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Everything posted by TooMuchTime

  1. They just need to add dedicated immigration lines at Arrival/Departure for Americans. Not sure why we have to wait with those other foreign people.
  2. Took this advice when they first started talking about how putting a cloth piece over your mouth stops transmission. Was always the only person on BTS/MRT not wearing a mask. No one confronted me about it and if they did, I would just look at them briefly then carry on.
  3. The chinese injections are good. You are spreading covid misinformation and sinophobia.
  4. What percent are over 70 and died of covid and not "with covid"
  5. Cmon guys just get your injections so we can have our freedoms back. It isn't that hard. What are you scared of a little jab for? It isn't going to kill you!!
  6. Because some people are 50 years younger than you and don't have the reaper right behind them.
  7. Silently ban weed again and lock up all the doped up farang and have them pay their way out. Easy money.
  8. I drive better with a buzz going on anyways. I know from driving on private roads where it was legal to do so.
  9. I am pretty sure most Thais have their own bed. I am fully unvaccinated and just laid in my bed for 2 days when I had covid. Just slept all day and was better on the 3rd.
  10. covid is a meme at this point and each variant just sounds like some car trim level on a camry.
  11. Who knows but I will be getting double boosters to make sure I dont die!! Anyone else getting super boosted to make sure they live longer? Wouldn't want to not get more boosters and end up on that graph,
  12. The less farang meddling in illegal activities the better.
  13. Fully pureblood and got covid. Lasted about 2 days and I just slept it off and continued my day as normal. Always went about maskless in California and Thailand.
  14. Nothing more beautiful than seeing countries worldwide printing money to keep buying the almighty USD. Your downfall is my gain.
  15. Good. More guns in the hands of people creates a polite society. No need for euros or aus people to take part in this discussion.
  16. Yea it basically sums to many Thais doing as they are told due to fear of how they may be viewed by others.
  17. So you admit you only care about yourself? Do you think that is fair for Pfizer shareholders? Get your boosters and make the shareholders happy.
  18. First call of action is to eliminate the dissidents. They can start with the farangs which post fake news about him on this forum.
  19. Pathetic. Should've face the consequences of being a criminal. PAY YOUR DUES
  20. Them pesky Americans at it again
  21. covid is over. time to move on from tyrants.
  22. Right after I tell the millions who got covid and never showed symptoms or the ones who were sick for just a few days.
  23. There is no rule that you have to wear a mask. You mean mob rule or a legal law?
  24. Damn, so people who didnt get fully injected may have gotten covid and not even know it? Looks like there was no need for them to get fully injected in that case. Less symptoms than a cold doesn't seem too serious.
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