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Posts posted by specialk

  1. These have been sent to me anon...

    maybe just gossip but everything seems to be leading me back to Herbal life

    (not saying/suggesting anything just in case ...OK) :o

    Any another 2 names to add to the lads history....

    and believe Queenie is ....Dig Deeper and find out..........

    ..herbalife mark hughes' colleague and geri cvitanovich dubie's divorced hubbie daniel dubie shot

    Under the "You can not make this stuff up" category there is much more dirt in the Herbalife MLM "dark and evil" empire.

    Daniel Dubie (aka George Patrick Dubie name on his CA drivers liscence, Christian Hart, Ahmed Silibi Oman Dubie) was killed by long time "common law" canadian "wife" Margaret Crane (aka Jeana Hart). Perhaps...


    Just on time - Sam guide, Thu Oct 6 13:48:59 2005

    Yes! Geri Cvitanovich "image" and open, very fake marriage to Daniel is confirmed.

    Geri is VERY good and putting on a "SHOW" for the herbalife family just ask Queenie....

    Daniel has many many women around the world....

    Their lifestyle is just a "PHONEY SHOW" It is a VERY unhappy marriage.....

    They are secretly seperated...Ask Queenie....SHARE THIS MESSAGE

    I am very saddened and shocked by the horrific events reported regarding Daniel.

    He had called me a month ago and we spoke at length. I was sorry to hear that his mother had just passed away.

    I loved him very much. I had a lot of anger towards him about his actions from the past. He did try to make things right with me and I honor that. It all seems so sad now. I could not fully forgive him and I regret that. I am humbled by his tragic death and the reminder that we all will die. I forgive him and I wish him peace. He was a remarkable person full of energy, magic and enthusiasm for life. I now feel that perhaps even he got carried away in his own spells, exuberant visions and great “plans”. He had the most remarkable eyes and gaze. I support the efforts to uncover the truth of his complex and secretive life history. It seems that some of his choices and actions led to a great deal of suffering and that many were hurt and angered (I was and took all the appropriate steps I could to address the effects of his actions) but he was greatly loved. May the best of him live on in his children.

    I would like to send this message to Felecia or Vanessa. Can you help me to do that?

    To address some questions raised in this forum:

    Daniel (George Patrick) Dubie and Geraldine Cvitanovich were legally married and legally divorced in Hawaii. Readers can look on the Hawaii Judicary court records web site for this documentation.

    Meaning of the name-Jadeavassociates was Jade + ava (Avatar Productions another of Daniels Production companies).

    Daniel did have 2 films shown in the Hawaiian film festival. These were documentary types.

    Hello, this is specialk, I'm Karen Davis and was once Kari Dubie and am also looking for Felicia or Shawnie for Kalina and for their mother Sylvie/Patti. I live in Olympia, Washington with George's second, third and fourth children. I do know Vanessa was first. I met her when I first had Jamil and she was only around three years old. George was able to take her to get a smoothie at a local health food store on Hawaii. I remember her, she was a beautiful little girl, like probably all his kids are. I even have a nice slide(pic.) of Vanessa and George together taken around 1977. Contact me please if you hear of anything from them. I would love to communicate. Someday, we will all have to try and have a half brother/sister reunion. That would be amazing!!!!!! with love to all, Karen/Kari

  2. well there does seem to be another fact in that she stalked him

    (they fought she got the gun - oh come on - get real - did you see the size of the guy) leave this one open as witness credibility needs to be sustained -

    she is sick and needs to be off the streets - she killed someone - and in turn ruined many lives - see the pic of the grieving widow

    shocked or not by my comments

    I am just sick to death of do gooders that get these sicko's off on a sympathy defence -

    Blackjack did you know Daniel or Jeanna for that matter, it seems that you believe everything you read in the news papers (fact or not).

    You need to read posts further back and then you may realise that this guy was no saint and that he has hurt a lot of poeple in his passed and even maybe in his time in chiang mai.

    You also don't know anything about what he may have done to Jeanna and her children, read the posts by specialk and also some of the links that members have found relating to this guy.

    What she did was wrong but don't judge her until you actually know some facts.

    Right on, you tell old Blackjack. It's a long way from over. Thanks Fruittbat

  3. [

    specialk, how did you know Jeana/Margaret/ Maggie? did you know her in Chiang Mai or Hawaii? Have you had any contact with her since she has been arrested?

    I knew her in Hawaii. She has a girl the same age as mine. they were born on two months apart in 1980. We go way back. No, I haven't been able to speak with her, although I would love to.

    why hava'nt you gone to see Jeanna? I'm sure if you go way back then she would love to see you. :o

    I live in the USA, rolleyes, you should go back and read my other intry's, and see that Jeanna shot the father of my three beautiful. now grown up, children.

  4. it's hard to believe that so many are so upset by: if he made films, if he didn't, if he was a reporter for cnn or not, if this, if that.

    You are all still missing the point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll agree that George could have done all of this and so much more, he was brillant. I lived with him, did you???? He could have used his talents for so.....much good, but didn't. If he made a film, it was probably porn, and if he seemed to be helping people, it was cuz he wanted to scam them. Sorry, guys, but George's legacy will be that he left many children un cared for and that's that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rest in ?????????????????????? KEOKI

  5. You morons, lots of independent film makers screen their films at these venues and are not on the

    "official program".

    Why are you so anxious to discredit him?

    Get a life.

    Well that seemed to get right up your nose gringo, I wonder why? :o

    There is no good reason to "discredit" the deceased as he did a flawless job of that himself.

    The only losers here are the people (predominately women) who seemed to have gotten themselves sucked in by this guy, and continue to bear the cost of their follies.

    As said mostly women apart from MR JRingo that is. :D

  6. Well rin you keep banging that computer and you'll find something to wind up readers - get a conspiracy going & a blunt skull. Sadly I can't seem to find anyone who did know him in CM and the truth is I've always wanted to meet a cult leader, nice little internet business to set up in LOS methinks :D

    None of the long term old CM expats or newer bar drinking types know of him. I think it's in the yogi - thai massage student crowd where you might find some of his supporters they were at the W Earth Vegan place after all

    Sure He probably deserved to have her pull a gun and ventilate him right :o lots of people do in your worlds .... not that you guys know JACK except what can cobble off the net but as you have too much free time .. carry on

    Sadly the only person I met in person was was none other than the accused back on June 4th to be exact, one strange person. Some on this forum have said 'harmless' I say Woo Woo Obsessive Compulsive. Not a good personality type to be hanging with Jesus (or SATAN) .... but that is who they attract isn't it.

    Uh Oh, Oh my. Now this can't be good

    Death Penalty 'Brings Peace"

    "The death penalty was abolished in the Philippines last week, but Thailand continues to embrace it. Representatives from three major political parties yesterday told a seminar that they either supported the death penalty or believed Thai society was unprepared to live without it. "If the death penalty brings peace to society, Thailand doesn't need praise from the international community for abolishing it," Pongthep Thepkanchana of the Thai Rak Thai Party told an audience that included diplomats, human rights activists, politicians and legal experts."

    I don't want your kind of peace!!! I have no love loss for Margeret/Jean, I have known her for 27 years, but I, 100 percent, don't want her to have the death sentence for killing George. I was under his spell for only 7 years and have three of his children. She has been with this brain washing, conning, liar for around 26 years and has at least 5 of his children. Can you tell me this anyone,, were those little babies living high on the hog in George's and his girlfriends fancy home????? Didn't think so. You don't know what can happen when a mind finally snaps!!!!!

  7. This is a plea for anyone out there to help me get in touch with FELICIA. I am know as Kari Dubie, but my name is Karen Davis. My daughter is Calista, your half sister. my e-mail is [email protected] and phone is 360 3522587. We love and miss you very much. I miss your mom more than you could know. Now is the time to reconnect. Love, Karen

    Hi Kari,

    the last I heard in this forum re Margaret/Jeanna's children was that the Canadian Consulate here advised they were being cared for. You could try contacting the Consulate but I'm sure they will not give out information re the kids' location. They would probably only be able to confirm that they are OK.

    thank you for replying. Felicia, though is not the daughter of Maggies, aka Margaret/Jean, but of George and Sylvie's and I was told helped to care for Maggies children. She would be about 20 maybe. Do you know someone named Sylvie/Patti???

  8. okay,here goes the real truth and nothing but the truth. I swear on my life. I've been logging on to this site often for the past few days and didn't know if I would ever respond, but now feel I should. My name is Kari, I was the common law wife of the deceased, George Patrick Dubie. We lived on the island of Kauai, HI. I have three children by George. a son 28 born April 12 1978, a daughter 26, born Feb 22 1980 and another son 24, born May 8 1982. Most of the time I called George, Keoki, but around 1979 he insisted I start calling him Shon. George was born March 17 1950. He did indeed claim to be of God and that he could do miracles, he liked to call them "changes of realities" We had many members of our group that was know as the "Signifigance". He brain washed many. My daughter was the one that was abducted. That time was almost unbearable and the only thing that kept me somewhat sane were my two sons. 6 1/2 years George kept her from me. Why? because I had wanted out of the cult, he pysically and mentally tortured me and many others. I tryed to run a few times, always to be found, locked up and punished and not let out until he thought I would obey him again. He's a very evil man. but, even I didn't want him dead! Now there is no chance that my children and their many 1/2 brothers and sisters and his many victims can ever have real justice. I would have rather had him rot in jail. I, at least had the satisfaction of being the one who had him put in jail for a year on Oahu. Another very special lady helped me do this. She has 4 children by him. The one in jail I hear has at least 5 with him. I know of an older daughter before my son and none of are sure how many more there are.

    these abused and abanded children are the innocent victims of George Patrick Dubie!!!! Did you all notice........He didn't rise on the third day after his death...What's with that KEOKI

  9. Tried to edit my previous post mentioning Jon Onuma and Jadeavassociates but could not for some reason.

    Check this out from a site dedicated to the disappearance of Kristen Modafferi (http://www.findkristen.com/Index.html). Jon Onuma is suspected of involvement, and was known to associate with Dubie. Note the Hawaii connection. Perhaps he was indeed selling Makeup CDs on eBay from Hawaii??:

    BTW, the Kristen site has an update about Dubie being murdered.

    He has since 'fled' or 'moved' to Kaneohe, Hawaii and curiously ends up living alone in an million dollar plus home with several acres of land and a great view of the ocean on one side and cascading waterfalls on the other. He was driving a late model gleaming Mercedes Benz convertible. Somehow he hooked up with the homeowner by telling him he was a professional videoographer. (He stole the camera equipment from a woman who claims he sexually assaulted her and threaten to kill her.) This woman googled his name and learned of our website and contacted us.

    The home was owned by a man named Daniel Dubie, a man who literally claims to be Jesus and has scammed millions from naive followers. He owned the Kaneohe estate with his wife, Geri Cvitanovich, one of the founding members of Herbalife and a legitimate hardworking millionaire. She has since divorced Dubie. Dubie was arrested in the 1980's by the FBI for kidnapping - although it was a child custody thing - not a random abduction.

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