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Posts posted by diddlysquat

  1. There are extremes on both sides.... on the whinging side, there are clueless people who want Thailand to be some kind of paradise "like back home," only with cheap Thai stuff (of all sorts). On the whinging about the whinging side, there are the silly people who "defend" Thailand from all criticism, post stuff like "like it or leave it," "we are guests" and are pretty blind to the real faults and downsides of Thai culture/life. As long as you're somewhere in the middle, you're probably ok, and a heckuva lot more interesting to talk to.


    A marvellous post. EXACTLY how I see it, but I could not have put it so eloquently.

    God save us from those who do not understand you can love a country and peoples whilst accepting it and they have many flaws. There are many I have come across who think any criticism of Thailand is a personal affront.

  2. Your visa is not affected by a loss of job (only an extension of stay is) so if you are here on 90 day stays you can remain until your normal permitted to stay stamp and if your visa is multi entry you can then return again.

    I understand. That makes sense. Thanks Lopburi.

    Ching Ching

    The OP is Dutch. Visa is English for the Dutch word Visum.

  3. I visited the Thai embassy in London today and spoke to a lady there.

    She tells me that you can't get a work permit on a non immigrant o visa and that I will have to change it to a 'b' if I require a work permit!

    I didn't see the point in arguing with her. I'll try immigration in Chiang Mai next week and let you know the score.

    I'm sorry you had a wasted journey.

    No wonder there is so much confusion on this forum when the people who are paid to know the ;law are pig-ignorant.

  4. Several factors are involved. Do you have a signed agreement that will allow the funds transfer? Not sure about Europe but USA this is required by most banks if you can not be there in person. Time is kind of short. You will need a re entry permit at 1,000 baht if you did obtain to allow travel. So unless getting another non immigrant is a problem I would just get a new one, make sure you bank is ready, and sometime after you return apply for the retirement extension.


    This is purely an academic question.

    A person has a multi-entry B visa and WP permit which he renews every time he re-enters. Because of his salary he does not qualify for one year extensions.

    He loses his job, the WP is cancelled and, I assume, he gets 7 days to leave Thailand same as someone on a one year extension. If his visa has not expired can he re-enter for another 90days or is his visa cancelled?

  5. There is a certain type of "Expat". They are the ones who are"getting away" from all their troubles back home. Financial problems, relationships gone bad, run in with the law or the taxman, whatever. Suddenly that place in the sun seems like a great place to be. It's the other side of the fence where the grass will be greener and their lives will be better. It's almost like being on the run.

    They will arrive at their new home, maybe start a business (usually a bar) meet new people and start new relationships. All is well. Then they suddenly find out that, for all the reasons their lives were f***ed up back home, things are going wrong in their new country. It's not the country they were liviing in that's the problem - it's them!

    I agree.

    Also there are those who were running away from nothing but simply thought life here would be wonderful. For a number of years it was but as they get older they become homesick. The problem is they have burnt their boats and do not have the financial resources to return home. They then feel trapped here and slowly begin to resent Thailand.

    I agree with others here who would prefer to read a good whinge than someone saying how wonderful life is here. Like newspapers. If it was all good news they'd go out of business.

  6. I think most cases of food poisoning are down to faecal contamination of food. Many (most?) Thais do not wash their hands after doing a "number 2" but use the water sprays which are probably contaminated and spray minute quantities of "number 2" onto the hand. Then a final wipe with a tissue.

    I'd like to think that in large hotels and pricier restaurants the staff are required to wash hands thoroughly.

  7. Perhaps you would have been better off finding out about your real situation as regards the Chinese authorities in the first place.

    If a Chinese suspects has come to the attention of the Chinese authorities for dissent, he'd be pretty daft to approach them. They are not reknowned for tolerance, fair treatment or respect for human rights.

    That said, like others I am convinced this article is a work of fiction.

  8. The situation is this:

    Foreigner living and working in Thailand for several years on non-imm B visa with work permit loses his job.

    He is married to a Thai national with a luuk kreung, what are requirements to change visa to non-imm O visa?

    There are sufficient savings to support the immigration requirements for non-imm O (400,000) from the previous job. Will this be accepted or does an additional 400k need to be brought in from overseas?

    You pose a very good question.

    Vinnys link to immigration police website does not seem to give the answer.

    I do know someone who was in a similar position (but no kid). He had lost his job some months previously but remained in LOS on his B visa (don't know whether his WP was cancelled as the law requires - I never asked). He went to immigration just before his permission to stay expired. His savings were accepted, but whether that was at the imm officers discretion or is policy I don't know. He was unsure what to do and simply filled out TM7 and was given under consideration stamp and return in 28 days, when he was given an O visa. His wife did all the talking. He did not have to go through the interim "change visa" process.

    But that is just one persons story.

  9. Hi,

    I am a Dutchman and 52 years old.

    I want to retiire in Thailand and have recently rented an appartment in Bangkok for a year. I have also opened my bank-account already.

    Currently I am here on a Non-Immigrant "B" visum, but that will expire soon.

    In two weeks time I will be returning to Holland for a few weeks and my original plan was to obtain a Non-Immigrant "O" visum in Holland and than after returning to Thailand finalise the application to change it to a retirement visum here in Bangkok at the Immigration Bureau.

    My question is whether it would be better for me to transfer 800.000 Baht to my account here, get a medical certificate and apply for the retirement visum here in Bangkok before I leave on my trip to Holland.

    Appreciate any comments and suggestions,



    Yes, you are permitted to change your B visa to O for retirement in Bangkok. My understanding is you must have 21days left on you existing permission to stay and will be required to return to immigration toward the end of that 21day period. You are only here for another 2 weeks so I think it is not a practical option.

  10. Lets drop the flaming and accusations and try to stick to factual confirmation of what is a very serious topic.

    A very good point sbk, and one that the concerned parents in Korat do try to stick to!

    However not always possible when a know it all newbie is continually allowed to make such preposterous accusations.... :o:D

    The operator of Korat website forum (Sportrider) asks here why I think he is using this serious topic as a cover to advertise his website, saying his is a "not for profit" site. The answer is in his own words on his site. He intends to set up an online realty agent through his site. He is undoubtedlty thinking ahead about sponsorship once he has a credible membership.

  11. 1 - like any concerned intelligent person I sought information, clarification,

    2 - I lack mpdkorat's command of the one-word sentence, but it certainly seems appropriate in this case.

    Point one. So did I.

    Point two. I refer you to my earlier reply.

    I for one am fed up with you using this forum to publicise and justify your own provincial chat room.

    So give it a rest

    As for why I left? I doubt if anyone on TV could care less and I have no intention of assisting in your market research. For the benefit of TV members how many members have YOU accumulated, excluding those with multiple identities used to bump up the numbers? Strange that as all your members meet each other at piss-ups and BBQs that they need to converse through a Korat chatroom.

    And for the amusement of TV members, Sportrider is paranoid. He is suggesting in his chatroom that TV is introducing imposters to sabotage the site. So thats even more members you can deduct from the total.

    For me, this topic is closed.

    Feel free to have the last word.

  12. Buriram

    My oldest son almost 4 yrs, has gotten sick coffin and having slime in his troath and very hot skin, but when checking temperature he is normal 37,5 celsius.

    In the morning we went to our doctor whom also delivered my son, and checked him out,

    4 different bottles paracetamol, Chlorpheniamine maleate, Brompheniramine maleate, and RANCIL Amoxicillin.

    He told my wife that he knew about the situation in Korat and for us to look for any stiffness or bleeding from nose etc that might occurand if so go straight to the hospital.

    The thing is that my wife didnt tell me about it, i confronted her with the info from thaivisa and she sad, yes the doctor told me in the morning about it.

    Idont belive that my son is that very ill but you never know so all the info i get the more i know how to respond correct.

    I think there will be som topsalopsalay when she gets back later, it so typical to only say what se prefer to say as it might be difficult to explain whats it all about.

    Ill get back later on the issue of his wellbeing and the shitty explanation my wife will tell about not telling the hole story.



    Rest easy. You doctor obviously has diagnosed your son as suffering a bacterial infection, hence prescribing Amoxicillin.

    Nose bleeding is NOT a sympton of Enterovirus 71 which is rarely fatal even in children.

    Those others spouting virus 71 have not the first idea what it is. Makes them sound impressive though.

    Take it easy on your wife. The Doctor could not have informed her of the alleged outbreak in Korat unless he reads a local sad farangs forum. More likely your wife will not allow you to believe you know something she doesn't. A cultural thing.

    So far there is NO CONFIRMATION of an outbreak of a viral epedemic in Korat. Just members of another forum trying to outdo each other with each claiming they have unnamed sources who strangely choose to confide in farangs but not local schools. A cover up my arse!!!. Not as though it could affect the tourist industry.

    There is nothing on the ministry website, the British Consul knows nothing. Local Thais know nothing, schools no nothing. Only ex-pats. You are witnessing an outbreak of mass hysteria amongst the farang community, and like most viral infections there is no cure.

    Any comment on the above, <deleted> !

    I see the entire cast of koratfarangdotcom have been conscripted to rail against me.

    At the time I posted the outbreak had not been authoriatively confirmed so I stand by what I wrote.

    My supposition that goofy's childs doctor had been misinterpreted was absolutely accurate.

    And Willyw@nker is a fine childrens book, MPD, so if you read it a couple more times you may be able to progress to more adult material, which you probably keep in your bedside table for self gratification anyway.

    Try harder.

  13. Diddly: 'parochial'? Duh.. that's the whole point!

    When you have shared a beer or a BBQ with the contributors, you don't need to ask for proof what their doctors said about such a serious subject.

    I disagree with the implication that Derek put children's lives at risk. You chose not to take him at his word.



    This is becoming quite ridiculous. I have not had a beer or a BBQ with contributors so your line of argument is trite.

    If you post about trivial matters then fine, it is reasonable to expect only lighthearted banter

    But if you post here with very serious matters (whilst simultaneously advertising a rival website) then expect robust responses demanding substantiation.

    Don't excuse yourselves by saying you were right all along.

  14. No children died because I would not breach a confidence on a public forum, and for you to suggest so was completely out of order.

    Don't dig an even bigger hole for yourself. Someone has just reported above that 5 more children are now in a coma.

    If someone had shouted sooner maybe just one infection could have been avoided?

  15. On a more positive note, dependent on your point of view of course, I do wonder why To have a problem with that I can only guess you are either unhappy with your own wife or perhaps your life in general. Whichever one it is, I wish you luck in sorting it out then perhaps you too could enjoy yourself on threads a little more. :o

    Well you've got me sussed. Both apply to me I suppose. If we all had fullfilling contented lives we wouldn't have landed ourselves here and the last thing we'd be doing is posting in an up market chatroom.

    What's your explanation BKK madness? :D

  16. The point I was making is that Thais exercise freedom to say what they think of people - fat, short, tall , fat, thin, white, black or pink. In England we are told that referring to anyone who isn't white, hetrosexual, and of English ancestory is insulting and prejudiced. OK maybe I'm overdoing it here but I hope you get my drift.

    Indeed. Because for the Thai being PC means being too sh*t scared to express an opinion about the government (until now maybe) or the police or the local politicians or cr*p school teachers or the corrupt village boss or even the repugnant next door neighbour, or anything that matters. Except maybe what they think of the farang. They will say that openly provided your back is turned!

    As for the English being overly PC. In public yes. In private we are as racist, sexist as ever. And thank God for that. It is our belief that we are superior that gives us the moral courage to fight for what we think is right. If we read a woman has been killed or maimed do we not feel more outraged than if it were a man? Yes. Because we are sexist.

  17. Thanks all for your replies. I 'll go to the embassy on wednesday [ they're closed for the next two days] just for peace of mind and let you know what the outcome is.

    The right decision. It is not Samran or I or any of the others here who will process your WP application.

    And why he should impress upon you the need not to look boozed up is quite a puzzle. Unless he speaks fromexperience :o:D

  18. Just so people can form an opinion on the “enlightened” Stickman’s view of the World I am quoting 2 readers submissions as well as the comment Stickman made to them. The views he are promoting are deeply degrading and frankly untrue. I find it hard to believe that reasonably educated and critical people can respect this guy.
    To put it plainly, these girls are toys. Play with the toy until you get bored with it. Then throw it away and find another one to play with. Simple advice, easy to follow, and you will enjoy everything Thailand has to offer without the suffering.

    Stickman's thoughts:

    An excellent submission, excellent story, and excellent advice.

    the way they look at the females is different. They are raised, educated (if possible), clothed, and groomed to snare the richest man possible and bring the most money back to the family both in the way of sin sot, monthly allowances, and “face” or enhanced community position. Female children are property first, family second. The goal is for the daughter to bring in as much in the way of money as they can and that is that. Farangs are like hitting the lotto and in most cases will never be accepted as “family” because they’re simply not Thai, so many families and indeed entire communities will participate in elaborate charades to milk the farang for as much as the cow can give, all the while knowing the Thai lady will end up dumping him when she gets what she can and then moving on to another victim. This might be another farang, but eventually it will be another Thai man who the family and village will accept despite that her dealings / marriages / affairs with farangs lower her status as a person in the process.

    Stickman's thoughts:

    This doctor of yours sounds seriously cool. I loved what she said about the sin sot. She sounds really switched on.

    I am dissapointed no one has pointed out what to me seems pretty obvious.

    Stickman is being ironic, sarcastic. He means the exact opposite. He is in fact expressing contempt of the views expressed by his correspondents.

    I don't agree with all he writes but he is, in my view, the most articulate commentator on Thailand. I find his views well thought and genuinely held. I find his articles do give a balanced and insightful view of Thai life, although I would prefer more of his insight and less commentary on night life.

  19. Folks, yesterdays newspaper confirms 5 children dead, 2 in Sikhiu and 3 from other Korat areas. The article mentions Enterovirus. The article suggests to take care if your children are under 5 - no food from the street, don't share food or drink. If symptoms are such as high temperature, continually sick, stomache ache and not eating/drinking then get medical attention immediately. The virus can kill within 2 days.

    If you or someone you know can read Thai, the article is here: http://koratfarangdotcom.googlepages.com/virus.pdf


    I would hope immediate medical attention be sought for a child suffering the above symptons whether or not a health warning was issued.

    In responce to a previous post which quotes deaths from an outbreak of EV71. This refers to deaths amongst serious cases not all cases.

    I have carefully considered whether I owe Dereklev an apology. I was wrong and am sorry for that. Not for myself but for the fact children have died. Let us hope there are no more deaths.

    I too was concerned. I, like most ex-pats with Thai wives, have a large extended family although fortunately none under 5. I had initially taken the story, posted in another forum, at face value and asked around my Thai relatives in the area who themselves asked around. But they all dismissed the story.

    I myself was very very sceptical and, yes, dismissive, assuming the rumour mill was at work.

    I asked for the name of a single health professional who could possibly be persuaded to come public. But Dereklev considered he had a duty of confidentiality to his doctor. I understand and respect his reasons. But I do not agree with him where children lives are at risk. Therefore I am unable to offer an apology.

    Maybe it was a farang who tipped off the newspaper.

    I understand the references to Isaac now. I cancelled my membership of the other place, he/she hasn't. I left because after reading through the threads I decided it was too parochial a forum, intolerant of criticism of Korat (I have no criticisms of Korat, other than it is a dull place -and I doubt few on Thaivisa would disagree), intolerant of lively debate but tolerant of rudeness.

    It was through that forum I learnt of this place and Stickmanbangkok (read his writings on Korat and its' expats - he says he has received a lot of abusive e-mails from Korat which validates his writings). So thank you koratfarangdotcom.

    My disdain for the other forum is verging on contempt. Consider the snide attitute taken by members of that other place to KoratConnect comments in this thread. He is trying to be helpful. Consider the nasty, concerted vindictive campaign against him in the Korat forum and consider who really deserves an apology.

  20. I don't think it is neccesary to go to the Enbassy - I have a Non-Immigrant O from Hull, which has the Employment Prohibited stamp, I just signed for my Work Permit yesterday...

    The embassy had a reputation for bloody mindedness.

    Hull have a reputation for a relaxed attiude in issuing visas. So I wonder why they are doing this.

    One location could be someones error, two must be a deliberate policy.

    I think Anonymouse should still go to the embassy for the purpose of forum research to see what they say. :o

  21. Anonymouse.

    A mistake has been made.

    In another thread you wrote that you obtained your one year multi O based on marriage from the Thai consulate Hull. Hull don't issue O-A retirement so that can't explain it. They do issue O visas on the basis you intend to apply for retirement extension within Thailand, which could.

    I suggest you go to the embassy/consulate who issued it to get it rectified.

    You may find that in Thailand it will be assumed you applied based on retirement and, before issuing a work permit, you will be invited to obtain an extension based on marriage which can take time.

    Thanks all for your replies.

    my visa is a non o based on marriage to a Thai national I'm 40 yrs old so retirement is not an issue. before I left Thailand last month my lawyer suggested that I get a new visa as the 'employment prohibited' stamp may cause problems when applying for a work permit.

    looks like I will have to go the embassy in London next week and try to sort it out.

    Thanks again

    Re-read Lopburi's post. A trip to the embassy won't be needed.

    You'll be fine with the current visa in your passport. It says employment prohibited as the visa itself doesn't give you the right to work, only to enter Thailand for an extended period.

    However, with an 'O' visa in hand, you can apply for a work permit, which will be the instrument which will allow you to work here in Thailand.

    I agree with Samran, although wouldn't have before I knew you were under 50.

    However if a visit to the Embassy is not a great inconvenience I would go for peace of mind, particularly as your lawyer has suggested it. "Employment Prohibited" has been stamped on the visa as a condition of entry. A clerk in the labour office may assume it means what it says and refer you to immigration to get it corrected, and Imm may ask why did you not get it sorted in England.... many on this forum have tales of Thai bureaucracy.

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