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Everything posted by TooMuchTime

  1. A young person with covid experiencing no or very minor symptoms, wow what are the odds!
  2. muh variant. I wonder if this variant will have the same death rate as all the other variants of <1% of which are highly skewed towards elderly. People will be having fevers and muscle aches for a week and carry on after.
  3. Overwhelming majority of deaths are the elderly with multiple comorbidities. Wonder why so many people here want kids vaccinated when they make up nearly none of the deaths. Why waste limited vaccine supply on a large % of the population that has near 0 risk of dying from covid? Wouldn't it be smarter to allocate supplies to elderly people, the group most at risk of dying from covid, who choose the injection? Seems odd many people here trust for profit companies with a history of legal and ethics troubles. Free choice is a beautiful thing that many here don't believe in because Pharma company lobbied enough money to change their mind. Stats who those under 50 are unlikely to die of COVID https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#demographics Using this CDC data set shows the same. I broke it up into two different date periods. https://data.cdc.gov/d/vbim-akqf/visualization These comorbidities don't look like something normal people under 50 would have.. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/covid19/mortality-overview.htm
  4. Why is the hospital so expensive, especially in Thailand? I thought that pricing was an American thing. What is the point in having required insurance for covid if you can't even use it for covid expenses...?
  5. Being a marxist is not something to be proud about. Would never want to be compared to che guevara.
  6. Trust The Science everyone. We need boots on the ground to ensure no one is drinking past designated hours. Be vigilant and report wrong doers, we are saving lives!
  7. Every decade "climate change" flip flops from being too cold and then too hot. I thought the ozone layer and ice caps were supposed to be gone over 20 years ago?
  8. Why no longer putting recoveries in the title? It is good to show that recoveries have been higher than case count day by day.
  9. This is how modern science and research works. Major companies hire studies to be done on their product to provide professional data showing their product is good with a seal of approval. Typically the research will not show anything majorly negative because then major companies will not want to hire those scientists/researchers. Show a negative image to a company? Get ready to be blacklisted and not receive funding from anyone. Good bye career unless you can find any remaining funding sources. Companies pay researchers to prove their product is good. The conclusion is set, they just need to find a way to make it look legit. Real research doesn't start with a conclusion.
  10. Doesn't matter. Before tourists are set free to roam around they are negative. Plus if they are VAXXED, they can't catch or spread covid right? Trust The Science.
  11. lol at the long section on entry requirements. Just make it as simple as 2 years ago. Buy a ticket, show up and get your visa exempt stamp.
  12. Kids are not at risk of dying from covid. Only the elderly and those with multiple comorbidities. Tell me how vaccinated kids will save everyone. Why not just allow everyone to choose if they want to be vaccinated? The elderly and those at risk can choose if they want the vaccine or not. Stats show that elderly make up the vast majority of deaths 65+ make up 13% of cases but 78% of deaths. 0-17 make up 15% of cases but 0.1154% of deaths Thailand having limited supply of vaccines, you wish to inject the kids which make up nearly 0% of the deaths instead of just encouraging the elderly to make the choice of being injected. I can tell you don't know anything and probably never had to make important decisions in your life/career as you never use numbers in your argument, just feelings. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#demographics More fun stats for you to review https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/covid19/mortality-overview.htm Most common comorbidities don't look like things you typically find in kids/teens huh.. They seem to match common issues that elderly people have..
  13. >when the world is ready The people are ready, unless you consider a small group of "leaders" as your overlord. I hope you aren't the type who just waits for daddy govt to tell you what to do and how to think,
  14. Oh look another variant. Can't wait for the media fearmongering hype. Meanwhile everyone who can read statistics realizes they have a near 0 chance of dying from covid given that they aren't elderly with multiple comorbidities. Which approach this time? Shut down everything and local vaccine passports? Or can we just continue on like normal and everyone can take their individual precautions. The vaccines work remember!
  15. This is for your own safety!! Just comply to your overlords and everything will be fine. They may even give you a free donut if comply early!
  16. Is this the same vaccine brand that those Nordic countries stopped giving out to younger people due to myocarditis risk?
  17. Yep fearmongers who don't look at data and just read news articles provided by pfizer think covid is the black plague https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#demographics They feel we need to vaccinate the groups with the least likelihood of death from covid. Younger people are also the most at risk of myocarditis side effect from the vaccines. Experts say that if Pfizer is approved for elementary school children, Pfizer executives will see a huge sales bonus!! Profits over people. Trust "The Science". Remember that elderly have had plenty of time to get the vaccine if they choose to. Even if they hadn't, it wouldn't be smart to waste supplies on those with near 0 risk when there are elderly people who would greatly benefit from the vaccine. 65+ account for 77.8% of covid deaths but only 12.7% of cases. I think they need it more than the kids. 0-17: 0.12% of covid deaths and 14.64% of cases.
  18. What rate are people in each age group being hospitalized or dying? I will give you a hint, it is very low for those under 50. Extremely rare under 20. Old people had enough time to get the vaccine if they choose to. Time to move on and get back to normal. I am sure all the people who lost their job/business are tired of "protecting" those who had more than enough time to get the vaccine.
  19. This shows how much of a joke the whole process is. Just video chat with a Dr and say "yea bro I don't have any symptoms, give me certificate now". Reminds me of a friend getting a "medical marijuana" card. All he said on the app was that he had anxiety and he was approved!
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