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Everything posted by TooMuchTime

  1. Economic shutdown to prevent a minority of people? COVID is here for ever and will not go away. You will never vaccinate the world all at once to prevent any mutations. Think of the logistics. Protect those at risk and move on. A more virulent form does not equate to more deadly. Think of the cold (another coronavirus) or flu. The other vaccines you mention are STERILIZING vaccines and offer decades/lifetime of IMMUNITY. We know how much doses is needed and how long it lasts.
  2. They do accept the risk because they chose to get it. Death rates are very low for people under 50. Majority of deaths are skewed to elderly and those with multiple diseases. You can find this data on CDC stats. People at Johns Hopkins even made a simple calculator to determine your risk factor. https://covid19risktools.com:8443/ Mine is 1.1 in 1 million chance of death from COVID.
  3. To use wordplay and make people who didnt take the vaccine feel bad. If unvaccinated people chose not to take it, they also accept the risks associated with it. If you take the vaccine and still get infected... you should question the vaccine. I guess we'll see if ADE kicks in for the booster folks and how TV man may try to spin it. They should develop a sterilizing vaccine instead.
  4. Yes. As I said, look at the trend and compare it to everywhere else in the world. The same bell curve you see isn't by chance. Remember I stated TREND and not absolute case count.
  5. Isn't that what testing and clinical trials are for? This would be good to know beforehand. Before the "vaccine passports" and get "get vaccinated before you can work" things that are happening in the world. COVID is definitely unique in that you can be infected and not even know it. I've read around 40% of cases are asymptomatic.
  6. What about the part of only at risk should be recommended for receiving it but others can if they choose to? This way there is no economic shutdown and life can continue on as normal without any elements or coercion. Don't forget that the vast majority of deaths/hospitalizations come are from the elderly.
  7. Is that the seasonal vaccine that is recommended for the elderly and those at risk or serious harm from the flu? I think you may be on to something. We should follow the same protocol for the flu vaccine for the covid one. At risk get the vaccine while everyone else can choose to. No economic shutdowns, no coercion.
  8. It is a good sample size to see the trend. You learn this in a basic stats class.
  9. 6 month effectiveness for a vaccine sounds like a poorly designed vaccine. All the ones I took last decades or a lifetime. I still can't get an answer on how much injections are needed to provide immunity. Usually that information is available before release.
  10. Conspiracy theorist spotted. Why do you not believe these numbers when every country follows this same trend? Are you saying that the case count presented isn't 100% correct? Of course it isn't 100% correct but with something called SAMPLING you can be confident in the overall trend. I hope you don't expect any country to capture 100% of call cases.
  11. That is exactly what I am advocating. People to make their own personal health decisions without any coercion from other individuals, govt entities, or corporations. I hope people do their own research looking at data and get info pushed to them from TV man or anyone else seeking personal gain.
  12. I use data to determine risk factors and go from there. If you have an issue with the data showing majority of individuals are at low risk then nothing can overcome your made up mind and biases. Why should someone with a near 0 chance of dying from covid take the vaccine? I can still get covid, spread it, and be protected for 5 months or so before I need a booster? I'll think twice once covid is a concern for me and the vaccine provides decades/lifetime worth of IMMUNITY like every other vaccine I have taken. I believe only those at risk (elderly, those with severe health issues) should be worried about taking a vaccine. I use data and science. I do not rely on random government organizations and just take their word for it without doing any research. I have nothing to gain. Do they?
  13. I would say a few days is micro. Using a few days to predict the future isn't very smart. I hope you never apply that logic to the stock market. I can see many clusters of the green bars increasing in that graph while still having an overall down trend. The green bars go up, then flat, then fall back down with the trend. Sorry but it is very likely from historical data everywhere else in the world that in one month's time, the 7day case count will be lower.
  14. Why would they be high risk? Have you seen the survival rates for people in normal health and those under 50? They are very high. You can even use this tool by Johns Hopkins to get an assessment of your risk of being unvaccinated. Just put in any zipcode (95120). Don't forget this is relative to the average American which is fat. https://covid19risktools.com:8443/riskcalculator According to the science I have .02 times the risk of the average US person to die of covid. That equates to 1.1 in 1,000,000. I love those odds!
  15. If this still has 100 requirements to enter it won't be risky because no one will come.
  16. You know he is lost since he immediately brings up fox news and "trumpies". People with no logical reasoning usually bring this up as a way to immediately discredit someone, even if that person showed no indication of watching news or being a "trumpie". Same way people used to and actually still call people a certain "1940's German" word to try and shut down discussion.
  17. Who knows but this trend has been observed in other outbreaks and is often taught in middle school biology. Seems like some sort of natural cycle of sort.
  18. So with asymptomatic cases, ATK tests, and lack of testing, you think the true covid case count is significantly higher? What about the death count? Does this mean the death rate is actually lower??
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