a point about Thailand whereas in other countries  different medical staff and statisticians have blown the lid on their own government's incompetence and deceit over the figures this has yet to happen in Thailand . Instead they have been trumpeting about their own whilst denigrating other countries.

  4. Walter
    here are the charts, a simple search in Google found them
    for walter,
    to be honest most statistics on this are unreliable. 
    In the UK all respitarory  illnesses are classified as Covid-19. 
    In the USA John Hopkins university has severly criticised Government figures,
    in Germany their statisticians have also criticised their figures. Few actually follow WHO
    guidelines for classification, hence China's massive increase some time back when they applied the new
    As for Thailand  it only tested 17829 people or 257 per million
    only 14 countries in the chart tested fewer per million. Also this does not include in the count the
    number of tourists. Thai medical news in article before China changed its figures
    complained of that country under representing the figures precisley because they had not tested more people.
    As the Phuket news reports the government officials have been caught out lying  (albeit over one case).
    One also only has to look at a recent post here where it was noted there were no cases in Pattaya. Yet it has since been discovered
    that there was, they just had not been tested.  Two days ago we had another case of a Frenchman and his girlfirend testing positive.
    With such low testing one cannot rely on the official figures.
    People should look to statistics from other countries, the infection rates and mortality rates are consistent when one use the
    mulBsta score. (https://www.mdcalc.com/mulbsta-score  for those interested in knowing what it is)

    • Like 1
  5. if the virus cannot travel through water then explain how sars was spread through fecal plume when flushing a toilet. True , toilet water isi not chlorinated. Remember the virus is spread through the expelling of particulates from an infected person, why masks are good for an infected person but useless for non infected people unless one uses as special virus mask. the problem is likely to be outside the pool as people have said, However unless you are vunerable, a smoker, have heart condition, shortness of breath etc Covid 19 is not that deadly. (ranging form 0.1% in parts of China to 10% in Italy) mortality rates are highest only for those with poor immunity and the really old(hence Italy) . If one follows sensible hygiene rules and keeps social distance then there wold be no problem. As for pools as Doctors state it is not likely to be a problem , however there would be no point in chlorinating the water if you then share a towel after to dry yourselves.

  6. if you are not already registered on government gateway, they send you a letter toa british address with login details. As for being in the Uk and thailand.  You are entitled to the increase in pension when you are in the UK. thus  if you stay a week or longer you are entitled to the current pension amount for that period.  If you were in the Philippines as they have a reciprocal arrangement (unlike thailand) then you would get full increase in the pension.

  7. Of the  13,522 confirmed cases In Hubei   there have been 414 deaths, 1567 serious cases and 576 are critical.  According to Doctors it is more infectious than Sars (one patient infecting another 6) but the mortality rate is less. Most of the patients who are serious or have died were already suffering from serious bronchial disorders or  some other serious problem.  Not surprising given the number of heavy  smokers there. Wuhan has commandeered hotels and opened the exhibition centre for people  getting treatment. They have ordered isolation of potential cases and all travel has been stopped in Wuhan. I left the day before the ban, although the walkthrough i had to do In Bangkok was pathetic. The idea that you get it by being next to a chinese is plainly fatuous. China is a huge country, it is as silly as saying that if someone comes  from California that is infected  then you can get it form people coming form New York.  The huge problem was that it occurred at Chinese new year or just before when people were already leaving (some maybe from the rumours spread by irresponsible Doctors in Wuhan) making the problem  extra difficult.Many of the residents of Wuhan actually come from other parts of China and return home  for the new year, hence the small spread in other regions. see https://bnonews.com/index.php/2020/02/the-latest-coronavirus-cases/


    • Like 1
  8. the probelms he complains about are one The chinese are tearing down derelict quaint towns and replacing them with modern buildings which is what the local inhabitants want. they may look cute but no one really wants to live in a ramshackle, infested building. Second banks no longer give bank accounts to people on tourist visas, They dont in Europe or elsewhere because of money laundering. THe Chinese are anti foreigner  though i have never found this it is hardly surprising that given the way the west vilifies China  and its history of raping and pillaging China then they would be suspicous. I also remember how in Britain foreigners had to report at regular intervals to the police. Many of my friends at University did this,

    He complains that they get different prices when even South Africa does the same as do many other countries. he then states that small hotels cannot process foreigners passports as they do not have the means. Mainly they dont have the forms or the inclination to send  or take them to the Police.  I have found this but simply crossed the road to another small  cheap hotel taht did do this,, I never found it a problem but i can understand why given so few foreigners staying there it would not be worth their while taking on the admin.  He complains China has got more expensive which simply means it has gotten richer. yet this is a complaint? I do not know what he would think of Brfitain where  i noticed the prices have really risen. The man seems to have found a profitable niche denigrating China who has given him a good income and a nice wife.  Winston or serpentza is an english teacher who taught doctors english., he is not an IT business man something he  stated he was. Why he tries to hide his profession  is beyond me, He got his money from pandering to the right at first his videos were good and unbiased, a refreshing approach to living in China, then they changed. Take what he says with apinch of salt.

    • Haha 2
  9. data protection laws are not the same throughout Europe although there is a minimum EU requirement.   I fail to see why the embassy or consulate cannot provide a letter certifying that a persons p60 or P60's is genuine and should be taken as proof of income. This wiill get around the Data Protection requirement, It is not true that government departments cannot access other departments when they have permission from the individual, Inland revenue do this anyway and  it should not be hard for the revenue to send proof to the embassy on request so that they can verify. a fee may have to be charged but it is a simple admin change.

    • Like 2
  10. you can apply for a fiance visa or an unmarried partner visa 

    An unmarried partner visa will allow you to stay in the UK if you have been living with your partner (who is British or has Indefinite Leave to Remain or Permanent Residency) for two years.

    This application can be made inside the UK or outside the UK.https://www.migrate.org.uk/fiance-visa-uk-2018/https://www.migrate.org.uk/fiance-visa-uk-2018/

    beware of the costs


    obviously the last one need not apply.  and the of the rest my costs were much smaller.

    the citizens advice bureau taks you thoiygh a fiance visa
    for an unmar
    ried partner
    for a step by srep guide
    the cost are the same for a fiance visa. see above

  11. there are plenty of standard letter examples on the internet. if you are sponsoring her i fail to see why it matters about her money and how it is paid. the immigrayion are not concerned with that. they want to know have you met her ,where will she be staying, do you or she have sufficient funds for her trip and has she got a returnticket. there is nothiong hard about getting a visa to the uk as logs you read and fufill therequirements on the goevernment web site. The Uk is noi Thailand,

  12. until he has had a psychiatric report then people should hold fire. I realise that in the USA they lock up mentally ill people rather than treat them but  civilised countries  have more compassion.  He may not even  have a mental illness but be suffering from Tourettes syndrome. People who complain he is a redneck and should be sent straight to prison without knowing the full facts behind  this are more of a redneck than he is.

    • Like 1
  13. But it also meant that I, as a British person working in France, has the right to have my Thai wife join me there and then take her back to the UK with me !

    free movement is a two way street 

    no it is not. as a british person and as your  wife is Thati you would have to comply with all British immigration rules. For a non british  EU citizen it is free at least until jan 31st but as a british passport holder you have to pay the fee and pass the income, housing tests. Notarised copies of a translation are requiredfor marriage certifcates when the certificate or marriage book is not  for in English. It is also required when a British person applies for a schengen visa for their spouse.  When i applied the French consulate accepted the english version but the italians insisted on it being in italian and certified by their  foreign embassy. that may have changed as i complained to the EU as i deemd it an unneccessary obstacle to freedom of movement.

  14. Firstly thanks for all the informative comments, though the idea that at 71 you are past it seems a bit off. I have done more travelling around the world since i was 65 than any time in my student days,

    well i should have stated that i am british and live in the UK, although i have lived in China Something an elite . I have no health problems and am still waiting for any signs of ill health or the problems supposedly associated with aging. The idea of a two year visa makes sense as i am in a relationship with a Thai. though i will wish to live with her first before any marriage.  Divorce is really expensive for the man especially if it is done in Britain where the woman can take half your assets including a pension. i do not drink much just an occasional drin now and then or a glass at dinner. Being retired i do not have anything pressing to do all day and can easily read books etc whilst waiting at offices for any processing. I have never been in Hospital since i was born and rarely go to the doctor except for my flu jab and check up once a year. i go to the gym regularly and although i think i look old others include strangers put my age around 50 which i think is silly. Still i suppose it makes up for envying all my mates who looked older  than me when i was at school. My brain is still active and my curiousity unabated. Maybe the result of twn years of higher education. I accept that i may need health insurance but wonder if the cost of £7-8000 a year is actually worth it when the NHS is free and i still would have residence in the UK, which i would not legally have if i had a retirement visa.  An Elite visa gives a free health check up i understand so any problems indicated meant i could return to the uK where two of my children live. i will investigate the two year visa though from what ir read  it would mean getting a police check, health certificate tec etc.

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